
Showing posts from May, 2009

Motor Yacht

Motoryacht 14 Meter Main Particulars Type: Motoryacht Length o.a.: 13,60m Breadth: 4,10m Draught: 1,20m Status: Preliminary design Year: 2004 Further Information Project data General arrangement Design Description Mobile yacht with classic lines, huge owners cabin, exact specification and equipment can be adjusted according to respective customers preferences. Admiral Brommy Main Particulars Type: Passenger Ferry Length o.a.: 24,00m Breadth: 6,00m Draught: 1,00m Status: Preliminary design Year: 2005 Further Information Project data General arrangement Design Description Passenger vessel for combined ferry and cruise service on rivers and coastal waters.

Seafood Paella

Paella Seafood Paella Serves 4 1 onion 100g chunk of chorizo/pepperoni sausage 1 clove garlic 200g risotto rice 400ml stock 1 red pepper, sliced 100g frozen peas 250g mixed seafood 1 lemon Butter. Slice the onion and sausage, and fry in a giant frying pan or wok with oil. Add butter, the garlic and risotto rice and fry until grains become glassy. Then add a bit of stock at a time and stir until it has been absorbed. Add a bit more and continue the process until the rice is soft. This should take 20-30mins, and you need to stir constantly. Chuck in the red pepper, peas and seafood. If you have any turmeric - or anything to turn it yellow - add for colouring. Stir for 2 more minutes until the red pepper is soft and the seafood hot through. Then squeeze in half a lemon and add salt and pepper to taste.

Career in Ship Design

To equip yourself for a career in design you must continually strive to collect data on weights, building costs, & operating costs. You must also continually develop qualitative methods & quantitative values for estimating all of those factors. Make sure your data bank is ready for action whenever you are suddenly called upon to make a withdrawal. After learning what measure of merit the owner finds most convincing, you must try to pin him down on certain necessary details. Included here may be such things as tax rate (including zakat where applicable), depreciation plan, other tax considerations, interest rate, freight rates, charter rates, etc. If the owner considers some of these figures confidential, then you must treat them parametrically - i.e., try to predict the outcome over a bracketing range of values. He should at least give you the brackets. Where cargo or passengers are limited in availability, optimal ship size is not easily found. You will be forced into the orga...

Project Politics

How to Manage Project Politics What happens when your Project Sponsor wants a slightly different outcome for the project than your Customer, Management Team and other Stakeholders want? The answer is that each party tries to influence the project to get what they want-and this is known as "Project Politics". The result is that the team are constantly pushed in different directions, trying to keep everyone happy, but not really doing what they were originally tasked to do which was to deliver a single outcome for the project. In this scenario, the project team becomes stressed, confused, de-motivated and inefficient. So it's your job as a Project Manager to ensure this doesn't happen. Here's how to prevent it. Step 1: Create a Project Board The most critical but challenging step is to get everyone to agree to the same project scope and objectives. The easiest way to do this is to form a Project Board and include your Sponsor, Cus...


UJIAN TERHADAP UMAT ISLAM MASA KINI MARILAH kita meningkatkan ketaqwaan kita kepada Allah Subhanahu Wataala dengan penuh keyakinan dan keikhlasan dengan melakukan segala suruhan-Nya dan meninggalkan segala larangan-Nya. Mudah-mudahan kita akan menjadi insan yang bertaqwa dan beriman serta selamat di dunia dan di akhirat. Sememangnya kehidupan di dunia ini penuh dengan ujian dan dugaan dari Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Ujian tersebut baik berupa kesenangan mahupun kesusahan dan penderitaan adalah bertujuan untuk menguji keimanan, ketaqwaan dan kesabaran seorang Muslim itu. Allah Subhanahu Wataala berfirman dalam Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3 yang tafsirnya : "Patutkah manusia menyangka bahawa mereka akan dibiarkan dengan hanya berkata:kami beriman, sedang mereka tidak di uji dengan sesuatu cubaan?. Dan demi sesungguhnya! Kami telah menguji orang yang terdahulu daripada mereka, maka dengan ujian yang demikian, nyata apa yang diketahui Allah tentang orang-orang yang sebenarnya beriman, dan n...

