The Ihya' Ulumuddin is a sublime piece of writing. The opening paragraph of each of its forty books begins as a gorge from the mountain top with water gushing from underground springs. It has hamd (praise of Allah), salawat alar-Rasul (invocation of blessings on our beloved Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), one or more verses of Qur'an Kareem, one or more allusions to hadith, all in rhyming prose.
The pace is exhilarating and as you try to catch your breath, Imam al-Ghazali lands you safely in a vast river that is fast and smooth-flowing with Qur'an and Hadith. The river flows into the bahral muhit (encircling ocean) that has more Qur'an, more ahaadith, aqeeda (creed), naseeha (religious advice), tanbeeh (exhortation), zikrullah (remembrance of Allah), munaajaat (hymns), madeeh (eulogy), history of achievements in piety, spiced with simile, metaphor, ..... you name it, its all there.
Another remarkable feature of the Ihya' is that it is ordered, systematic and sequential. The first paragraph of each book introduces the topic. Each subject is supported first with verses from the Qur'an, followed by Hadith Shareef and Athar (later traditions). Each book is divided into various bab (chapters) and each bab is sub-divided into bayan (expositions). Alternative points of view are put forward, debated where necessary with solid reasoning in neat, ordered sequences to draw broad generalisations which are repeated for positive reinforcement, retention and effective learning.
Khasiat Fadhilat (Isnad) Doa Haikal - Majmu' Syarif
Inilah khasiat fadhilat Doa Haikal yakni 7 doa drp no. 1 sampai no. 7 & sampai "Qul a'uuzubirabbinnaas" bahawasanya adalah diriwayatkan oleh Nabi kita Muhammad SAW pd suatu hari sedang Nabi kita SAW duduk di dalam Masjid Madinah maka Jibrail AS pun datang membawa firman ujarnya, "Ya Rasulullah SAW salam Allah SWT pd tuan hamba & firmannya, 'Hai kekasihku adapun doa ini yakni 7 doa ini dihantarkan Tuhan pd tuan hamba maka barangsiapa tiada percaya akan doa ini kafirlah ia & barangsiapa membaca dia atau menyimpan dia maka Allah SWT melepaskan dia & ibubapanya drpd api neraka ya Muhammad barangsiapa menaruh doa ini di dlm rumahnya maka tiada boleh masuk jin & syaitan ke dlm rumahnya itu ya Muhammad barangsiapa suratkan doa ini & dipakai diperbuat tangkal nescaya terlepaslah ia drpd azab sengsara & wabak & duduk itu dlm aman & lagi barangsiapa menaruh doa ini sentiasalah ia dihormati orang & termulialah ia pd orang banyak &...