Business Applications

Business Applications

When To and When Not to Attack

Applying this to business is, the management needs to know two dimensions when executing business decisions. Firstly to execute or not. For instance, maybe a new factory is in the plans but building it where and when is important because a factory is a fixed asset and a wrong move could affect the cashflow of the company tremendously. Second dimension is the timing. Using the factory example, the factory will only add manufacturing capacity to the company after a certain time lag so the management has to take note of the timing because if the additional capacity is not added at the correct time, cashflow would be affected because a non-operating factory will still incur running costs.

When to Vary Size of Troops

The leader in a particular department or team should be able to know the strengths and weaknesses of each and every individual in his department or team. From there, he should know who will complete each individual project with the best result, which person should partner with who so as to achieve synergy. This form of human resource management would be analogous to management of troops during military campaign. This would be easier if the turnover within the department is reduced because as we all know it will always take some time for both existing and new staff to be familiarise with each other.

Ability to Unite

This is straightforward. Again we see the mentioning of unity again. So the team leader needs to unite his whole team. If the team is not united, synergy cannot be created and worse, the skills of individuals may not be able to bring out the best result because of constant bickering. To build a strong team, firstly, you need a mission statement the team can agree on. The mission statement creates a vision for the whole team to work towards to. Note the leader, must be passionate about the vision, more passionate than his team members.

Next, set up precise goals for the team to work towards to. What do I mean by precise? It would mean there is a clear cut line whether you achieve or not. Like “Finish compiling 10,000 consumer survey questionnaires by 13 March 10am.” This goal is clear-cut, it is either you reach it or did not, no in between.

Once the goals and vision are settled, you have to create team spirit within the team. If the team has great spirit, with each member doing what they are good at and working together, they are able to achieve more and with smaller effort. Team members would offer help whenever possible and also accept help when offered. Encouragement would also thrive in such an environment because people feel that encouragement are genuine.

Well-Prepared and Far-Sighted

In all business, planning and execution of plans are part and parcel of every work day. So in business, the one who is far-sighted and detailed in their planning has higher odds of success in reaching their goals. The more detailed you are in your plans, you would be able to anticipate and resolve any emergencies that the volatile business environment presents. A far-sighted businessman would also be able to thwart any plans or counter strategies his rival execute rendering them useless.

Ruler Does Not Interfere

With the first four ways of predicting victory depending heavily on the general used. The most important, in my opinion, is the fifth way and that is the general does not have the ruler looking over his shoulder on everything he does during the military campaign. Because no matter how capable a general is, if the ruler interferes with the general’s orders and planning, the general would be equivalent to working with his hands tied up. He would not be able give his best because his best has been limited by the ruler.

So as mentioned, you have the foresight of hiring the best talents that is available for the position, but have you ‘handcuffed’ the talented personnel? Have you given him the room to explore his best or the organisation culture has placed limitations on him? Check out your company’s systems and culture. Give your talents room to grow and explore.


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