Hizb Al-Bahr
Hizb al-Bahr (Prayer of the Sea), a unique litany made of Quranic verses and supplications, is attributed to the venerated pole Mawlana Abul Hassan Shadhili (d. 656/1241). Sidna Shaykh, al-Qutb al-Maktum, Mawlana Ahmed ibn Mohammed Tijani al-Hassani (may Allah sanctify his secrets) had Hizb al-Bahr recited in his morning and evening wirds at the order of his grandfather (peace and blessing be upon him) who himself taught the litany to Shaykh Abul Hassan Shadhili (may Allah be pleased with him). The litany contains the Greatest Name of Allah (al-Ism al-A’adham) and the reading of it draws forth extraordinary majestic epiphanies. Hence the disicple should receive an ijaza (licence) from his muqaddam to benefit from it. On the litany, the Shaykh Abul Hassan Shadhili said, “By Allah, I did not utter it except as it came from the Holy Prophet, from whose instruction I learned it. ‘Guard it;' the Holy Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) said to me, ‘for it contains the greatest name of Allah.' It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city.” On the virtues of the Hizb al-Bahr, the noted Imam of Qarawiyyine Mosque, the Shaykh Sidi Ibn Abbad ar-Rundi al-Andalusi (d. 792/1377) said, “Whoever recites it every day at sunrise, Allah hears his prayer, relieves his distress, raises his standing among people, expands his breast with knowledge of the divine oneness, facilitates his concerns, lifts his hardship, keeps from him the evil of man and jinn, and protects him from the harm of mishaps of the night and day.” Further, the grand master Sidi Ahmed Zarruq al-Fasi (d. 899/1484) clarifies, “As for bringing about effects with this litany, it is commensurate with one’s aim and aspiration that one has command of it to draw or repel, intending what is desired when ones say, ‘And subject to us this sea. - wa sakh-khir lană hadhăl Bahr-'.”
حزب البحر جلالي
يقول العلامة العارف بالله سيدي أحمد سكيرج رضي الله عنه ﻓﻲ كشف البلوى في رد الفتوى المنشورة على مجلة التقوى: "و اعلم أن طريقتنا المحمدية التجانية طريقة جمال، و أذكارها كلها جمالية ، إلا ما كان من الحزب السيفي و حزب البحر، فإن التجلي على ذاكرهما أو ذاكر واحد منهما بالملازمة يقضي بالجلال الذي لا يقدر المريد في طريقتنا على حمله و لو قرأ ذلك لغير تحصيل خاصية من فضله... كما أن "طريقتنا غير مبنية على نية تحصيل الخاصية، و لا على السلوك فيها على ما جرى عليه مريدوا التربية في طرق الصوفية، بل طريقتنا طريقة شكر كما هو معروف بين أهلها". الجواهر المنتشرة في الجواب عن الأسئلة الإحدى عشرة). و هي طريقة ذات فتوحات ربانية و مقامات إحسانية و مواجد عرفانية مفاضة على أصحابها من الحضرة المحمدية ببركة الشيخ سيدي أحمد التجاني رضي الله عنه... و لقد كادت ولايته أن تعد من الحق المقطوع به حتى عند غير الأصحاب و الإخوان."
1. Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahîm.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful.
2. Allahumma, Ya 'Aliyyu, Ya Adhîmu,Ya Halîmu, Ya 'Alîm.
Oh Allah, Oh Most High, Oh Exalted, Oh Gentle, Oh All Knowing.
3. Anta Rabbî wa 'Ilmuka Hasbî.
You are my Sustainer and Your Knowledge is my Sufficiency.
4. Fa Ni'ma Rabbu Rabbî, wa Ni'mal Hasbu Hasbî.
How excellent a Sustainer is my Sustainer, How excellent a Sufficer is my Sufficer.
5. Tansuru Man Tashă'u wa anta al Azizur Rahîm.
You aid whom you chŭse and You are The All Powerful, The Mercy Bestowing.
6. Nas'alukal 'ismata fil harakăti was sakanăti wal kalimati wal irădăti wal khatarăt.
We beseech Your protection in our movements and our stillness, in our words, in our desires, and our thoughts.
7. Minash-shukŭki wadh-dhunŭni wal awhămis sătirati lil qulŭbi 'an mutăla'atil ghŭyŭbi.
From the dougts and the suspicions and the illusions that veil our hearts from the perceptions of the Unsîn.
