The power of positive thinking
The power of positive thinking is immense, the value of a positive mental attitude is priceless. It is a value everyone must have. It is the prelude to success, within and without.
To cultivate a habit of positive thinking with chains of less than perfect habits and thinking that we have picked up in the course of our lives, is an art that has to be acquired. Here are some tips for positive thinking and practical steps that enable positive thinking to be indelibly part of your life, that will leave living richer fuller and happier.
1. Learn. Read. Listen. Daily. To inspiring thoughts, audios, movies, battles conquered, adventures encountered, obstacles overcome.
2. Optimism. Psychologist Martin Seligman mentions that those who are optimistic do not think like pessimists who tend to see problems as permanent, pervasive and personal. Rather than saying " I'm doomed", "Everything's finished." "I'm no good" Optimists see a way out, they confine the problem and do not take it personally. They do not indulge in catastrophic thinking. The glass if half full. There will be better days. Belief and hope is half the battle won.
4. Taking responsibility instead of blame. You will be able to take locus and control of your life again. The storms may rage around you. but you are responsible for getting out of it. You will swim out no matter what . you don't wait for the rain to stop before you move. You don't wait for the other person to react before you make the first move.
5. Not allowing negative emotions to overwhelm you. You may have been beaten sore. But there is still breath in you enough to fight another day. The world may have been unfair, but you are only going to cry in your closet for only a little while. It may be a blessings in disguise. Every experience learnt will lead more wisdom in the next, Every adversity has the seed of a greater benefit. You will be surprised sometimes things that seem adversities turn out to be opportunities in disguise
6. Persistence. Push. Beyond The Dip. Seth Godin explains that most people do not achieve what they want is because they give up before they cross The Dip. What is The Dip? It is the 10th job interview where they never even fall you back. It is the 100th time you fall on your butt while learning to snowboard. It is any rough patch you have to get through before achieving your big goal. Success is only a step away. Or maybe a few more steps. Never give up. Don't quit. Ask. And you will receive.
8. Seek divine guidance. When you are overwhelmed. When bad things happen to good people like yourself. When you are stuck and find no way out. Or even before the start of an ordinary day. Og Mandino, in his book The Greatest Salesman in the World mentions: " I will pray.. in this manner: Oh Creator of all things, help me….for this day I go out into the world naked and alone, and without your hand to guide me, I will wander far from the path that leads to success and happiness. .… teach me how to hunt with words and prosper with love… Discipline me in the habit of trying and trying again.. bathe me in good habits that the bad ones may drown; yet grant me compassion for weaknesses in other. Suffer me to know that all things shall pass; yet help me count my blessings of today. Let me become all you planned for me when my seed was planted and selected by you to sprout in the vineyard of the world…"
8. Keep the big picture in mind. Distractions, pettiness, they can irritate you for the moment. Never lose sight of what you are here for and keep your eyes on your vision and goal. You can revise them now and again if you find it is not really. And if you really When you steer a ship, you look at a far point, not the waves in front of you. Search within. Follow your compass and stick to it.
9.Accepting your lot when you have to, while sticking to your dreams of better things to come. Adapting while being content in the midst of situations. Remember the serenity prayer- teach me to accept things that cannot be changed and change what you can, and knowing how to distinguish the two. There is a time for everything, and perhaps it is the time to wait and be patient. A time to reflect, change. Humility. Emptiness. Mourning. There is a time and place for this. It is refreshing time, an important time. Treasure it.
10. Bringing joy and hope in the lives of others. Adding value. Touching lives. After all, dreams for yourself, and self glory end in hollow emptiness at the end. The most meaningful moments are those when lives are touched, legacy left, personal battles won. We exist for each other. Meaningful moments often involve people- touching people, touching lives.
In short, positive thinking is more than looking at the bright side.
It is an entire lifestyle of thinking rightly, which will leave you more fulfilled, happy and satisfied than ever before.
Go for it!