Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming obstacles
: There are 5 main reasons why financially literate people may still not develop abundant asset columns:
1. Fear
2. Cynicism
3. Laziness
4. Bad habits
5. Arrogance

1. Overcoming the fear of losing money: Winning means being unafraid to lose. "I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity" - Rockefeller. If you have any desire of being rich, you must focus. Put a lot of your eggs in a few baskets: e.g. buy bonds or mutual funds.

2. Overcoming the cynicism: We have friends or loved ones who will remind us of our shortcomings regardless of whether we ask. Warnings about the sky falling are referred to as "noise", & we all hear it. Most people are poor because when it comes to investing, the world is filled with Chicken Little running around yelling, "The sky is falling. The sky is falling." It often takes great courage to not let rumours & talk of doom & gloom affect your doubts & fears. The real world is simply waiting for you to get rich.

"Cynics criticize, & winners analyze." - Finding what people miss is key to any success. By finding a great property manager who runs houses or apartments, well, my cash flow goes up. A great property manager is key to success in real estate.

Instead of analyzing, they close their minds to another powerful investment vehicle, the stock market.

3. Laziness: Cure for laziness is to look at the big picture.


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