8. Fa qad 'ubtuliyal mu'minŭna wa zulzilŭ zilzălan shadîdă.
And truly have the believers bîn tested and shaken, shaken severely (33:11)
9. Wa 'idh yaqŭlul minăfiqŭna wal ladhîna fî qulŭbihim maradun mă wa'adană-llahu wa Rasŭluhu illa ghurŭră.
And if the hypocrites and those with doubting hearts say: Allah and His Messenger did not promise us other than delusion. (33:12)
10. Fa thabbitnă wansurnă wa sakh-khir lană hadhăl Bahr.
Firmly rŭt us and support us and subjugate to us this Sea.
11. Kamă sakh-khartal Bahra li Mŭsă.
As You subjugated the Sea to (Prophet) Moses ("Sidna Musa"; peace be upon him).
12. Wa sakh-khartan Nar li Ibrahim.
And You subjugated the Fire to (Prophet) Abraham ("Sidna Ibrahim"; peace be upon him).
13. Wa sakh-khartal jibăla wal hadîda li Dăwŭda.
And You subjugated the Mountains and the Iron to (Prophet) David "Sidna Dawud"; peace be upon him).
14. Wa sakh-khartar rîha wash shayătîna wal jinna li Sulaymn.
Wind and the Demons and the Jinns to (Prophet) Solomon ("Sidna Sulayman"; peace be upon him).
15. Wa sakh-khartath thaqalîna li Mohammedin 'alayhi salăti was salăm.
And You subjugated the Humans and the Jinns to (the Holy Prophet) Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessing be upon him).
16. Wa sakh-khir lană kulli Bahrin huwa laka fil 'ardi was samă'i wal mulki wal malakŭti.
So subjugate to us every Sea of Yours on the Earth, in the Skies, the Dominions and the Heavenly bodies.
17. Wa Bahra d-Dunyă wa Bahral Ăkh-khirah.
And the Sea of this World and the Sea of the World to come.
18. Wa sakh-khir lană kulli shay'in. Yă man, bi yădihi malakŭtu kulli shay'in.
And subjugate to us everything. Oh You! In Whose Hand in the dominion over every thing.
19. Kăaf Ha Ya 'Ayîen Săad; Kăaf Ha Ya 'Ayîen Săad, Kăaf Ha Ya 'Ayîen Săad.
(Quran: 19.01) (Hold the ă and the î for six counts. Hold the a for two counts.)
20. 'Unsurnă fa 'innaka khayrul fătihîna.
Aid us, for You are the best of those who Aid.
21. Wa-f-tah lană fa 'innaka khayrul fătihîn.
And open for us, for You are the best that Opens.
22. Wa-ghfir lană fa'innaka khayrul ghăfirîn.
And forgive us, for You are the best of Forgivers.
23. Wa r-hamnă fa'innaka khayrur Răhimîn.
And show mercy to us for You are the best of those who show Mercy.
24. Wa r-zuqnă fa'innaka khayrur Răziqîn.
And provide for us for You are the best of Providers.
25. Wa h-dină wa najjină minal qawmi dh-dhălimîn.
And Guide us and deliver us from the hands of the oppressors.
26. Wa hab lană rîhan tayyibatan kamă hiyya fî 'ilmika.
And grant us a fair wind according to Your Knowledge.
27. Wa n-shurhă 'alaynă min khară'ini rahmatika.
Waft it upon us from the treasures of Your Mercy.
28. Wa h-milnă bihă hamlal karămati ma'as salămati wal 'ăfiyati fi d-dîni wa d-dunyă wal ăkhirah.
Carry us by the conveyance of Your Generosity with Peace and Well Being in our spiritual life and our worldly life to come.
29. 'Innaka 'ala kulli shay'in Qadîr.
"Surely Your are powerful over all things" (Quran 3:26).
30. Allahumma Yassir lană 'umŭrană ma'a r-răhata li qulŭbină wa abdănină.
Oh my Allah! Make easy for us our situation with rest for our hearts and our bodies.
31. Wa s-salămati wal 'ăfiyati fî duyănă wa dînină.
And peace and well being in our worldly and spiritual lives.
32. Wa kun lană sahiban fî safarină wa khalîfatan fî ahlină.
And be to us our Companion in our journey and Guardian of our family.
