Urus Masa Ala Jutawan “Esok jerlah”, “Minggu depan ada lagi”, “Bukan nak pakai sekarang pun…” Ayat yang sering kita dengari apabila ia dibabitkan dengan masa. Masih ramai yang memandang rendah dengan kuasa pengurusan masa. Masa merupakan jangka waktu mengikut saat, minit, jam, harian, bulanan dan tahunan. Menguruskan masa dengan bijak bermakna kita telah menguruskan kehidupan dengan baik. Pernahkah kita terfikir mengapa sesetengah orang seolah-olah dapat melakukan segala aktiviti seharian dengan mudah tanpa ada sebarang halangan pun. Malah golongan ini merasakan diri mereka mempunyai lebih banyak masa terluang lagi berbanding dengan orang sekeliling mereka. Sebenarnya, rahsia menguruskan masa tidak terletak pada waktu bekerja dengan lebih masa dalam sesuatu perkara. Rahsia masa adalah mengenai bagaimana kita mengutamakan perka...
Showing posts from November, 2014
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Doa Nasiri The Prayer of the Oppressed 1. O You, whose mercy is a refuge for all those In dire need who flee to You to lose their woes, 2. O master of reprieve , whose pardon is so near, You answer all in need; they know that You do hear! 3. We beg for Your relief , redeemer of the weak; You are enough for us, both humbled and so meek. 4. No strength can ever match Your awesome majesty , No might can ever breach Your just authority . 5. The kings all bow like us to Your great sovereignty , You choose whom to abase or raise decisively. 6. Calamities we face are only stopped by You; It’s in Your Hands: they are dissolved within Your view. 7. For solace in these states, we turn to You alone, Complaining that we cannot make it on our own. 8. Be merciful with us—You know our frailty. O You whose mercy falls like rain...
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6 Reasons Companies Struggle Implementing Project Management There are many companies that do not have common project management processes, templates , approach and skills. One initial observation is that companies that don’t manage projects well are usually run by senior managers who never learned formal project management themselves. It is hard for them to lead culture change around project management when they don’t understand the value themselves. In fact, sometimes these managers think of project management as a tool for managing projects, rather than as a process for doing the work. When they discover a tool isn’t involved, they lose interest. There are a number of other reasons why companies have not implemented project management processes. These include: 1 The company does not have committed sponsorship . Some managers want to hold a training class and hope that project management sticks. They don't have a strong commitment to the culture change required to ge...
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Your transaction of 1,500,000.00 USD has been approved by UNITED NATIONS (UN) in their on going poverty alleviation program 2014 and we have been instructed to start sending you 7,600.00 USD daily using our Western Union system. Send details Full Name, Address, and Phone Number to Mrs. Key Young at: Email: westernunionkh@yahoo.com.hk for more information on your transaction status OR call +855 969 939 104 for inquiries. SPECIAL NOTICE : All E-mail response should be sent to ( westernunionkh@yahoo.com.hk ) for confirmation and payment approval. Yours truly Mrs. Key Young, Western Union Mrs. Key Young. Tel Phone:+855969939104 Kingdom Of Cambodia
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Ketahuilah mengumpat itu mudah dan mudah untuk mengumpat. Untuk mengelakkan apa yang diumpat itu disebar bersama meningkatkan dosa, sentiasa ingatkan diri dengan bertanya apakah berita yang ingin disampaikan itu sahih, buruk mahupun berguna pada orang yang ingin kamu sampaikan. Firman Allah SWT: "Wahai orang2 yg beriman! Jauhilah banyak dari prasangka, sesungguhnya sebahagian prasangka itu dosa, & janganlah kamu men-cari2 kesalahan orang lain, & janganlah ada diantara kamu yg menggunjing (mengumpat/backbite) sebahagian yg lain. Apakah ada diantara kamu yg suka memakan daging saudaranya yg sudah mati? Tentu kamu merasa jijik. Dan bertaqwalah kpd Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima taubat, Maha Penyayang." Quran Karim 49: 12. "O ye who believe! Shun much suspicion; for lo! some suspicion is a sin. And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? Ye either abhor that (so abhor the other)! And keep your dut...
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Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Dan Tuhanmu telah perintahkan, supaya engkau tidak menyembah melainkan kepada-Nya semata-mata dan hendaklah engkau berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa. Jika salah seorang daripada keduanya, atau kedua-duanya sekali, sampai kepada umur tua dalam jagaan dan peliharaanmu, maka janganlah engkau berkata kepada mereka (sebarang perkataan kasar) sekalipun perkataan Ahh!" dan janganlah engkau menengking menyergah mereka, tetapi katakanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang mulia (yang bersopan santun). Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): Hai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil. (Quran Karim, al-Isra: 23-24). Syeikh al-Maraghi berkata: Apabila Allah SWT memerintahkan supaya berbuat baik kepada ibu bapa, maka hal itu berpunca daripada sebab-sebab yang berikut: 1 ...
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William Froude William Froude (1810–1879) was an English engineer, hydrodynamicist and naval architect. He was the first to formulate reliable laws for the resistance that water offers to ships (such as the hull speed equation) and for predicting their stability. He was the brother of James Anthony Froude, a historian, and Hurrell Froude, writer. 1810 November 28th. Born at Dartington, Devon, England, the son of Robert Froude, Archdeacon of Totnes. Educated at Westminster School. 1832 Graduation. Attended Oriel College, Oxford, graduating with a first in mathematics. His first employment was as a surveyor on the South Eastern Railway which, in 1837, led to Brunel giving him responsibility for the construction of a section of the Bristol and Exeter Railway . It was here that he developed his empirical method of setting out track transition curves and introduced an alternative design to the helicoidal skew arch bridge at Rewe and Cowley Bridge Junction, near Exeter. Married C...