30 ORANG YANG PERTAMA DALAM ISLAM ----------------------------------------------- 1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS). 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW. 8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar As Siddiq RA. 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA. 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al-Hasan bin Ali RA. 11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA. 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA. 13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam...
Showing posts from August, 2014
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There Are Three (3) Main Project Organization Types. Which Are You? The project organization is described in the Project Charter. The way that the project team is organized is directly related to the way the entire organization is structured. There are three major organization structures to manage work and people. 1 Functionally Based In a functional organization, a project team is generally staffed with people from the same department. All the resources needed for the project team come from the functional organization. For instance, if the project is related to the finance function, the project resources come from the Finance Division. Another way a project is staffed in a functional organization is by executing portions of a project in separate functional organizations. For example, let’s say that a large project needed resources from the Finance, Purchasing, IT and Manufacturing departments. In a functional organization, the project would be broken down by organizational unit and e...
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Nepotism – Favouritism, partiality, bias, preference, discrimination, prejudice, one-sidedness, preferential treatment. Crony – Friend, pal, buddy, acquaintance, colleague, companion, mate, chum, comrade. - Associate, ally, sidekick, supporter, accomplice, coconspirator, cohort. Ref.: Thesaurus (English).
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The Singapore Airlines Special Exclusive Bonus selection program was conducted at the headquarters of our Asia Pacific Regional in Changi International Airport, Singapore, 2014 Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special Bonus program is registered and organized in accordance with the Board of the Asian Master Flyers (AMF) and the World Asian Games Committee(WAGC). Therefore, we are pleased to officially inform you about the status of your glorious victory, Official notification Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special Bonus is hereby issued to you as a ticket number email, Singapore Airlines, SGD-0651567/SGD1 , NO Bonus is: SGD/146 randomly draw for lucky numbers 000-31-0584 which selected your email address as a winner Special Exclusive Bonus selection of our program. You have subsequently won the 2014 Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special Bonus in the first group. Regarding the above, we have officially approved the payment of a sum of $ 250,000,00 SGD (Four Hundred And Fifthy Thousand Singa...
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Pemenang yang dihormati, ini adalah untuk memaklumkan anda tentang pembebasan Promosi Anugerah MasterCard 2014 kami alamat e-mel yang dipilih secara rawak oleh perisian berkuasa oleh Pembekal Perkhidmatan Internet. Dua puluh ribu alamat email telah dipilih daripada Rantau Asia Pasifik dan anda bernasib baik untuk menjadi antara mereka, oleh itu menjadikan anda salah seorang daripada pemenang kami untuk jumlah (MYR 250,000.00) dalam bentuk yang digunakan Teller Sistem Mesin Automatik (ATM). Anda menghubungi Pengawal Kewangan kami melalui e-mel dan memberikan dia dengan maklumat di bawah untuk pelepasan dan pembayaran pelepasan. Nama Penuh: Hubungi Alamat: Nombor Telefon: pekerjaan: Nama Kenalan: Joseph Abdul Hubungi E-mel: mastercm2014@gmail.com Memenangi Nombor: 141/M'ATM120321. Yang ikhlas, Farah Azim On-line Penyelaras MasterCard / © 1994-2014 MasterCard.
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And verily, you will find them (the Jews) the greediest of mankind for life and (even greedier) than those who ascribe partners to Allah. One of them wishes that he could be given a life of a thousand (1,000) years. But the grant of such life will not save him even a little from (due) punishment. And Allah is Seer of what they do. Glorious Quran 2: 96. - Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
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Merit of the (Optional) Duha (Forenoon) Prayer: 1139. Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: My Khalil (the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam)) directed me to fast three days of each month, and to observe two Rak`ah Duha (optional prayer) at forenoon, and to perform the Witr prayer before going to bed. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Commentary: "Three days'' can be any three days of a month, but it is better if one opts 13th, 14th and 15th of every lunar month because the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) used to observe fasting on these days. This Hadith also highlights the importance of Duha and Witr prayer, and proves the merit of giving counsel persuasion and inducement for virtuous deeds. 1140. Abu Dharr (May Allah be pleased with him)reported: The Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "In the morning, charity is due on every joint bone of the body of everyone of you. Every utterance of Allah's Glorification (i.e., sa...
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37M Anchor Handling Tug: Technical Specification:- GRT: 476 Tonnage NRT: 143 Tonnage Principal Particulars: Length O.A: 37.00m Length W.L: 35.00m Breath Mould: 11.40M Depth Mould: 4.95m Draft Design: 4.00m Free Deck Space: 132m² Deadweight: 350 metric tonnes Tank Capacity: Fresh Water: approx. 80m² Fuel Oil: approx. 280cm² Detergent: 3m² Lub Oil: approx. 10m² Performance Bollard Pull: 45 ton Speed Max: 12 knots Accommodation Cabin: 2 x 1 berth cabins: 2 men 2 x 2 berth cabins: 4 men 2 x 4 berth cabins: 8 men Total 14 men Navigation Aid Radar: Model Furuno Radar 1832-N34 Echo Sounder: Furuno Echo Sounder FCV-667 Autopilot: Comnav Autopilot Gyro Compass: Samyung Navtex receiver SNX-300 GMDSS - Comply Area 1 + 2 + 3 Communication VHF/FM: Samyung VHF DSC STR 6000A HP/SSb: Samyung SSB DSC SRG-1150Dn x 2 units Walkie Talkie: Samyung walkie talkie STV 160, 3 pcs c/w spare battery -Comply with Solas 74/78 Safety Equipments Bow Thruster -Comply with...
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Purpose of the Islamic State: The Glorious Qur’an clearly states that the aim and purpose of this state, built on the foundation of Tawhid, Risalat and Khilafat, is the establishment, maintenance and development of those virtues which the Creator of the universe wishes human life to be enriched by, and the prevention and eradication of those evils which are abhorrent to God. The state in Islam is not intended for political administration only or for the fulfilment through it of the collective will of any particular set of people. Rather, Islam places a high ideal before the state for the achievement of which it must use all the means at its disposal. The aim is to encourage the qualities of purity, beauty, goodness, virtue, success and prosperity which Allah SWT wants to flourish in the life of His people and to suppress all kinds of exploitation and injustice. As well as placing before us this high ideal, Islam clearly states the desired virtues and the undesirable evils. The Islamic...
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KITAB DZIKIR DAN DOA Segala pujian bagi Allah yang melengkapi kasih-sayangNya, yang meratai rahmatNya, yang memberi balasan kepada hambaNya dari ingatan (dzikir) mereka dengan ingatanNya. Maka berfirman Allah Ta'ala: (Fadzkuruuni adz-kurkum). Artinya: "Maka ingatlah kepada Aku, supaya Aku ingat pula kepadamu". — S. Al-Baqarah ayat 152. Dan digalakkanNya mereka meminta dan berdo'a dengan amarNya, yaitu firmanNya: (Ud'uunii astajib lakum). Artinya: "Mendo'alah kepadaKu, nanti Kuperkenankan (permintaan) kamu itu". - S. Al-Mu'min, ayat 60. Maka diberiNya harapan kepada orang yang tha'at dan orang yang ma'siat, orang dekat dan yang jauh, menghamparkan diri kehadhirat keagunganNya, dengan mengangkatkan segala hajat dan cita-cita, dengan firmanNya: (Fa-innii qariibun ujiibu da'watad-daa'i idzaa da'aani). Artinya! "Maka sesungguhnya Aku dekat. Aku memperkenankan permintaan orang yang meminta, apabila ia meminta (berdo'a) ke...