Ar Raqîb: The Watcher, The All-Observing, The Witness, The Watchful The One who watches all things. The One who is the ever vigilant witness. The One from whose observation nothing is hidden. The One who observes all thoughts, deeds and feelings. From the root r-q-b which has the following classical Arabic connotations: to look, watch, be vigilant to expect, anticipate, await to keep an eye on, detect, observe to be mindful of to be a spy, scout, observer to regard, hold in consideration, respect. This name is used in the Qur'ân. For example, see Holy Quran 4:1 “…Surely, Allah SWT is ever an All-Watcher over you.” Related names: Raqîb refers to the One who has the attribute of watchfulness. Wakîl refers to the One who is the trusted administrator. Hafîz refers to the One who protects and preserves. Mâni' - the One who protects and defends against harmful situations. Muhaymin refers to the One who is the ever-watchful guardian and protector.


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