ISLAMIC SOCIAL SCIENCE: The Holy Quran in a beautiful passage praises those who reflect on the empirical realities of our world – contemplate the creation – in Surah Ali Imran: | |
Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth,
and the alternation of night and day - there are indeed signs
for men of understanding; Men who remember Allah,
standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides,
and contemplate the creation
of the heavens and the earth [Quran 3:190-191]
The Quran also exhorts Muslims to undertake empirical study in Surah Al Ankabut.
Say: Travel through the earth and see
how Allah originated creation [Quran 29:20].
Some countries such as Japan, India and China have developed indegenized social scientists who use advanced analytical and research skills in the interest of their nations and provide the necessary information to make effective policy. The progress and growth and development of these nations are indicative of the success of their social scientists.
The success of non-Muslims and the failure of Muslims in worldly matters can be explained only through the knowledge deficit that plagues the Muslim community. The Quran once again is so clear on this issue:
Allah will raise up to (suitable) ranks (and degrees) those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge. [Quran 58:11]
While I cannot comment on the faith of anyone, I can understand that Allah has raised the West and the Far East to great heights and honor purely because of their commitment to freedom of thought and knowledge. The best universities and the most productive work in knowledge accumulation is taking place in the West and the Far East. Actually everywhere including the Muslim World.
Social scientists must not only be consulted but also encouraged to research, speak and write freely on the most important and pressing issues such as external and internal security, geopolitics, globalization, inter-faith politics, economics, social and public policy and short and long term planning. Other issues that they can enrich are normative discussions based on empirical experience of institutions and polities that are best suited for our times. Social sciences are now very diverse, very complex and very advanced. They deal with issues all across the board and their findings impact policy at all levels.
Islamic sciences that were developed – remember they were developed by human beings not revealed by God – were quite advanced for their time and help vitalize the Islamic world and make it a dominant and thriving civilization.
Social sciences have also added Islamic studies to their realm and have developed a more nuanced, more sophisticated and even empowering vision of Islam by critiquing and building upon traditional Islamic sciences. Today it is easy to find Muslim social and humanities scholars who are also trained in traditions methods, who now empowered by new epistemologies and are doing wonderful research that if the Ummah were to embrace would resuscitate the community.
Today the knowledge to revive and develop the Islamic Ummah is available. It is time the community recognizes that the for centuries we have failed to become leaders of humanity and fulfill our mandate as Allah’s vicegerents on earth (Quran 2:30) is because we have surrendered our vision, our faith and our reason to deadwood. Power is a function of knowledge.
Say: Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? [Quran 39:9]
The Ummah is powerless because those who they consider as knowledgeable have failed for over 500 years to provide us with an empowering vision.
The community needs new vision and new direction. In academic journals and conferences Muslim social scientists have provided sophisticated analysis of our condition and also enlightening pathways for a better and more secure future for all. It is now up to the community leaders to connect the output of these scholars with the direction of the community.
Scholars by nature are isolationists. They need seclusion to think, research and write. It is not fair to expect them to come forward, some do like yours truly, but the community must also seek them and seek their guidance