It is He, Allah SWT, who is holding the sky aloft and keeping the earth in place, not some property of nature [tabi'a mina't-taba'i'], not some astronomical configuration [tali' mina't-tawali'], not a darkness that looms, and not a light that gleams. He is: * Hadir. Present to all things through cognition [ 'ilm] * Shahid. Witness to all things without physical contact * 'Aziz. Almighty * Qahir. Irresistible * Hakim. Governing * Qadir. Omnipotent * Rahim. Merciful * Ghafir. Forgiver of sins * Satir. Veiler of faults * Mu'izz. Ennobling * Nasir. Supportive * Ra'uf. Kind * Khaliq. Creator * Fatir. Maker * Awwal. First * Akhir. Last * Zahir. Outwardly Manifest * Batin. Inwardly Concealed * Fard Ma'bud. Uniquely Worthy of Worship * Hayyun la yamut. Living, never to die * Azaliyyun la yafut. Existing from All Eternity, never to pass away * Abadiyyu'l-Malakut. Eternal Ruler of the Kingdom * Sarmadiyyu'l-Jabarut. Everlasting Lord of the Dominion * Qayyumun la yanam. Self-Sustaining, without ever taking rest * 'Azizun la yudam. Almighty, never to suffer any harm * Mani'un la yuram. Impregnable, never to be overcome. Thus to Him belong the Splendid Names [al-Asma' al-'Izam] and all the Noble Talents [al-Mawahib al-Kiram]. He has decreed that all human beings [anam] shall enjoy but a fleeting existence, for He has said: Everyone who dwells upon the earth must pass away, yet the Face of your Lord still abides, in Majesty and Glory. (Glorious Quran 55:26,27). - Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani.


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