Professor Emeritus J.B.CALDWELL Autobiographical Note The author’s professional career started in 1943 as an apprentice in the Ship Drawing Office of Vickers-Armstrong’s shipbuilding works in Barrow. Through night-school at Barrow Technical College, then as a student of naval architecture at Liverpool University and as a graduate draughtsman working mainly on passenger ships, the topic of safety was largely assumed to be catered for by adherence to traditional design procedures and rules. It was only as a postgraduate student at Bristol University (from 1949 to 1955), working in Professor Sir Alfred Pugsley’s research group in Civil Engineering , that the inadequacies of such procedures became fully apparent. Pugsley’s own background in aeronautical engineering , and his original and rational approach to the evaluation of safety, strongly influenced not only the Author, but the engineering profession generally. Opportunities to develop, and apply in ship design, some of Pugsley...
Showing posts from April, 2015
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THE LOVE OF ALLAH SWT By Imam al-Ghazali. THE love of Allah SWT is the highest of all topics, and is the final aim to which we have been tending hitherto. We have spoken of spiritual dangers as they hinder the love of God in a man's heart, and we have spoken of various good qualities as being the necessary preliminaries to it. Human perfection resides in this, that the love of God should conquer a man's heart and possess it wholly, and even if it does not possess it wholly it should predominate in the heart over the love of all other things. Nevertheless, rightly to understand the love of God is so difficult a matter that one sect of theologians have altogether denied that man can love a Being who is not of his own species, and they have defined the love of God as consisting merely in obedience. Those who hold such views do not know what real religion is. All Muslims agreed that the love of God is a duty. God says concerning the believers, "He loves them and they ...
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According to Wallace Wattles, in his popular wealth treatise called the Science of Getting Rich, said that, “There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich with mathematical certainty.” It is true. Those who make wealth know that it comes about by application of simple rules and principles. Those who don’t make wealth don’t know about these simple things, and so they assume that wealth is a result of luck or pure chance or something just as superstitious or silly. Anthony Robbins is one of the top success coaches in the world, having coached star sports players, heads of states and Fortune 500 executives. In his Get The Edge program, he listed down 12 specific reasons he has come to observe to be the leading causes for most people’s lack of wealth. Here they are: 1. ...
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SHALAWAT MURAH REZEKI السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ Shalawat ini akan membawa keberkatan dalam hidup kita. Semuga dimurahkan rezeki dan dirahmati-Nya, Dia yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang. Moga-moga segala dosa-dosa kita diampunkan. Allaahumma solli 'alaa sayyidina Muhammad solaatan tuwassi 'u bihaa 'alainal arzaak watuhassinu bihaa lanal akhlaak wa 'alaa 'aalihi wasohbihi wasallim
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Islam bentuk minda kritis Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin Jika seseorang ingin membaiki sesuatu perkara atau peralatan, dia terlebih dahulu hendaklah ada pengetahuan atau ilmu mengenainya. Jika tidak nanti, niatnya yang baik untuk membaiki itu akan menatijah kerosakan semata, bukan memulihkan. Ini yang disebut sebagai tikus membaiki labu, atau tukang besi membaiki komputer. Tanpa ilmu, bukan bertambah baik tetapi bertambah rosak. Islam juga demikian. Niat yang baik semata untuk mempertahan atau menyampaikan ajaran yang agung ini tidak memadai jika yang melaksanakan tugasan itu tidak cukup pengetahuan dalam perkara yang disampaikan tersebut. Saya tidak menyatakan seseorang yang hendak berdakwah menyampai mesej Islam mesti menjadi sarjana besar terlebih dahulu. Tidak! Sama sekali tidak. Tetapi, dia hendaklah faham dengan baik bab atau perkara yang disampaikan itu. Umpamanya, jika dia bercakap mengenai cara sujud dalam solat, maka dia jelas tentang hadis-had...
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To be thankful brings more blessings By Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Ya Rabbi laka-l hamd! Shukr, ya Rabbi! Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah, Meded, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah, Meded! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… To be thankful brings more blessings. Who is complaining, (even) if he has (the) whole world ’s treasures, never (he is) going to be happy. The entrance of happiness for people is so easy- to be thankful to Allah! Anger (is) preventing to be thankful and anger- as it is well-known through traditional knowledge that Awliyas (are) reaching to that knowledge through the Seal of Prophets- peace be upon him- (the) most dangerous characteristic for mankind is anger. Terrible! Anger is fire and coming from Shaitan. Shaitan (is) created from fire (and) therefore he is the source of anger. He is teaching people...
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Ada segelintir manusia yang telah mendapatkan ilmu dan sanggup bersusah payah melabur untuk ilmu (Ini adalah 80% kunci kejayaan, mempunyai ilmu yang terbukti berjaya), tetapi selepas mereka komited belajar, mereka "membunuh" impian mereka dan matlamat mereka dengan TIDAK KOMITED BERTINDAK SEGERA dengan ilmu tersebut. Ilmu jika tidak diamalkan adalah ibarat anda membeli benih pokok tetapi anda tidak mahu menanamnya. Dan yang paling teruk ialah apabila mereka ini menyalahkan orang lain atau guru mereka di atas kegagalan mereka mengamalkan sedangkan orang lain telah bertindak dengannya dan telah mendapatkan hasil, Yang paling kelakar adalah segelintir lagi yang mempunyai ilmu tetapi masih bertindak tanpa ilmu serta mendengar nasihat sesiapa sahaja yang tidak ada ilmu sehingga merugikan diri sendiri. Sebab itu personally saya selalu amalkan doa yang diajar oleh arwah ayah saya iaitu, kita sentiasa memohon agar ilmu yang kita pelajari ini bermanfaat buat diri dan orang la...
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This is the main teaching of the Naqshibandi Order: to make people try and come closer to their Maula, the Lord of the Heavens: Allah SWT. Ref: Speech by Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani. When the physical body is becoming weaker and you are losing your physical senses, your spiritual being is becoming much more powerful, asking to be closer and to reach to the Divine Presence. But now people are heedless, out of balance. There is a scale: on one side you have a pearl or diamond, and on the other dung, dirt from animals... And people leave the diamond and run to take the dirt. That is heedlessness. Why are you trying to reach so much from Dunya, and you are not asking to be closer to the Divine Presence and to take much more from there? They have no balance, people have just lost their balance... Anyone who prefers his temporary life, leaving permanent blessings, is a no-mind person. Therefore Allah Almighty says that these people are like animals. Not only like animals, but below animals. What...