While satisfactory for this particular purpose the accounting rate of return is not appropriate for the financial evaluation of a particular design for investment purposes because it does not take account of the time value of money.
Applying this concept to the cash flows estimated over the service life of the vessel it is possible to arrive at the net present value of the investment.
If in the cash flow calculations expenses are calculated as negative items & revenues are positive then it is possible to determine the interest rate used for present value at which the algebraic sum of positive & negative cash flows is zero.
The successful work boat designer’s task is to provide designs of vessels that for a given requirement are technically feasible to operate, that satisfy basic necessities of safety & crew comfort & that yield the highest possible financial return.
Investment cost (i.e., cost of construction of the proposed design) is relatively easy to estimate in an industrialized country where data on costs of vessels of similar size & performance are usually available for comparison.
14 Ways to Happiness
Clinical psychologists believe that happiness is a product of realization. One must allow himself to go through a process to feel happiness. They explain the following phases:
1 ACCEPT THE PAINS. You must get in touch with your situation. Sometimes people deny their hardship, thinking that if they don't face them, they will be happier. But it's the other way around. Allow yourself to go through the pains.
2 CHOOSE NOT TO STAY IN PAIN. They say this is "self-empowerment". You can either be bitter about the pains and feel very powerless. Or you can do something and feel powerful enough to handle them. It's a choice to live with or without pain.
3 FORGIVE YOURSELF, OTHER PEOPLE. But before forgiveness comes in, think about how other people hurt. Then realize that you can see yourself for what you actually are and not how they want you to be. So finding happiness is no longer rooted outside, but it's inside you - what you see, how you view things, what you want. Then it leads to your choice: to live your life with yourself.
4 TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE. We sometimes allow ourselves to let other people, circumstances, or pains in the past to rule our lives. So we become very unhappy and very bitter because we live blaming others on who we are, where we're at, or how we should be. It's an exhausting process because you'll forever be blaming other people. Don't be bothered by what others think who you are or the standards they set. Take responsibility for your life.
5 LEARN TO LET GO AND TRUST YOURSELF. To be happy means learning to let go of expectations from yourself or from other people. You can't always have your way. At work, you can't always be sure your strategies will work or your plans will happen. But before you let go,have a deeper trust in yourself.
6 LEARN TO RECEIVE BLESSINGS. Think of the little things that make you happy or the people that give you assurance where you're good at. This is called receiving. Most of us have reasons to be happy,only that we don't see them or we take them for granted. We need to have little eyes and little hearts too, and realize that all things that make us happy have been there all along.
7 HAVE SOMEBODY TO TURN TO. Even if you're in turmoil, there are people who will support you. But often we stick with people who make us very unhappy. If you're unhappy, seek people who will nurture you or look for a partner who will serve as a well-spring of inspiration.
8 BE HOPEFUL. Hoping is better than being optimistic since it's whole and real. Because sometimes, one's optimism can be a denial of hardship. It's easy to be optimistic about things, but inside you, you're anxious about them. Hoping is deeper. It's something you look forward to even when you recognize the difficulties and pains. The more hopeful a person is, the more he recognizes how bad the situation is, and lets himself to bear it. In the end, he knows it will bear good results. You don't deny difficulties. You're touching ground instead.
9 KEEP THE FAITH ALIVE. There'll be points in your life when you can't handle problems alone. Think about SOMEONE who's more powerful, and who loves you dearly to take care of you. Having faith in ALLAH SWT will give you hope.
10 SHARE YOURSELF. You can actually give intangible gifts even without your conscious effort. People will tell you later that you've helped them, and gradually, you will feel you're making a difference in their lives. That's a deeper gift. When you help others, they affirm you by saying, "You're good." Then you realize that you're a good person and your goodness is not merely based on meeting deadlines or getting a raise. It's more of proving your self-worth based on being loved for who you really are and not simply for the result you can deliver or the money you can contribute to the company. This strengthens your positive attitude towards difficulties in life.
11 BE GRATEFUL. You have to develop in yourself the sense of gratitude. You should be thankful for what you have. But you should recognize that there are things you can do to improve your life.
12 IT'S ALL IN THE MIND. We are unhappy because we think we are. Unhappy people are attached to their unhappiness. They refuse to change. When one thinks negatively, then he attracts negative thoughts. If you think that a tragedy will fall on you, somehow you fulfill it. Unconsciously, you make it happen.
13 MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING. People accumulate more and more money but the amount of happiness they can "buy" gets smaller and smaller. Although more money may bring greater feeling of empowerment, studies show that personal relationships, spirituality and feelings about oneself most directly influence well-being.
14 DISCOVER THE BEST FRIEND IN YOU. We can all change for the better. You can be happy even with yourself by discovering the best friend in you. Get real. Don't be hard on yourself with those high, unattainable goals. It's time you don't look for happiness outside you.
O ye who believe! seek help with patient perseverance and prayer; for Allah is with those who patiently persevere. (2:153)
Say: Shall I give you glad tidings of things Far better than those? For the righteous are Gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath; therein is their eternal home; with companions pure (and holy); and the good pleasure of Allah. For in Allah's sight are (all) His servants,(Namely), those who say: "Our Lord! we have indeed believed: forgive us, then, our sins, and save us from the agony of the Fire;"- Those who show patience, Firmness and self-control; who are true (in word and deed); who worship devoutly; who spend (in the way of Allah); and who pray for forgiveness in the early hours of the morning. (3:15-17)
And seek assistance through patience and prayer, and most surely it is a hard thing except for the humble ones, Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord, and that they are to return to Him. (2:45-46)
'...And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty). And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things.’ (65:2-3)