ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE: EXCELLENCE OF LEARNING Allah SWT says: Allah SWT, angels and those learned men who stand on justice bear testimony that there is no deity but He (Glorious Quran 3:18). Now look, 0 dear readers, how God began attestation first by Himself, then by His angels and then by the learned. It is understood from this verse that the rank of the learned and their honor are much high. God says: Those who are believers among you and the learned, God will increase their rank (Glorious Quran 58:12). Hazrat Ibn Abbas said about them: The rank of the learned is seven hundred (700) times more than that of the believers, and the ofference between the two ranks is the distance of the path of five hundred (500) years. God says: Are those who are learned equal to the illiterate? (Glorious Quran 39:9). God says: The learned among His servants fear God most (Glorious Quran 35:28). God says: Say, God is sufficient as a witness between me and you and those who have got knowledge of the Quran (Glorious Quran 13:43). God says: But those who had been granted knowledge said: Alas for you, the reward of God is best for those who believe and do good (Glorious Quran 28:80. God says: These parables We set forth for men and none understands them except the learned (Glorious Quran 29:42). God says: If they had only referred it to the Apostle and to those charged with authority among them, those of them who would investigate it would have know it (Glorious Quran 4:93). God thus made knowledge dependent upon their efforts. In the practical religion, God's commands have been placed upon the investigation of the learned and their rank with the prophets for propagation of God's commands. God says: 0 the children of Adam! I have sent down to you raiment to cover your shame and adornment to you, but the raiment of piety is best (Glorious Quran 7:25). God says: I have sent to them a book and with knowledge I explained it in detail, a guide and a mercy to all who believe (Glorious Quran 7:52). God says: I shall recount their story with knowledge (Glorious Quran 7:6). God says: It is a clear sign in the hearts of those to whom knowledge has reached (29:48). God says: He created man and taught him to speak (Glorious Quran 55:2). HADITH: The Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said: Allah SWT gives knowledge of religion and guidance to truth to one whose good He intends. He said: The learned are the heirs of the prophets. - Imam Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin.


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