Professional Engineer: Naval Architect
A Naval Architect is a professional engineer who is responsible for the design, construction and repair of ships, boats other marine vessels and offshore structures, both civil and military, including: Merchant Ships - Oil/Gas Tankers, Cargo Ships, Cruise Liners etc. Passenger/Vehicle Ferries Warships - Frigates, Destroyers, aircraft Carriers, Amphibious Ships etc Submarines and underwater vehicles Offshore Drilling Platforms, semi Submersibles, FPSO's (Floating Production Storage Offloading Vessels) High Speed Craft - Hovercraft, Multi Hull ships, Hydrofoil Craft etc Workboats - Fishing Vessels, Tugs, Pilot Vessels, Rescue Craft etc. Yachts, Power Boats and other recreational craft Some of these are amongst the largest and most complex and highly valued moveable structures produced by mankind. Without them to provide for the sa...