Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Dan Allah mewajibkan manusia melaksanakan ibadat haji dengan mengunjungi Baitullah, iaitu kepada setiap orang yang mampu dan berdaya sampai ke sana. Dan sesiapa yang kufur (ingkarkan kewajipan haji itu) maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kaya daripada sekelian makhluk. (Quran, Ali-Imran: 97) Rasulullah SAW pula melalui sebuah hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh Tirmizi dan al-Baihaqi telah bersabda yang bermaksud: "Sesiapa yang mempunyai bekalan dan kenderaan yang boleh menyampaikannya ke Baitullah, tetapi dia tidak menunaikan haji (hingga mati tanpa ada keuzuran) maka tiada halangan baginya mati sebagai Yahudi atau Nasrani (dari segi seksaan-Nya) kerana Allah telah berfirman dalam kitabnya yang bermaksud: "Dan Allah mewajibkan manusia mengerjakan ibadat haji dengan mengunjungi Baitullah iaitu sesiapa yang mampu dan berkuasa sampai ke sana."
Showing posts from September, 2013
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The parameters for tubular members of offshore structures are yield stress, strain hardening, Young’s modulus, residual stresses, section parameters (diameter and thickness), out of roundness of the section and out of straightness of the member. Comparing API LRFD and ISO, the average reduction in combined axial tension and bending capacity of ISO was observed to be 9%; for axial compression, bending and pressure, the average reduction in ISO was found to be 7%; while for combined tension, bending and pressure, the ISO formulation showed increase of capacities of 10%.
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“And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I answer the prayer (supplication) of every suppliant when he calls on Me.” (Quran, Al-Baqarah, 2: 186). The Truth, Blessed and Exalted be He, did not say,‘Say: I am indeed close,’ to make the answer directly addressed to His servants. We thus learn that supplication is a direct communication between the Lord and His servant. Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, willed it to be this way. The moment you raise your hands to heavens and say ‘O Lord,’ you become in direct close contact with Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, you can pray and say whatever you wish, for it will remain between you and your Lord. The Truth wants to stress His closeness to His servants, and the closeness of His pious righteous servants to Himself. He wants them to whisper their cares to Him and call on Him at any time. It is required that the servant be a supplicant all the time, but wisdom says that you should not ma...
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Allah, the Lord of Honor and Power, says in the Sanctified Hadith: “O My servants! You all are astray save those whom I have guided, so ask Me guidance and I will guide you. And you all are poor, save those whom I have made beyond need, so ask Me and I will give you sustenance. And you all are sinners, save those whom I have protected, so whoever amongst you learned that I have the power of Pardoning, and he begged My Forgiveness I will forgive him and I mind not. And were the first of you and the last, the living and the dead, the green and the withered (i.e., the young and old; or the obedient and disobedient; or those who have knowledge and those who are ignorant) had the heart of the man most pious among My servants, that would not add to My Kingdom a mosquito wing. And were the first of you and the last, the living and the dead, the green and the withered had the heart of the wickedest among My servants, that would not decrease from My Kingdom a mosquito wing. And were the first o...
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Seeking the Help of Allah in everything is the ideal way to lead a tranquil life. When man always remembers that Allah with His Power, Might and Majesty is near him, he will enjoy peace, because none is Exalted in Might save Allah, none is Capable save Allah and none is Powerful save Allah. By supplication you are resorting to the Strongest Support, because Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, is the Ever Living Who never dies. He is Always mightily there when you call on Him. He, be ever gloried His Majesty and Might, is the All-Powerful, Whose Power never abates, neither does His Might. Whenever you supplicate Him you find Him Omnipotent of fulfilling what you wish. Being the All-Hearer, the All- Knower, you can never be, for a twinkling of an eye, beyond His Hearing and Knowledge. When you supplicate Him you find Him All-Hearing, All-Knowing, the Sustainer and Protector of all that exists. Neither slumbers, nor sleep overtakes Him. Recite the Glorious Qur’anic verse saying (what m...
