
Showing posts from January, 2016
Commercial Strategy and Commercial Management Strategic Procurement for Cost, Quality and Innovation Cost Management and Finance Effective Project Management Risk Management in a Commercial Context Tender and Proposal Processes Negotiation and Relationship Management Practical Contract Management
Glorious Quran as guidance.
1. Alhamdulillahi Rabbil A’lamin wa biHi nastain. Selawat dan salam kepada junjungan besar, Nabi Muhammad Sollal-Lah-hu-a’laihi-wa-sallam. 2. Saya mulakan dengan memetik tafsir oleh para ulamak merujuk firman Allahu-Taala dalam surah Al-Insyirah bahawa, pada setiap kesulitan dan dugaan yang kita hadapi, pasti beriring dengannya kesenangan atau kebahagiaan yang berhikmah. 3. Maka hendaknya, begitulah keyakinan yang wajib ada dalam diri kita masing-masing dan semestinya yang diletakkan terhadap keadaan pentadbiran dan pengurusan Kerajaan. Rakyat Malaysia yang dikasihi sekalian, 4. Disebut orang sejak dahulukala, sekali air bah,… sekali pantai berubah. Kendati itu, tengahari ini, 28 haribulan Januari 2016, bertepatan 18 haribulan Rabiul Akhir 1437 Hijrah, satu lagi perutusan penting hendak saya sampaikan, kerana tampaknya Bajet 2016 turut tertakluk kepada perubahan yang berlaku di persekitaran ekonomi global. 5. Apa yang saya ingin perkata dan kongsikan hari ini, lebih bersifat peneran...
Bibliography 1 Ayyub, B.M. and Haldar, A., Practical Structural Reliability Techniques, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 8, pp. 1707-1724. 2 Bruchman, D., 1990, preliminary Methods of Assessing Hull Girder Reliability David Taylor Research Center, Report SSPD-91-173-44. 3 Engle, A, 1992, private communication. 4 Hughes, O.F., 1988, Ship Structural Design, SNAME. 5 Madsen, H.O., Krenk, S., and Lind, N.C., 1986, Methods of Sbnctural Safety, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Moses, F., 1985, Implementation of a ReliabilityBased APIRP2A Format, Final Report, APIPRAC 8322, American Petroleum Institute. Moses, F., 1986, Development of Preliminary Load and Resistance Design Document for Fixed Offshore Platforms, Final Report, API PRAC 8522, American Petroleum Institute. Nikolaidis, E. and Kaplan, P., 1991, Uncertainties in Stress Analysis on Marine Structures, Ship Structure Committee, Report No. SSC-363. Ochi, M.K. and Motter, L.E., 1973, Prediction of Slamming ...
Ship Valuation/Appraisal in Context: Purposes and Perspectives Knowledge, Experience and Resources to Value Vessels The Ship Sale and Purchase Market Ship Valuation Approaches and Techniques Newbuildings and Resale; Guidance and advice for Valuers Practical Application of Vessel Valuation
MOORING INSTALLATION AND HOOK-UP Planning and administration of the project, the development PROJECT SHEET OSX3, CAMPOS BASIN BRAZIL MOORING INSTALLATION AND HOOK-UP A Location map B Mooring installation C Union Sovereign with ROV spread FEATURES Company OGX – OSX (currently OGPar) Location Tubarão Martelo Field, Campos Basin, Brazil Period Preparation August 2012 - May 2013. Execution June 2013 to September 2013 Contractor MODEC Sub-contractor Boskalis B C of detailed installation procedures and the execution of the mooring installation (phase 1) followed by the FPSO Hook-up (phase 2). Upon arrival and importation of equipment and mooring components in Rio de Janeiro it was loaded on board the installation vessel (Construction Support Vessel (CSV) Boa Deep C) directly from the transportation vessel. After receiving the Installation License from the Company the CSV sailed to site and after an ROV pre-survey the installation of the anchor piles started. The mooring chains were conne...
Offshore Surveying - Floating Offshore Units, MODU and Offshore Support Vessels - Classification and Regulatory Control of Offshore Units - Structural Arrangements and Loading of Offshore Floating Units - Ship Conversions, Maintenance and Life Extension Studies - Laws and Conventions Relating to Marine Surveying - Offshore Surveying Practice and Effective Report Writing - Marine and Offshore Surveying and Insurance - Business Skills for Offshore Surveyors - Offshore Accident Investigation.