33. Wa t-tmis 'ală wujŭhi adă'ină.
Efface the faces of our enemies.
34. Wa m-sakhhum 'ală makănatihum fală yastatî'ŭnal mudiya wa lăl majî'a ilaynă.
Freeze them in their places so that they are unable to go or come against us.
35. Wa lau nashă'u la tamasnă 'ală a'yunihim făstabaqŭ sirăta fa 'innă yubsirŭna.
"If We willed We would have wiped out their eyes, then they would have raced to the Way, but how would they see?" (Quran 36:66).
36. Wa lau nashă'u la masakhnăhum 'ală makănatihim fa mă stată'ŭ mudiyan wa lă yarji'ŭna.
"If We willed We would have frozen them in their places, neither could they go forth or return." (Quran 36:67)
37. Yăă Sîîn!
(Quran 36:01; These are mystic words, and entirely beyond the reach of vocabularies).
38. Wal Qur'ani l-Hakîm.
"By the Wisdom Reading" (Quran 36:02).
39. 'Innaka lamina l-mursalîn.
"Truly you are from the Messengers" (Quran 36:03).
40. 'Ală Sirăti m-Mustaqîm
"On a Straight Way" (Quran 36:04).
41. Tanzîla l'Azîz ir-Rahîm
"Sent down by the All Mighty, the Mercy Bestowing" (Quran 36:05).
42. Li tundhira qauman mă undhira 'ăbă'uhum fahum ghăfilŭn.
"So that you may warn a people whose forefathers were never warned and sot they are heedless" (Quran 36:06).
43. La qad haqqal qawlu 'ală aktharihim fahum lă yu'minŭn.
"The Word has been proved True by most of them yet they will not believe" (Quran 36:07).
(The Word = Divine Revelation in general and Qur'an in particular.)
44. Innă ja'alnă fî aghnăqihim aghlălan fahiya ilăl adhqăni fahum muqmahŭn.
"Behold! We have placed fetters around their necks reaching to their chins so their heads are forced up" (Quran 36:08).
45. Wa ja'alnă min bayni aydîhim saddan wa min khalfihim saddan fa aghshaynăhum fahum lă yubsirŭn.
"And We placed before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and We shrouded them so that they do not see" (Quran 36:09).
46. Shăhatil Wujŭhu, Shăhatil Wujŭhu, Shăhatil Wujŭhu.
"Defaced" (Quran 20: 111) (x3).
47. Wa 'anatil wujŭhu lilhayyi l-qayyŭmi wa qad khăba man hamala zulmă.
"Faces shall be humbled before The Living, The Self-Subsistent; frustrated is he who carries oppression" (Quran 20: 111)
48. Ta Sîen Ha Mîem 'Ayîen Sîen Qăaf
(These are mystic words, and entirely beyond the reach of vocabularies) (Hold the ăa and the îe for six counts. Hold the a for two counts.)
49. Marajal bahrayni yaltaqiyăni baynhumă barzakhun lă yabghiyăni.
"He let forth the two seas that come together; between them is a barrier they do not pass" (Quran 55:19-20).
50. Ha Mîem, Ha Mîem, Ha Mîem, Ha Mîem, Ha Mîem, Ha Mîem, Ha Mîem (These are mystic words, and entirely beyond the reach of vocabularies)[Say Ha Mîem six times pointing to the right and forward, upwards and downwards, left and behind, saying internally: "By Allah all evil and catastrophe coming from these six directions is erased. By the Baraka of these letters, good comes from the six directions." Say Ha Mîem the seventh time breathing into your upraised hands and then pass them across your face. At the same time imagine Ha Mîem written in light within and across your breast from right to left.]
51. Hummal amru wa ja'a n-nasru fa'alaynă lă yunsarŭn.
The matter is decreed, Victory came, against us they shall not be victorious.
52. Ha Mîem.Tanzîlul Kităbi mina-llahi l-Azizil-'Alîm.
"Ha Mîem (These are mystic words, and entirely beyond the reach of vocabularies). The Book came down from Allah, The All Mighty, The All Knowing" (Quran 40:1-2).
53. Ghăfiri dh-dhanbi wa qăbili t-tawbi shadîdil 'iqăbi dhî t-tawli.
"Pardoner of sin, Accepter of penitence, Terrible in retribution, The Bountiful" (Quran 40:3).