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“Nay! Verily, man does transgress all bounds (in disbelief and evil deed, etc.). Because he considers himself self-sufficient.” (Quran, Al-‘Alaq, 96: 6-7) The meaning is that you, man, when you are able by your own means to fulfill what you wish, you forget because of your negligence – Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, and His Supreme Power. As now witnessed, the further humanity progresses in civil ization, the more it is obsessed with the vanity of self-sufficiency and the deeper it breeds the pride of possessing power, hardly remembering Allah. In the past, man used to look for water and toil hard in search of it. He used to dig wells that derive their supply deep within earth from rainwater, moving after it from one place to another. Recite the Glorious Qur’anic verse in which Allah, Blessed and Exalted be He, says (what means): “See you not, that Allah sends down water (rain) from the sky, and causes it to penetrate the earth, (and then makes it to spring up) as water-springs...
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Al-Muqsit (The Just) If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will protect you from evil doubts created by the Shaytaan. If you recite this name of Allah 700 times for a purpose, Allah will fulfill it. Insha-Allah. Al-Jaami' (The Gatherer) If your family or relatives are scattered (due to war, earthquate, floods or other calamities), take bath at the time of Doha (Chast), lift your gaze toward the heavens and recite this name of Allah 10 times closing one finger each time, until all 10 fingers are closed. Afterwards pass your hands across your face as when completing Du'a. The disperse members of your family will soon come together. Insha-Allah. Al-Ghaniyy (The Self-Sufficient) If you recite this name of Allah 70 times daily, Allah will grant you self-sufficiency and Barakah in your wealth. If you are afflicted with physical or spiritual sickness or any difficulty, recite this name of Allah abundantly and blow on your entire body. Allah will soon heal you and reliev...
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Hadis: Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya: Ia (iaitu kepimpinan) adalah amanah dan di akhirat ia menjadi kehinaan dan penyesalan kecuali mereka yang mengambilnya dengan hak dan melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan di dalamnya. (Riwayat Muslim) Huraian Hadis: i) Sekurang-kurangnya setiap manusia itu menjadi pemimpin kepada dirinya sendiri. Oleh itu ia bertanggungjawab menjaga dirinya dan orang yang diamanahkan kepadanya seperti anak, isteri, keluarga, para pekerja dan sebagainya agar hidup mereka berjalan dengan baik dan sempurna. ii) Setiap amanah mestilah diterima secara hak dan penuh kefahaman tentang tugas-tugas dan kewajipan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Seterusnya dipikul dengan ikhlas dan jujur serta berusaha sedaya upaya agar tanggungjawab tersebut dapat dilaksanakan. iii) Sebaliknya sesuatu amanah itu jika dijadikan batu loncatan untuk kepentingan diri, bermegah dan berseronok maka kepimpinan itulah yang bakal menjadi punca penyesalan dan kehinaan di akhirat. B...
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Allah SWR jualah yang menguasai alam langit dan bumi serta segala yang ada padanya dan Dialah jua yang Maha Kuasa atas tiap-tiap sesuatu. (Quran, al-Maidah: 120) Al-Sama' Al-Quran memberikan makna 'langit' (Arab: al-sama') dalam erti kata yang luas. Ada kata 'langit' yang bermakna 'arah atas yang berdekatan dengan bumi', seperti dalam firman-Nya yang bermaksud: Tidaklah engkau melihat (wahai Muhammad) bagaimana Allah SWT mengemukakan satu perbandingan, iaitu kalimat yang baik adalah sebagai pohon yang baik yang pangkalnya (akar tunjangnya) tetap teguh dan cabangnya (puncak menjulang) ke langit. (Ibrahim: 24) Kadang-kadang yang dimaksudkan dengan langit ialah kawasan yang jauh dari bumi. Seperti dalam firman-Nya yang bermaksud: Dan juga Kami telah menurunkan dari langit air (lautan) yang banyak faedahnya. (Qaf: 9) Di tempat lain, kata 'langit' digunakan oleh al-Quran untuk menunjukkan planet lain, iaitu dalam firman Allah yang bermaksud: Kemudian...
