The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever turns over at night and says ‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘a’l kulli shay’in qadeer. Al-hamdulillahi, subhaan Allah wa laa illaaha ill-Allah wa Allahu akbar wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah (There is no god but Allah Alone, with no partner or associate. His is the Dominion and the Praise, and He is Able to do all things. Praise be to Allah, glory be to Allah. There is no god except Allah, Allah is Most Great and there is no strength and no power except in Allah),’ then says, ‘Allahumma ‘ghfir li (O Allah, forgive me),’ or some other dua, it will be answered, and if he does wudoo’ and then prays, his prayer will be accepted.” (Reported by al-Bukhari) The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When a man from my ummah gets up to pray at night, striving against his own self to get up and purify himself, there are knots on him. When he washes his hands in wudoo’, one knot is undone. When he washes his face, another knot is undone. When he wipes his head another knot is undone. When he washes his feet, another knot is undone. Then Allah says to those who are veiled (in the Unseen): ‘Look at this slave of Mine, he is striving against his own self and asking of Me. Whatever My slave asks of Me shall be his.” (Reported by Ahmad and Ibn Hibaan. Saheeh al-Targheeb, 627).


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