“Maqam مُقام (station)“ denotes one’s stay in the Way of Allah, and his fulfillment of all rights and obligations pertaining to that "maqam“ and his keeping it until he comprehends its perfection. It is beyond man’s power to pass through a maqam without meeting its due obligations. There are following stations: - the first station is repentance, (tauba توبه) - the second station is conversion to Allah (inabat انابت), - the third station is abstinence (zuhd زهد), and - the fourth station is trust in Allah SWT (tawakul توكل). It is not permissible that one should pretend to conversion without repentance, or to abstinence without conversion, or to trust in Allah without abstinence. (Those ranged in ranks say): “Not one of us but has a place appointed;” (Glorious Quran 37:164). "Hal حال (state)" is that state which descends from Allah into a man’s heart. It is not attainable by efforts neither it can be repelled with efforts when it happens.


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