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(Quran Karim, Surah Shad: Ayat 17,18,19 &20) 17. Bersabarlah (wahai Muhammad) terhadap apa sahaja yang mereka katakan dan ingatlah akan hamba Kami Nabi Daud, yang mempunyai kekuatan (dalam pegangan agamanya); sesungguhnya dia adalah sentiasa rujuk kembali (kepada Kami dengan bersabar mematuhi perintah Kami). 18. Sesungguhnya Kami telah mudahkan gunung-ganang turut bertasbih memuji Kami bersama-sama dengannya; pada waktu petang dan ketika terbit matahari. 19. Dan (Kami mudahkan juga) unggas turut berhimpun (untuk bertasbih memuji Kami bersama-sama dengannya); tiap-tiap satunya mengulangi tasbih masing-masing menurutnya. 20. Dan Kami kuatkan kerajaannya, serta Kami kurniakan kepadanya hikmah kebijaksanaan dan kepetahan berkata-kata (dalam menjalankan hukum dan menjatuhkan hukuman).
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Cucumber supplies skin friendly minerals Cucumber is high in potassium, magnesium and silicon. That is why spas abound cucumber based treatments. Cucumber aids in digestion and weight loss Due to its high water and low calorie content, cucumber is an ideal source for people who are looking for weight loss. Use cucumbers in your soups and salads. If it is not your favorite snack you can crunchy cucumber sticks with creamy low fat yogurt dip. Chewing cucumber gives your jaws a good workout and the fiber in it is great for digestion. Daily consumption of cucumbers can be regarded as an aid for chronic constipation. Cucumber revives the eyes Placing a chilled slice of cucumber over puffy eyes is a clichéd beauty visual but it really can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness due to its anti inflammatory properties. Cucumber fights cancers Cucumber is known to contain secoisolariciresinol, lariciresinol and pinoresinol. The three lignans have a strong connection with reduced risk o...
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ALLAH SWT akan mengangkat darjat orang yang beriman dan orang yang berilmu sebagaimana firman-Nya: Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Apabila diminta kepada kamu memberi lapang dari tempat duduk kamu (untuk orang lain) maka lapangkanlah seboleh-bolehnya supaya Allah melapangkan (segala halnya) untuk kamu. Dan apabila diminta kamu bangun maka bangunlah, supaya Allah SWT meninggikan darjat orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan agama (daripada kalangan kamu) beberapa darjat. Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Mendalam Pengetahuan-Nya tentang apa yang kamu lakukan. (Quran, al-Mujadalah: 11).
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The effective width concept is a useful means of defining the post-buckling behaviour of a plate panel in compression. The behaviour of actual plates is influenced by both residual stresses and geometric imperfections. The response of a plate panel to out-of-plane actions is influenced by its boundary conditions. An assembly of plate panels into a stiffened plate structure may exhibit both local and overall modes of instability.
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Siapa sahaja yg menyenangkan manusia dgn kemurkaan Allah SWT, maka Allah SWT akan menyerahkannya kpd manusia (tidak membantunya) & siapa sahaja yg menimbulkan kemarahan manusia dgn keredhaan Allah SWT, maka Allah SWT akan mencukupkannya dari (bantuan) manusia. Hadith Rasulullah SAW, riwayat at-Tirmidzi & Abu Na'im.
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Doa Dan Amalan Harian 1. Afdhal sesuatu perkara hendaklah dimulakan dengan bismillah. Dan seterusnya membaca Surah Al-fatihah; 2. Kemudian membaca potongan ayat Al-Quran Al-Karim didalam Surah Al-Anbiyaa’ ayat 30. Lebih afdhal amalkan amalan ini selepas solat subuh dan sentiasalah beristiqamah, semoga dengan amalan ini dapat menghindari dari penyakit-penyakit batin insyaAllah, dan apa yang dihajati akan diperkenankan oleh Allah Ta’ala, kerana ayat-ayat Allah ini adalah penawar, sesungguhnya sebaik-baik penawar kepada penyakit ialah ayat-ayat suci Al Quran. Sudah tentu juga,sebaik-baik penyembuh ialah Allah SWT.