54. Lă ilaha illa Huwa, ilayhil Masîr.
"No deity except Him, to Him, is the Homecoming" ( Quran40:3).
55. Bismi-llahi băbună.
"In the Name of Allah" is our door.
56. Tabăraka hîtănună,
"Chapter 67 of the Quran" is our walls.
57. Ya Sîen saqfuna.
"Chapter 36 of the Quran" is our roof.
58. Kăaf Ha Ya 'Ayîen Săad Kifăyatună.
"Kăaf Ha Ya 'Ayîen Săad" (Quran: 19.01) is our sufficiency.
59. Ha Mîem 'Ayîen Sîen Qăaf Himăyatună.
"Ha Mîem 'Ayîen Sîen Qăaf" is our protection.
60. Fasayakfîkahumu-llahi wa huwa s-samî'ul 'Alîm (3x).
"And Allah will suffice you against them and He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing" (Quran 2:137).
61. Sitrul 'arshi masbŭlun 'alaynă.
The veil of the Throne is extended over us.
62. Wa 'aynu-llahi năziratu ilaynă.
The Eye of Allah beholds us.
63. Bi hawli-llahi lă yuqdaru 'alaynă.
By the Power of Allah none may decree evil upon us.
64. Wa-llahu min wara'ihim muhîtin.
"And Allah, all unseen, has surrounded them" (Quran 85:20).
65. Bal huwa Qur'anun Majîdun, fî Lawhin mahfŭzin.
"Truly it is a Glorious Reading, in a preserved Tablet" (Quran 85:21-2).
66. Fă-llahu khayrun hăfizan wa huwa arhamu r-răhimîn (3x).
"And Allah is the Best Protector and He is the Most Merciful Bestower of Mercy" (Quran 12:92).
67. Inna waliyya-llahu l-ladhî nazzala l-kităba, wa huwa yatawallă s-sălihîn (3x).
"Truly my Protector is Allah who sent down The Book and He protects the Righteous" (Quran 7:196)
68. Hasbiya-llahu lă ilahă illa huwa, 'alayhi tawakkaltu, wa huwa rabbu l-'arshi l-'azîm (3x).
"Sufficient for me is Allah, there is no deity other than He, on Him I place my trust, He is the Lord of the Glorious Throne" ( Quran 9:129).
69. Bismi-llahi l-ladhî lă yadurru ma'a s-smmhi shayyun fî l-ardi wa lă fî s-samă'I wa Huwa s-Samî'u l-'Alîm (3x).
"In the Name of Allah with whose Name no harm shall come to anything on the earth or in the skies and He is All Hearing and All Knowing" (Hadith).
70. A'ŭdhu bikalimăti-llahi t-tămăti min sharri mă khalaqa (3x).
"I take refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He created" (Hadith).
71. Wa lă hawla wa lă quwwata illa bi-llahi l-'aliyyu l-'azîm.
"And there is no Power and no Might except with Allah, The Exalted, The Glorious" (Hadith).
Khasiat Fadhilat (Isnad) Doa Haikal - Majmu' Syarif
Inilah khasiat fadhilat Doa Haikal yakni 7 doa drp no. 1 sampai no. 7 & sampai "Qul a'uuzubirabbinnaas" bahawasanya adalah diriwayatkan oleh Nabi kita Muhammad SAW pd suatu hari sedang Nabi kita SAW duduk di dalam Masjid Madinah maka Jibrail AS pun datang membawa firman ujarnya, "Ya Rasulullah SAW salam Allah SWT pd tuan hamba & firmannya, 'Hai kekasihku adapun doa ini yakni 7 doa ini dihantarkan Tuhan pd tuan hamba maka barangsiapa tiada percaya akan doa ini kafirlah ia & barangsiapa membaca dia atau menyimpan dia maka Allah SWT melepaskan dia & ibubapanya drpd api neraka ya Muhammad barangsiapa menaruh doa ini di dlm rumahnya maka tiada boleh masuk jin & syaitan ke dlm rumahnya itu ya Muhammad barangsiapa suratkan doa ini & dipakai diperbuat tangkal nescaya terlepaslah ia drpd azab sengsara & wabak & duduk itu dlm aman & lagi barangsiapa menaruh doa ini sentiasalah ia dihormati orang & termulialah ia pd orang banyak &...