Oil is now cheaper than water. A bbl is =159 ltrs The price of crude oil = USD26.55 = RM116.82 (4.4) Mineral water is RM1/ltr, a bbl = RM159
REFERENCES 1 American Bureau of Shipping. Guidance Notes on Spectral based Fatigue Analysis for Vessels, 2012 2 Brodtkorb PA, Johannesson P, Lindgren G, Rychlik I,Rydén J, Sjö E, “WAFO - a Matlab toolbox for analysis of random waves and loads”, Proc Int Offshore and Polar Eng Conf, Seattle, Washington (2000) 3 Bunnik, T; “Seakeeping Calculations for Ships, taking into Account the Non-linear Steady Waves” , Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Marine Technology, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, 1999 4 Det Norske Veritas, Environmental Conditions and Environmental Loads, DNV-RP-C205, 2010 5 Drummen, I, “Experimental and numerical investigation of nonlinear wave induced load effects in containerships considering hydroelasticity”, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Marine Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2008 6 Drummen, I, Schiere, M, Dallinga, R, Thornhill, E, Stambaugh, K, “Full Scale Trials, Monitoring and Model Testing Conducte...
The 2016 Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special Bonus program selection has been performed at our Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters here in Changi Airport, Singapore, The 2016 Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special Bonus program is registered and organized in accordance with the Asian Gaming Board (A.G.B.) and the Asia Lottery Regulation Act (A.L.R.A.). We are therefore pleased to officially notify you of the status of your Winnings, An official notification of Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special Bonus is hereby issued to you as your email ticket number; SGD-0651567 / SGD1, With Serial Number: SGA /01/2QZEK, and Ref No: SGA/019/20107 in batch A /6183 Randomly Drew for the Lucky Numbers 000-31-0584 which selected your email address as a winner of our Exclusive Special Bonus program selection. You have therefore consequently won the 2016 Singapore Airlines Exclusive Special program promo in its first batch. As regards the above, we have officially approved a sum pay-out of $250,000.00...
TPPA 1. The International Trade and Industry (MITI) Minister says it will take two years to amend 26 laws to meet TPP requirements. 2. This is a clear admission that the TPP limits Malaysia’s freedom to make laws deemed necessary for the country. These laws have been passed by the Malaysian Parliament apparently because they were considered essential and goof for the country. But now they have to be amended because the TPP is apparently more powerful than our elected parliament in determining what laws Malaysia should have. 3. By the same token future laws to be debated in Parliament must be subjected to the requirements or conditions in the TPP. Being right and suitable for Malaysia’s needs is not enough anymore. The needs of TPP will outweigh Malaysia’s needs. 4. Malaysia is not exactly like the other members of the TPP. We have many sensitivities because of our racial mix, our economic disparities, our poverty rates and ...
TPPA BAKAL RAGUT KEDAULATAN NEGARA? BUKTI2 SUDAH ADA! 1. Mengikut laporan daripada PBB, sejak 15 tahun kebelakangan ini sahaja, terdapat 127 kes saman syarikat multinasional dibuat terhadap negara berdaulat. Kesemuanya menandatangani perjanjian perdagangan bebas internasional mirip TPPA yang sedang diusahakan oleh kerajaan Malaysia sekarang. 2. Pada tahun 2012, Negara Ecuador telah disaman oleh syarikat Occidental Petroleum milik US sehingga mereka diarahkan membayar 1.7 billon dolar. 3. Di Australia, kerajaannya disaman syarikat tembakau Philip Morris dengan dakwaan mengganggu jualan mereka, akibat tindakan kerajaan menampal amaran merokok membahayakan kesihatan pada setiap kotak rokok yang dijual. 4. Poland dan Sloviakia turut disaman sebuah syarikat kerana membatalkan projek pengswastaan hospital. 5. Afrika Selatan disaman kerana memberikan hak istimewa kepada bumiputera kulit hitam. 6. Kita sudah boleh membayangkan bagaimana perjanjian perdagangan bebas ini jika diamal...
Here are Drucker’s ten (10) life principles and expect to discover your own success and more importantly your own significance. 1. Find out who you are . “Whenever people are on the road to success,” Drucker said, “they tend to think of repositioning as something they do if they’re a failure. But I would say that you ought to reposition when you’re a success, because that’s when you can afford it.” But no one can reposition for significance, Drucker claimed, without first knowing who they are and where they belong. 2. Reposition yourself for full effectiveness and fulfillment . “Early in their careers,” Drucker said, “people tend to have a fairly limited timeframe, of four years or so. They can’t visualize what comes after that.” By the time they achieve some measure of success, however, the timeframe expands. “Suddenly they begin to think about options that are twenty, thirty, or more years ahead of them,” Drucker said. Such a long view often brings clarity where none existed be...