According to Shaykh 'Abdallah al-'Aydaroos, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala Himself is pleased with the Ihya' ulumuddin! He calls it the bahral muhit (the encircling ocean) and a'jubatuz-zamaan (the marvel of the times). He advises that if anyone acts on it, he will get the love of Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala, the love of Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam, the love of the angels, the love of all the Prophets 'alayhimussalam; and the love of the awliyaAllah (friends of Allah), Naf'anAllahu bihim. Indeed Shaykh 'Abdallah al-'Aydaroos and his son, the equally illustrious Shaykh Abubakr al-'Aydaroos Naf'anAllahu bih (passed away 914 A.H/1508 C.E) popularised the books of Imam al-Ghazali so much that several editions of the Ihya' were produced in their time. Dars (lessons) used to be given from the Ihya' and in the time of Shaykh Abubakr al-'Aydaroos, the reading of the Ihya' from the first page to the last, all the more than 1800 pages of it, was completed 25 times. Allahu Akbar! This tradition continues to this day among the 'ulama, Al-Hamdu Lillah! In his sharh (explanation), al-Habib 'AbdulQadir al-'Aydaroos Naf'anAllahu bih gives a neat little summary about the contents of the Ihya'. According to him, the first volume on 'Ibaadaat (worship) is about Huququllah (rights of Allah), the second volume on 'Aadaat (the proprieties of daily life) is about huquq u'l 'ibaad (the rights of Allah's servants on you), the third volume on Muhlikaat (the ways to perdition) is about tazkiyat u'l qalb min sifat i'l madhmumah (purification of the heart of condemnable qualities), while the fourth volume on Munjiyaat (the ways to salvation) is about tahliyatul qalb min sifaat i'l mahmudah (the embellishment of the heart with praiseworthy qualities). He also quotes the views of many other mashaayikh (spiritual masters) about the Ihya'. Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Kaazruni said, for example, that if all the books were to perish, the Ihya' would be sufficient to replace them all. Shaykh 'Ali bin Abubakr bin Shaykh 'AbdulRahman al-Saqqaf said that if a non-believer opened the Ihya', he would become a Muslim because it is a hidden secret and a magnet for the heart. Al-Faqih ul 'Allamah Isma'il bin Muhammad al-Hadhramy calls Imam al-Ghazali "Sayyidul Musannifeen" (the leader of all the authors). Imam Abu'l Hasan al-Shadhili once saw Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam in a dream pointing to Imam al-Ghazali and asking Sayyidina Musa 'Alayhissalam and Sayyidina 'Isa 'Alayhissalam whether they had seen such a hibr (most knowledgeable scholar) in their ummah (community). They responded "No".


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