The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW admonishing the Muslims said, "Go in the name of Allah SWT to fight in the way of Allah SWT; kill him who rejects Allah SWT; fight but do not commit a perfidy, nor mutilate, nor kill a child." (Muslim, Abu Daud & Tirmizi). Also no man except he who carried arms against the Muslim army was to be killed. Nothing was to be destroyed or ruined, nor anybody's honour violated. No mischief or evil was to be encouraged, for "Surely Allah SWT does not love the mischief-makers." History bears witness that the Muslims upheld all these noble traditions in their wars against their enemies, including even those they had to fight against their treacherous opponents, the Crusaders. The Christians when in possession of Jerusalem committed all sorts of iniquity & transgression against the Muslims living in the city. They violated their honour & recklessly put them to sword. Even the great masjid (mosque) there did not escape from their transgression. But when the Muslims captured the city, they did not try to seek revenge against them although they were permitted by Allah SWT to pay the transgressors back in their own coins: "And one who attacked you, attack him in like manner, as he attacked you." (Glorious Quran 2: 94). Instead, they chose a course such as to this day remains unsurpassed in generosity & nobility.


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