Abundance / River

Al-Kawthar (108)

سورة الكوثر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أنا أعطيناك الكوثر * فصل لربك وأنحر * إن شانئك هو الأبتر *

Bimillàhir Rahmànir Rahiim

Innà a’tainaa kal kawthar.

Fa salli li Rabbika wanhar

Inna shàni’aka huwàl abtar.


IN the name of Allah, The Compassionate the Most Merciful.

Indeed we have granted you (O Muhammad SAW) Al-Kawthar (A river in paradise);

So pray to your Lord and make sacrifice (to Him).

Surely he who hates you (O Muhammad SAW) is the one cut off (from posterity and every

good thing in this world and in the Hereafter). (Al-Quran: 108)

(Surah 113: al-falaq)

Then we have the wa min sharri hasidin idha hasad. Envy is the most dangerous of ??

What did we read at the first of surat al-Falaq. Qul Audhu bi rabb il-falaq, say I seek refuge in the lord of daybreak and from the evil of what he has created and from the evil of darkening nights… and from the veil of those who practice witchcraft and blow in knots. And finally, he left it to the end, the worst of all, and from the envy when he envies.

It means all the evil of the darkness and the evil of what He created.. and from the evil of the magic and sorcery and finally from evil of envy.

  • Hasad is the most dangerous sickness that you can find. You must keep a low profile otherwise people will envy you and if they envy you you will get a lot of problems.

  • The Prophet said, the hasad eats good deeds, hasanat, as the fire eat's the wood.

How the fire eats the wood quickly, when you envy someone, that envy eats your rewards and is given to the one you envy.

That is why when we do Salat an-Nejat,

we ask Allah to save me from hasad,

because the hasad eats the good tidings,

the hasanat as the fire eats the wood.

Hasad is something that is possessing us completely from top to bottom. You cannot see anyone better than you, you want to be the best. Even children. It is human nature. Look what happened to the first one that envied in creation, who did the first hasad come from? It came from Iblis. Why because he was worshipping for a goal. He was worshipping to reach something. So when he saw he was unable to reach it, hasad threw him to. What was his goal?

It was al-maqam al-Mahmoud the highest maqam that any servant can reach. He worshipped without leaving one handspan where he did not make Sajda, hoping to reach maqam al-Mahmoud. When he saw the light at maqam al-Mahmoud, he knew that it was not for him, when he saw it in the forehead of Sayyidina Adam.

If he had reached maqam al-Mahmoud, he would have done hundreds of Sajda. You have to run to Allah saying

ilahi anta maqsoodee wa ridaka matlubi.

Don’t say I will do this and you give me that. You are servant and he is master. The servant surrenders to the master. The servant has no will. Sayyidna Muhammad had no will Allah gave him that. Iblis wanted that, and when adam got it he was ..

Second time of hasad, qabil against habil. So Allah asked them to sacrifice to him. habil looked among his sheep and found the best one and sacrificed to Allah. Qabil looked for the weakest one and selected it for sacrifice. Allah accepted the sacrifice of habil and took it up in a fire. Qabil saw that and was jealous and killed his brother.

Today what is causing people to fight. It is envy and jealously. That is why you see problems around the word.

Ibn Abbas said, that Allah has ended this surah by hasad, to show that it is the worst of human characteristics. He ended the surah with it.

And it is also a sign that as soon as the ego or the self, an-Nafs al-Ammarah, the commanding self, that is always tell you do this or do that, that self, that makes to fall down, by envying your heart.

Because there is a struggle between your self and your heart.

The heart is the place you can receive heavenly inspirations.

Ma wasi`anee ardee …

The heart of the believer contains me.

It is the place where heavenly manifestations are received. The ego is where shaytan plays with you, Nafs al-Ammarah. It gets envy form the heart.

As soon as it gets the envy of the heart an dhat is when we have the struggle between the self and heart.

That is where the Hadith of the prophet comes, we returned from small jihad to bigger jihad. That is the hasad between yourself, between two fasces or organs of the person. The heart and the self.

The heart behind the power of the mind, fighting the self. The mind controlling the self obeying. The heart surrenders to Allah that is always pumping. The only pump in the body, is there any other pump.

Pumping blood, carrying oxygen { Secret of number 6 and Divine love and fire}. Carrying life. To clean the blood. No other organ is doing what the heart is doing. Breathing positive divine angelic energy from the bahr al-Qudra, and mixing with the bloods and distributing to the whole body.

The bad self is not happy. There is hasad to each other. Look Subhanallah two elements are fighting with each other inside our self. And what are they doing: building up knots that have to be removed.

The prophet called utba ibn `amie and told him alam tara ayaatin nuzilat… ma …qat.

Have you not seen that this night were revealed two suras of Quran never revealed before like them.

What are they? Qul Audhu bi Rabbil Falaq and Qul Audhu bi rabb in-Nas.

That is what zayd ibn thabit, he put the whole Quran together, the Quran of zayd. And he was the last one who heard from the prophet how to recite the holy Quran and the prophet put these two suras at the end of the Quran, ending the Quran with them. That is why today everyone uses the version of Quran of zayd ibn thabit. Jibreel used to come to the prophet every Ramadan and structure the Quran in the way we see it today. And zayd ibn thabit was there and the prophet told him how to structure the order of the suras of the Quran and that is why we find these two suras at the end of the Quran.

May Allah forgive us and give us from the blessing of these two suras.

Wa min Allah at-tawfiq. Bihurmatil fatiha.


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