
Showing posts from October, 2011

Seeking Divine Support to Ban Elton John's Concert in Malaysia

The organizers of the above concert scheduled on Nov. 22, 2011 at the Arena of Stars Genting Highlands at 8pm must stop the concert!!! We don't need such bad influence in Malaysia, a Muslim country. Please refer to the Holy Quran where its clearly stated that the Prophet Lut had been sent by Allah the Almighty to persecute those practicing homosexuality. It will be bad influence for Malaysians who are Muslims, in terms of majority! If you feel that you badly need to perform such concert - do so in non-Muslim countries or countries which do not ban such shows! PAS had shown their disapproval of such a concert, perhaps we need to hear from other political parties, Islamic movement, NGOs, etc. Having such concert during the school holidays made it much worse! Perhaps the organizer can replace the show with some other performance by non-homosexual groups or other peace loving groups. O Allah please provide Divine Support to ban the above concert which brings bad influence to the youths...

Srmoga Mendapat Haji yang Mabrur 1432H (2011)

Didoakan semoga isteriku tercinta Hajjah Noorhayati bt Hj Mohd Yasin dan anakanda Hajjah Munirah bt Hj Mazlan mendapat haji yang mabrur pada musim haji tahun 1432H (2011) ini. Doakanlah semoga kami sekeluarga dapat mengikuti jejak umat Islam untuk menunaikan ibadat haji pada tahun depan, insya Allah. Sesungguhnya ibadah haji adalah kemuncak ibadat seorang insan kepada Ilahi. Persiapan yang utama ialah mendalami segala aspek ilmu berkaitan dengan ibadat haji serta aspek keislaman, keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT. Ibadah haji memerlukan pengorbanan bukan sahaja dari aspek kewangan, tenaga dan masa tetapi juga keikhlasan dalam melaksanakan ibadat kepada Allah SWT. Sepanjang ibadat haji seorang Muslim/Mukmin perlulah sentiasa mendirikan solat-solat sunat, membaca dan memahami ayat-ayat suci al-Quran, berzikir, muhasabah diri, bersedekah, bermunajat kepada Allah SWT, bersalawat kepada Nabi Muhammag SAW, dan ibadat-ibadat lain dalam mencari keredhaan Allah SWT.