Ma'al Hijrah 1430H
Salam Ma'al Hijrah 1430H. The Islamic new year is much more relevant for the Muslims since the hijrah means moving from a worse phase to a better phase: in terms of believing/spiritual matters, financial aspects, politically, socially, etc.
Perhaps the Zionists/Jews are sending a rather terrorist message to the Palestinians/Muslims in ushering the Islamic new year by bombing them using their air power/supremacy - killing innocent people in Gaza. They are not interested in peace but use aggression/terrorise to massacre the Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians. Is OIC doing anything about it or the UN/US cares about it? They only care if their cities/peoples are bombarded or terrorise by the Zionists/Jews.
There is no power save the Divine Powers of Allah SWT: La hawla wa quwata illa billahil 'alail 'aziim.
Perhaps the Zionists/Jews are sending a rather terrorist message to the Palestinians/Muslims in ushering the Islamic new year by bombing them using their air power/supremacy - killing innocent people in Gaza. They are not interested in peace but use aggression/terrorise to massacre the Muslims/Arabs/Palestinians. Is OIC doing anything about it or the UN/US cares about it? They only care if their cities/peoples are bombarded or terrorise by the Zionists/Jews.
There is no power save the Divine Powers of Allah SWT: La hawla wa quwata illa billahil 'alail 'aziim.