Your hearts are corrupted by ten (10) things: -1 First of all, you know Allah, but you have left his sunna. -2 Second, you say you love the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), but you have abandoned his sunna. -3 Third, you read the Glorious Qur’an, but don’t follow it. -4 Fourth, you make use of the goodness Allah has given you, but you don’t thank Him. -5 Fifth, you say “Satan is our enemy”, but you act the way he wants you to. -6 Sixth, you say that paradise definitely exists and that you believe in it, but you don’t perform actions that are deserving of it. -7 Seventh, you say there is certainly Hell, but you don’t abandon the deeds that will take you there. -8 Eighth, you say that death is real, but you don’t prepare yourselves for it. -9 Ninth, you wake up from your sleep, get up in the morning, and you become absorbed with seeking the faults of others, and forget your own faults, not seeing them and not paying any attention to them. -10 Tenth, you bury ...
Showing posts from September, 2012
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IN PRAISE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW The prayer of Shaykh Ibn al-Mashish, may Allah be pleased with him, in praise of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and give him peace, The meadows of the gardens of gnosis are embellished by the flowers of beauty from the Shari'ah of Ahmad. The oceans of generosity overflow by his lights In every absence and witnessing.
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HIZBUL BAHR Help us, for Thou art the best of helpers. Open to us the hand of mercy, for Thou art the best of openers. Pardon us, for Thou art the best of pardoners. Be compassionate toward us, for Thou art the best of those who show compassion. Sustain us, for Thou art the best of sustainers. Guide us and rescue us from the unjust people. Send us a gentle breeze, as Thou dost know how to do, and let it blow on us from the storehouses of Thy mercy. Let it bear us along as it by miraculous intervention, with security and well-being, in religion, worldly affairs, and the hereafter. Thou art powerful over all things. Allah SWT, facilitate for us our affairs, with ease of mind and body, with security and well-being in religious and worldly matters. Be a companion for us on our journey, and a substitute for our households. Blot out the countenances of our enemies, and transform them where they stand, disabling them from leaving or coming to US. If We willed, We would blot out their...
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Abu Laits As-Samarqandi, Tanbihul Ghafilin: 1. Siapa yang pagi-pagi susah memikirkan dunia, maka ia pagi-pagi telah murka kepada Allah 2. Siapa yang mengeluh kerana ditimpa musibah, maka ia mengeluhkan Tuhannya. 3. Siapa yang tidak hirau dari mana datangnya rezekinya, maka Allah tidak hirau dari pintu mana ia akan masuk neraka. 4. Sesiapa yang berbuat dosa sambil ketawa dia akan masuk neraka sambil menangis 5. Sesiapa yang sibuk memuaskan nafsu syahwat semata-mata, maka Allah akan mencabut daripada hatinya takut akan akhirat. 6. Sesiapa yang merendah kepada orang kaya kerana kayanya, maka selalu terbayang di ruang matanya kemiskinannya.
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The real terrorists are those producing the youtube film "The Innocence of Muslims". Whilst portraying the Muslims as terrorists, they (the above film producers & financiers) are terrorizing the minds of Muslims worldwide & provoking the Muslim masses. Just imagine if the Muslims portray their icons with such bad tastes: they would then blame everything on the Muslims. As Allah SWT says in the Glorious Quran: "So, be not weak & ask not for peace (from the enemies of Islam) while you are having the upper hand. Allah SWT is with you, & He will never decrease the reward of your good deeds." Glorious Quran 47 (Muhammad SAW): 35. We pray to Allah SWT to punish those producers/financiers of the above film to hell fire.
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Dari Kitab Tanbighul Ghafilin bagi Abu Laits As-Samarqandi. Di muka surat terakhir kitab tersebut. Ini satu pemindahan dari bab amalan Doa dan beberapa tasbih. Daripada Hasan bin Ali R.A. Sesungguhnya Hasan bin Ali menjamin bagi siapa yang membaca 20 ayat ini, akan terselamat daripada kejahatan Syaitan yang Jahat dan Sultan yang Zalim dan Pencuri yang melampau dan Binatang buas yang memberi mudharat. Bahawa tidak akan memberi mudharat barang tersebut. Inilah ayat2nya : 1. Ayatul Kursi 2. Surah Al-A’raf (54-56) 3. Surah As-Shoffat (1-10) 4. Surah Ar-Rahman (33-35) 5. Surah Al-Hasyr (22-24) Diamalkan sesudah solat Subuh dan Maghrib 1 kali dan ketika hendak keluar rumah kerana ada sesuatu urusan. INSYAALLAHU TAALA….
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Some Insight on THE Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025 In my opinion the article by CS Ling is rather biased & definitely anti-Islam. By saying that the Islamisation makes the students "becoming more Malay" is definitely uncalled for. After years of staying in Malaysia, the writer/editor CS Ling is still unclear about Islam as a religion and Malay as a race. Perhaps she should just open up her eyes wider & see that there are more Non-Malay Muslims worldwide than there are Malay Muslims. Islam had been at the pinnacle of education ever since its propagation by our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. Even the Europeans admit that the present state of science & technology would not progress much before the advent of Islam. The number system that we are so used today, i.e. 0123456789 had originated from Muslim mathematicians of earlier years. We would perhaps still be using the old numbering system of I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X without any zero (0) should we still...