Doa Mohon Perlindungan Allah SWT

MOHON DILINDUNGI DARI SEGALA MACAM YANG TIDAK BAIK "Ya Allah SWT! Aku mohon dilindungi dari segala macam tingkah laku yang tidak baik, dari segala tindak perbuatan yang tidak baik, dari segala nafsu yang tidak baik, dari segala macam penyakit yang berbahaya." DOA SUBUR MAKMUR "Ya Allah SWT! Semoga aku diberi ampun dari dosaku, diberi kelapangan dalam rumahtangga, diberi restu banyak rezeki." - Riwayat At-Tarmizi UNTUK KESEJAHTERAAN RUMAHTANGGA "Ya Allah SWT! Jadikanlah anak-isteri kami penawar hati & jadikanlah diri kami sebagai pemimpin untuk kaum yang bertaqwa." - Surah Al-furqan, ayat 74

Project Financial Plan

Create a Project Financial Plan Step 1: List the Financial Expenses The first step taken when defining a Financial Plan and setting a project budget, is to identify all of the types of expenses that are likely to be incurred throughout the Project Lifecycle. Typically, most projects spend the majority of their budget on purchasing, leasing, renting or contracting the resources to the project (e.g. labor, equipment and materials). However other types of expenses incurred may include those related to the: Procurement of resources from suppliers Establishment of a Project Office Administration of the project Step 2: Quantify the Financial Expenses Once you have identified a detailed list of expenses to be incurred throughout the project, the next step is to forecast the unit cost of each expense type listed. The unit cost is simply the cost of a single unit of a particular expense item. For instance, the unit cost for: ...


DOA KETIKA MENGHADAPI TEKANAN Surah ALI-‘IMRAN ayat 173 Maksudnya : “ Cukuplah Allah untuk ( menolong ) kami, dan Ia sebaik-baik pengurus ( yang terserah kepada-Nya segala urusan kami ).” Keterangan ayat Menurut al-Imam al-Bukhari, Ibn al-Munzir, al-Hakim dan al-Baihaqi, daripada Ibn Abbas berkata bahawa doa diatas merupakan kalimah yang terakhir diucapkan oleh nabi ibrahim a.s. sebelum dicampakkan ke dalam api. Ia juga diucapkan oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. ketika golongan kafir menakut-nakutkan nabi tentang tentera bersekutu yang akan menyerang Nabi s.a.w. ( Tafsir al-Fakhrurrazi, tafsir ayat 173, surah Ali-Imran. ) Khasiat dan Kaifiat Beramal Amalkan membaca zikir ini apabila berhadapan dengan suasana yang menakutkan atau ketika menghadapi tekanan atau stress. DOA AGAR DIKURNIAKAN NUR Surah al-Tahrim ayat ke 8 Maksudnya : “ Wahai Tuhan kami ! Sempurnakanlah bagi kami cahaya kami, dan limpahkanlah keampunan kepada kami; sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesu...

Islam is a comprehensive model of life

Sayyid Maududi challenged all such misconceptions on a rational basis. As a result of his life-long intellectual and scholastic struggle, it was at last accepted that Islam is a comprehensive model of life, which guides us not only in the affairs of our individual and collective lives but also our international lives. His writing also helped millions of Muslims in regaining their confidence over Islam and in eliminating their sense of inferiority. He wrote an unparalleled critique of socialism, and the modern western thought. Unveiling their waywardness, he interpreted the western thought as modern ignorance. (Even in 1950, Sayyid Maududi had prophesied that one day both Communism and Liberalism would not be able to get a haven even in Moscow, Paris, New York and London.) His prophesy about Communism has proved itself in its literal sense and now the world awaits the fulfillment of his second prophesy, the downfall of Liberalism.

