How to Change Your Project Plan Embrace the need for change and update your plan today! Here's how. 1. Acknowledge That Change is Good First, recognize that your perfect project plan is the one that fits your needs right now. As soon as your project changes, your plan has to change to adapt to those new needs. It's a good thing that you are amending your plan to reflect reality. And it's easy to make changes because you've put in so much work already making sure that your plan is in great shape. 2. Identify the Change Clearly identify the change that is under consideration. It might have originated from a team member, customer or your project sponsor. Make sure that you fully understand what they would like to do. Many businesses use a short change request form to capture the details and why the change is required, but in reality requests for changes arrive at the door of the project manager in many formats. These could include email and discussions. Reco...
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Discipline or Shitsuke (Japanese) I have come across various definitions of Shitsuke in books and websites, such as: a) Training and discipline b) Sustaining c) Continuing training d) Maintaining standards e) Commitment f) Adherence to standards I believe the original meaning of this word Shitsuke is used in the context of teaching children and it means manners and discipline. In Japanese, it is written as 躾 . In the context of the work place, I would define Shitsuke as discipline . It means Conforming, or “doing what’s been is decided” . I have taken this definition from a passage that I came across in a book entitled; The Canon Production System, Creating Involvement of the Total Workforce by Alan T. Campbell. "Canon has benefited in two important ways through the 5S Movement. First is the workers’ change in consciousness - a readiness to follow rules and “do what’s been decided”… For example, keeping parts and tools in their place was once a hard rule to enfo...
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The Indispensability of Abundant Zikr and Muraqabah for the Seeker - Translation of a talk given by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad. The first lesson in the esteemed Naqshbandi Silsilah is Latifa-e-Qalb . Upon this, the seeker traveling the spiritual path ( salik ) engages in the spiritual exercise of muraqabah , where he or she sets aside some private time to sit and reflect on Allah . In this exercise the salik strives to empty the heart of all thoughts and imagines the blessings and mercy of Allah entering the heart and erasing its darkness. As if in gratitude to being cleansed of darkness the heart joyfully calls out the Name of Allah over and over again… Allah! Allah! Allah! A general scientific principle states that whenever a vacuum is created, something comes in to fill it and therefore the vacuum does not stay as is. Similarly when we sit and strive to remove all thoughts from our heart the aim is to create a void that will hopefully be...
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Sabda Rasulullah SAW: “Barangsiapa mempunyai apa-apa hajat, hendaklah ia berwudhuk, kemudian sujud kepada Allah, sambil membaca tasbih Nabi Yunus sebanyak 40 kali dengan cara jari telunjuknya menghadap ke arah kiblat ketika ia sujud. Sesungguhnya sesiapa yang berbuat demikian akan diperkenankan doa dan permintaannya.” Sabda Rasulullah SAW: “Sesungguhnya aku ketahui satu kalimah yang apabila dibaca oleh mereka-mereka yang ditimpa bala atau kesusahan, Allah akan lepaskan si pembacanya dari kesusahan. Kalimah tersebut ialah tasbih saudaraku Nabi Yunus AS “La ilaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu minazzholimiin.” PENDINDING DIRI/BENTENG SIHIR/SANTAU Doa Membatalkan Sihir Doa Supaya Tidak Diikut Oleh Hantu Syaitan Ketika Balik Dari Kerja-Balik Dari Hospital-Balik Dari Kubur Doa Rawatan Untuk Orang Yang Terkena Sihir Doa Untuk Mengeluarkan Jin, Makhluk Halus Atau Racun-Racun Ilmu Sihir Atau Santau Dari Badan Manusia Doa Benteng Si...