We made everything on the earth adornment for it so that We could test them to see whose actions are the best. (Glorious Quran 18:7) Restrain yourself patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, desiring His face. Do not turn your eyes from them, desiring the attractions of this world. And do not obey someone whose heart We have made neglectful of Our remembrance and who follows his own whims and desires and whose life has transgressed all bounds. (18:28) But as for those who believe and do right actions, We will not let the wage of good-doers go to waste. (18:30) Wealth and sons are the embellishment of the life of this world. But, in your Lord’s sight, right actions which are lasting bring a better reward and are a better basis for hope. (18:46) (Dhu’l-Qarnayn said,) ‘But as for him who believes and acts rightly, he will receive the best of rewards and we will issue a command, making things easy for him.’ (18:88) Say: ‘Shall I inform you of the greatest losers in their actions?’ (Glorious Quran 18:103)


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