Scientific Heritage

Scientific Heritage
The Islamic scientific heritage has only too rarely been studied by Muslim themselves, &, if such a study is made, it is usually based on an inferiority complex which tries to prove that Muslims preceded the West in scientific discoveries & therefore are not below the West in their cultural attainment. Rarely is this precious Muslim scientific heritage seen as an alternative path to a science of the natural order which could & did avoid the catastropic impasse modern science & its applications through applications through technology have created for men. Muslims with vision should be only too happy that it was not they who brought about the 17th-century scientific revolution whose logical outcome we observe today. Muslim scholars & thinkers must be trained in the Islamic sciences & of studying these sciences themselves.

The end thus proposed is very different from the goal espoused by so many modernized Muslims who pride themselves that Islam paved the way for the Renaissance. They reason that since the Renaissance was a great event in history & since Islamic culture helped create the Renaisaance, therefore Islamic culture must be of value.


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