Al-Durrul Manthur

"But if they turn away, say (O Muhammad SAW): 'Allah SWT is sufficient for me. None has the right to be worshipped but He; in Him I put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.'" (Surah al-Taubah, ayat 129) Menurut Ibnu Abi Hatim, perkataan Arasy dalam al-Quran merujuk kepada tempat yang tinggi dijadikan Allah. (Tafsir Ibnu Abi Hatim, tafsir ayat 129, surah al-Taubah) Dalam hadis sahih riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim, Nabi SAW sering berdoa menyeru Allah yang memiliki Arasy yang hebat ketika menghadapi keadaan kritikal. Abu Daud dan Ibnu al-Sunni meriwayatkan daripada Abu Darda’ r.a. secara mauquf bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda: “Sesiapa yang membacakan ayat ini pada waktu pagi dan petang, sebanyak tujuh kali, maka Allah SWT akan mencukupkan semua urusan dunia dan akhiratnya.” (Al-Durrul Manthur, tafsir ayat 129 surah al-Taubah) Khasiat dan Kaifiat Beramal Amalan membaca ayat ini sudah lama dipraktikkan dalam masyarakat Melayu. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat mengamalka...

9 Wali

Sembilan Wali ( WALI SONGO ) "Walisongo" berarti sembilan orang wali. Mereka adalah Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Sunan Ampel, Sunan Giri, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Dradjad, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, serta Sunan Gunung Jati. Mereka tidak hidup pada saat yang persis bersamaan. Namun satu sama lain mempunyai keterkaitan erat, bila tidak dalam ikatan darah juga dalam hubungan guru-murid. Maulana Malik Ibrahim yang tertua. Sunan Ampel anak Maulana Malik Ibrahim. Sunan Giri adalah keponakan Maulana Malik Ibrahim yang berarti juga sepupu Sunan Ampel. Sunan Bonang dan Sunan Drajad adalah anak Sunan Ampel. Sunan Kalijaga merupakan sahabat sekaligus murid Sunan Bonang. Sunan Muria anak Sunan Kalijaga. Sunan Kudus murid Sunan Kalijaga. Sunan Gunung Jati adalah sahabat para Sunan lain, kecuali Maulana Malik Ibrahim yang lebih dahulu meninggal. Mereka tinggal di pantai utara Jawa dari awal abad 15 hingga pertengahan abad 16, di tiga wilayah penting. Yakni Surabaya-Gresik-Lamongan d...


SHIP STABILITY BOOKLET Aim : The aim of the stability booklet is to provide the Master with quality Information that will enable the vessel to be loaded & operated in a safe manner. Approval : The stability booklet is only approved when the vessel’s required loading conditions are shown to meet the appropriate criteria & there is sufficient data provided to enable a competent person to evaluate additional loading conditions. Each Stability Booklet shall contain the following information: 1. Title page showing – “Stability Booklet” – vessel name, hull & machinery number, revision number, date of preparation or latest amendment. 2. Table of Contents – all pages to be numbered consecutively. 3. Vessel Particulars table including: · LOA (m): ……………………. · L Measured (m): ……………………. · ...

5 tips for delivering projects faster

Deliver your Projects Faster Here are 5 tips for delivering projects faster... Tip 1: Find Shortcuts in your Plan Project Managers usually spend 80% of their time executing and 20% planning . The reason is that the Execution phase is where the excitement is, so they roll their sleeves up and get started executing as quickly as possible. But if you spend extra time in the Planning phase, then you can usually identify shortcuts which enable you to produce the same project outcome in less time. So when you think your project plan is complete, take extra time to re-look at your plan from the point of view of delivering it faster. By doing this, you'll find that you can schedule things to be done in a way that takes less time, with less effort. Tip 2: Automate Manual Tasks You need to automate your manual daily tasks to help you do things faster. Here are some of the manual tasks that many Project Managers do each week that could be automated us...

