
Showing posts from March, 2011

Doa Menghafaz Al-Quran Al-Karim

Doa Menghafaz Al-Quran Al-Karim "Ya Allah, ya Tuhan kami, belas kasihanilah kami agar kami dapat meninggalkan dosa selama menjadi beban kami, bebaskanlah kami daripada segala beban yg kami tak sanggup memikulnya, berikanlah kami sebaik-baik fikiran sebagaimana yg Engkau telah redhakan. Ya Allah, ya Tuhan kami, Engkaulah Zat Yang Maha Indah di langit & di bumi, yg mempunyai Keagungan & Kemuliaan. Kemuliaan yg ada pada Mu, bukan kemuliaan yg sengaja & dibuat-buat. Aku memohon kepada Mu, ya Allah yang Maha Pengasih, berkat Keagungan Mu & cahaya Wajah Mu, ya Allah agar Engkau menetapkannya kpd ku, berikanlah aku bacaan yg Engkau telah meredhakannya, aku memohon kpd Mu ya Allah utk menerangi penglihatanku melalui Al-Quran, menghilangkan kesusahan yg melanda pd diri kami, melapangkan dada kami, menyesuaikan tingkahlaku kami sepertimana ajaran Al-Quran, memberi kekuatan pd diri kami serta pertolongan. Sesungguhnya tidak ada Zat yg sanggup memberikan pertolongan & keku...

Naval Architect: Skills & Education

Skills and Education required for a Naval Architect A naval architect is one of the most important person in the marine industries. Due to the importance of this job, a naval architect should have different skills and education to perform this job. * They must have a master/bachelor’s degree or diploma in naval architecture. * They should have basic understanding for different branches of engineering because different engineers work inside the plant of marine vessels and they have to work with them for best results. * They must have knowledge and certification of designing software such as Catia and Computer Aided Design. * They need to have skills of performing logical operations. * They must have skills of creativity: creativity makes any naval architect perfect for any job because the design is based upon the creative skills of marine architecture. * Their communication skills must be good. They must be good in presentation, speech and writing as well. * ...


Insya Allah presently pursuing PhD (Mechanical - Marine Technology) at UTM. Registered as C. Eng. (UK) in 1987. Graduated from Newcastle University (UK) in BSc (Hons.) Naval Architecture & Shipbuidling, M.Eng. (Master of Engineering) in Mechanical - Marine Technology (UTM). More than 31 years in the maritime industry. Had been involved in ship design, project management, ship & draft survey, shipbuilding, maintenance, repair, conversion works. Had worked in Marine Department, shipyards, MISC Berhad, EA Technique Sdn Bhd., etc. Presently lecturing at UniKL MIMET on naval architecture, offshore & subsea structures, advanced ship resistance and propulsion, shipyard and engineering project management. Trained in shipbuilding technology in Japan (Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Oppama & Universal Shipbuilding,

Doa Keampunan Ilahi

Allahumma Rabba Muhammadin Ighfirlii wa adzhib ghaizha qalbii wa ajirnii min mudhillaaatil' fitani "Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Muhammad! Ampunilah segala dosaku, hilangkanlah kemarahan hatiku dan dan lindungi aku dari fitnah-fitnah yang menyesatkan."

Fadhilat Haji

Fadhilat Haji Fadhilat Haji 1. Dari Abu Hurairah r.a., katanya : "Rasulullah s.a.w. ditanyai orang mengenai amal yang paling utama. Maka ujarnya:"Iaitu beriman kepada Allah dan RasuINya". Tanya orang itu lagi: "Kemudian apa lagi?" Ujar Rasulullah s.a.w.: "Kemudian berjihad, berjuang di jalan Allah". Ditanyai pula : " Kemudian apa lagi ? " Ujarnya : "Kemudian haji yang mabrur". (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) 2. Dari Siti Aisyah r.a., katanya : "Ya Rasulullah, menurut anda jihad itu adalah amal yang paling utama. Kalau begitu tidakkah kami akan berjihad?" Ujar Nabi: "Bagi puan-puan jihad yang lebih utama ialah haji yang mabrur" (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) 3. Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. katanya: Sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w, bersabda: "Barangsiapa mengerjakan haji dan ia tidak bersetubuh- pada waktu terlarang- serta tidak pula berbuat maksiat maka ia akan kembali seperti saat dilahirkan oleh ibunya". (HR Bukhari dan Mu...

Hajj at Makkah al-Mukarramah

Now you are free to join eternity. On the day of resurrection, when "you can do nothing" in Allah's court, where "your eyes, ears, and heart are the best witnesses of what you have done," Quran XVII: 36 You and every organ of your body are responsible for your deeds. While you are in this "house of correction" get ready for the "house of justice". Exercise death before you die-go to Hajj! Hajj represents your return to Allah, the absolute, who has no limitations and none is like Him. To return to Him signifies a definite movement toward perfection, goodness, beauty, power knowledge, value, and facts. On your way toward the eternal, you will NEVER approach Allah. He is to guide you in the right direction and not to be your destination!