Allahumma yassir wala tu'assir. Rabbi tamim bi'khair. Ya Allah, make it easy and do not make it difficult. Ya Allah, make it end well. Ameen.
Showing posts from September, 2015
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The Life of Prophet Muhammad SAW PART I In Makkah By Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall The Prophet’s Birth The Ka`bah today Muhammad, son of Abdullah, son of Abdul Muttalib, of the tribe of Quraysh, was born in Makkah fifty-three years before the Hijrah. His father died before he was born, and he was protected first by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and after his grandfather’s death, by his uncle Abu Talib. As a young boy he traveled with his uncle in the merchants’ caravan to Syria, and some years afterwards made the same journey in the service of a wealthy widow named Khadijah. So faithfully did he transact the widow’s business, and so excellent was the report of his behavior, which she received from her old servant who had accompanied him, that she soon afterwards married her young agent; and the marriage proved a very happy one, though she was fifteen years older than he was. Throughout the twenty-six years of their life together he remained devote...
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KITAB INI BANYAK MENSOLEHKAN ORANG Kitab ini (Hidayatus Salikin dan Sairus Salikin) telah banyak mensolehkan orang. Bahkan juga me'wali'kan orang. Kenapa demikian? Kerana Imam al-Ghazali yang merupakan perangkai pertama dalam tasawuf bersepadu yang merangkumi ketiga-tiga ilmu asas Islam iaitu tauhid, fekah dan tasawuf. Maka kitab-kitab yang merupakan saduran dari kitab Ihya' Ulumiddin dan Bidayatul Hidayah ini mengandungi tasawuf bersepadu. Ini merupakan ciri khas kitab-kitab Imam al-Ghazali dan juga merupakan ciri khas kitab-kitab Syeikh Abdus Shamad al-Falimbani. Wallahu a'lam.
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Bahaya Selalu Makan Mee Segera Yang Pasti Buat Anda Terkejut Mee segera merupakan mee separa masak yang dikeringkan dan dicampur dengan minyak, biasanya di makan setelah dimasak atau direndam dengan air panas selama beberapa minit. Makanan ini amat “popular” di kalangan orang bujang mahupun golongan yang sedang “kekeringan” poket. Namun begitu tahukah anda, di sebalik kesedapan dan keenakan mee segera yang mempunyai pelbagai perisa itu sebenarnya kurang sihat sekiranya dimakan dalam kuantiti yang banyak dan secara berterusan. Bayangkan kandungan di dalam bahan perencah mee tersebut mengandungi kadar MSG yang tinggi dan garam yang tinggi. Bahan perisa ini mempunyai pelbagai kesan negatif kepada kesihatan terutama terhadap fungsi buah pinggang. Terdapat kajian yang mengatakan bahawa individu yang alah kepada MSG mengalami panas dada, perubahan warna wajah kepada sedikit merah atau sakit kepala yang melampau setelah mengambil produk yang mengandungi MSG yang tinggi. Selain it...
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Some references: 1. Faltinsen, O M, Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990. 2. Dean, R G and Dalrymple, R A, Water wave mechanics for engineers and Scientists, World Scientific Pub. London, 1984. 3. B.M. Sumer, J. Fredsøe, Hydrodynamics around Cylindrical Structures, World Scientific Publishing, London, 1997. 4. LeMehaute, B, An introduction to hydrodynamics and water waves , New York: Springer-Verlag, 1976. 5. Milne-Thomson, L. M. Theoretical hydrodynamics , New York : Macmillan, 1968. 6. Lewandowski, E M, The Dynamics of Marine Craft, World Scientific Pub. London, 2004. 7. Chakrabarti, S K, The Theory and Practice of Hydrodynamics and Vibration, World Scientific Pub, NJ, 2002. 8. Chakrabarti, S K, Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures, Computational Mechanics Pub, London, 1987 9. Newman, J N, Marine Hydrodynamics, MIT Press, 1977.
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Your transaction of 1,500,000.00 USD has been approved by UNITED NATIONS in the on going poverty alleviation program 2015. Western Union has been instructed to start sending you 7,600.00 USD daily. Please send in your receiving details to file for claims westernunionmoneytransfer28@, OR Dial 0060162453284 for more information on this program. Yours Joan Aziz Western Union Payout officer
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CONCERNING SELF-EXAMINATION AND THE RECOLLECTION OF GOD By Imam Al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin. KNOW, O brother, that in the Quran God hath said, "We will set up a just balance on the day of resurrection, and no soul shall be wronged in anything." Whosoever has wrought a grain of good or ill shall then behold it. In the Quran it is also written, "Let every soul see what it sends on before it for the day of account." It was a saying of the Caliph Omar's, "Call yourselves to account before ye be called to account"; and God says, "O ye believers, be patient and strive against your natural desires, and maintain the strife manfully." The saints have always understood that they have come into this world to carry on a spiritual traffic, the resulting gain or loss of which is heaven or hell. They have, therefore, always kept a jealous eye upon the flesh, which, like a treacherous partner in business, may cause them great loss. He, therefore, is a wi...