Peraturan dan adab

Islam mengajar manusia sama ada perkara yang diikhtiar atau tidak jika seseorang itu tahu, ia akan jadi bekalan hidup di akhirat. Tidur setelah didahului rasa mengantuk kurniaan Tuhan, akan menjadikan tubuh rehat dan cergas segar semula. Di akhirat ada habuan bagi manusia itu. Justeru Islam mengajar peraturan dan adab tidur, supaya tidur menjadi suatu ibadah yang berfaedah kepada manusia di dunia dan akhirat. Peraturan dan adab yang pertama, ialah bersihkan mulut dengan bersugi (gosok gigi) dan bersuci serta berwuduk. Islam bukan saja suruh berwuduk ketika hendak menunaikan solat atau membaca al-Quran, bahkan Islam anjurkan berwuduk itu mengajar manusia agar tidur dalam keadaan beribadat kepada Allah SWT. Seseorang yang berwuduk andainya meninggal dunia semasa tidur, maka matinya dalam keadaan suci bersih. Tiada yang boleh beri jaminan bahawa selepas tidur dia akan bernafas semula untuk meneruskan hidupnya. Oleh itu apabila seseorang hendak tidur dia hendaklah bersiap, kerana dia sen...


The Congregation Al-Jumua 11 verses The congregation, Friday سورة الجمعة Sura #62 Madina 1 Whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare the Praises and Glory of Allah,- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. 2 It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered an apostle from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom,- although they had been, before, in manifest error;- 3 As well as (to confer all these benefits upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: And He is exalted in Might, Wise. 4 Such is the Bounty of Allah, which He bestows on whom He will: and Allah is the Lord of the highest bounty. 5 The similitude of those who were charged with the (obligations of the) Mosaic Law, but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is that of a donkey which carries huge tomes (but understands them not). Evil is the similitude of people who falsify the Signs of Allah. and ...

Project Stress

How to reduce project stress... We all know what stress is. It is the thing that makes your hair turn grey and your frowns appear more often then smiles . It is natural that projects attract a lot of stress, as you have a fixed set of deliverables to produce in a fixed timeframe and with fixed resources - and all with your project sponsor breathing down your neck! Positive stress can be generated in an environment which boosts productivity and focuses your team on the end goal. But negative stress can demoralize staff, reduce efficiency and de-focus your team. In this type of environment, you need to turn negative stress into positive stress, and to do that, we have listed here some tips and hints to help: Step 1. Time-Out Positive stress can only be generated when people within teams have positive relationships. And to create these relationships, the best way is through socializing. Whether it is taking the team out for regular lunches, drinks after work ...

Doa Kejayaan

Doa Kejayaan

Regain Sharp Focus & Concentration

So what can you do to regain sharp focus and concentration? Try these helpful tips! Get more sleep. Either get to bed earlier or take a mid-afternoon power nap, and you’ll dissipate that brain fog. Banish boredom. Research shows that concentration drops after 20 to 30 minutes, so take frequent breaks, making sure to get out of your chair to keep blood flowing to your brain. Reward yourself once you finish your task. Treating yourself will feel extra good because you’ll also have the feeling of accomplishment that comes from a job well done. Get organized. Make sure that you have everything you need to complete the task at hand. If you’re poorly prepared, the extra time and effort needed to get the job done will make you lose focus more easily. Don’t distract yourself by trying to work with the television or radio on, or with your computer’s instant messaging program running. Write it down. If you can’t get unfinished tasks out of your head, write them down so you’re free to stop obs...

Research the Business

How to do a Feasibility Study A Feasibility Study needs to be completed as early in the Project Life Cycle as possible. The best time to complete it is when you have identified a range of different alternative solutions and you need to know which solution is the most feasible to implement. Here's how to do it... Step 1: Research the Business Drivers In most cases, your project is being driven by a problem in the business. These problems are called “business drivers” and you need to have a clear understanding of what they are, as part of your Feasibility Study. For instance, the business driver might be that an IT system is outdated and is causing customer complaints, or that two businesses need to merge because of an acquisition. Regardless of the business driver, you need to get to the bottom of it so you fully understand the reasons why the project has been kicked off. Find out why the business driver is important to the business, and why it's...