Lean Production System
The Toyota Lean Production System (TPS) emphasised the role of leadership in the manufacturing system. In TPS, the leader should implement three major tasks; i) to go and see, ii) to ask why and iii) to show respect to others.
These were the key tasks of leaders in the manufacturing plants, and by implementing the system, Toyota has emerged as one of the market leaders in the motor industry.
Let us examine each of the tasks. The first was for the leader to go and see for himself the actual conditions, problems or issues faced by staff members and consumers. A leader should not place a barrier between him and the people, or try to avoid meeting those under his/her leadership.
This is indeed very true. A leader should not lose touch with his staff members.
He should always mingle with them and try to understand and appreciate their predicament.
A leader should not shy away from the public, or create an exclusive environment in which he only meets or mixes with certain elite groups only. Pemimpin berjiwa rakyat is perhaps the Malay phrase which best describes this.
The question is, do our leaders today really emulate this noble attitude? Have the plight of the people really caught their attention? Or are they too busy with their efforts to garner votes and support to ascend the leadership ladder?
The second task is for the leader to always ask why. A leader should not merely be a yes man, but be able to challenge and argue any decision or proposal. We need leaders who are able to think and analyse, not blindly accept everything laid before them.
By asking that question, the leader will stimulate a thinking culture and will allow for the development of mindfulness among his staff members.
Any proposal or solution that comes to him, will have to get his scrutiny before being approved. A leader should exercise to be more active and be more engaging in dialogues, meetings and discussions, before arriving at conclusions.
The third task is for a leader to be respectful of others, including his subordinates. A leader should be able to communicate and act in a respectful manner, to gain the trust and respect of others, and to reciprocate by showing dignity and due respect to his subordinates.
This will create harmony in an organisation, and a leader will gain support and commitment from others in his efforts. If a leader fails to show respect to others, they will shy away from him and he will lose his friends, while support for him will diminish.
Therefore, we need to look at the foregoing in relation to leadership roles and characteristics.
We need our leaders to be cast from that mould, to go to the ground to see for themselves what is happening and to start asking why, what is happening (seeking to find solutions).
Finally leaders should be respectful to the people they lead.
In truth these three tasks are not alien to Islam.