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Allah SWT tidak pernah memberikan suatu mukjizat kepada sesiapa pun dalam kalangan nabi-nabi melainkan Allah SWT akan memberikannya juga kepada Nabi kita Muhammad SAW mukjizat yang sama tarafnya atau yang lebih hebat daripadanya atau yang hampir sama dengannya. Allah SWT berfirman, maksudnya: Yang demikian ialah limpah kurnia Allah, diberikan-Nya kepada sesiapa yang dikehendaki-Nya; dan Allah sememangnya mempunyai limpah kurnia yang besar. ~ Quran Karim, Surah al-Hadid 57: ayat 21.
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Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens & the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We parted them? And We have made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? Glorious Quran 21: 30. Dan tidakkah orang2 kafir itu memikirkan & mempercayai bahawa sesungguhnya langit & bumi itu pada asal mulanya bercantum (sebagai benda yang satu), lalu Kami pisahkan antara keduanya? Dan Kami jadikan dari air, tiap2 benda yang hidup? Mengapa mereka tidak mahu beriman? Quran Karim 21: 30.
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Martabat Tujuh oleh Muhammad ‘Uthman El-Muhammady نحمده ونصلى على رسوله الكريم Nota ini, insya’ Allah, akan membicarakan dengan ringkas, setakat memadai, tajuk ‘Martabat Tujuh” sebagaimana yang terkenal dalam teks-teks Melayu-Jawi, dan dalam kalangan ahli persuratan dan ulama di Dunia Melayu, dan mengaitkannya pula dengan unsur-unsur yang ada dalam setengah penulisan tasauf yang ada dalam kalangan Ahlis-Sunnah wa’l-Jama’ah, dengen menyebut ciri-ciri dan dasar-dasarnya. Kemudian akan dibicarakan kedudukannya dalam konteks fahaman ilmu atau epistemologi Ahlis-Sunnah, adakah ia mempunyai ‘tempat’ yang memang sesuai baginya, yang perlu dibicarakan oleh mereka yang tertentu yang mempunyai persiapan-persiapan tertentu, ataupun, sebaliknya, ia sesuatu yang perlu dilupakan dan ditiadakan dalam wanaca keagamaan Dunia Melayu yang berpegang kepada Ahlis-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah semenjak dahulu sehingga sekarang, walaupun ada usaha untuk ‘menyemak’nya oleh setengah kalangan. Dahulunya tajuk ini dibi...
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1 Ketika kamu masuk ke masjid, jangan sesekali kamu tidak berniat iktikaf sedangkan ianya amat mudah bagimu. 2 Jangan sesekali kamu terus duduk tanpa kamu mendirikan solat tahiyyatul masjid. 3 Jangan sesekali kamu sengaja tidak mendapatkan saf awal, sedangkan kamu boleh mendapatkannya. Sesungguhnya, itu adalah tiga kerugian yang perlu engkau elakkan ketika masuk ke masjid. Berusahalah untuk memperolehi yang terbaik dalam amalanmu. Nescaya Allah SWT akan mengasihimu.
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5 Tips to Help You Stay on Top of Your Career Save words or praise, track your work, and use these other simple tech tricks and tips to organize and manage your career. Negotiating a salary, promoting your own achievement, networking—these career-related activities aren't simple or easy. But they are necessary. Organized people often have some neat tips and tricks for staying on top of their professional development and helping them advance their careers. Here are five that I personally use. 1. Save the Praise I have a folder in my email called "Praise and Feedback" (I've also heard it called a "brag folder") where I file away messages from my boss or other people in my organization when they tell me I've done a good job. I also like to save there emails containing critical feedback that should ideally influence how I work. Get Organized When it's time to prepare for my annual review, I go through that folder to remind myself of successes that I...
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A tradition on the authority of Hadrat Aishah has been related in Bukhari, Muslim and other collections of the Ahadith, saying that the Holy Prophet sent a man as leader of an expedition. During the journey he concluded his recitation of the Quran in every Prayer with Qul Huwa-Allahu ahad. On their return him companions mentioned this before the Holy Prophet. He said: "Ask him why he did so." When the man was asked, he replied: "In this Surah the attributes of the Merciful God have been stated; therefore, I love to recite it again and again." When the Holy Prophet heard this reply, he said to the people: "Inform him that Allah holds him in great love and esteem." A similar incident has been related in Bukhari, on the authority of Hadrat Anas. He says: "A man from among the Ansar led the Prayers in the Quba Mosque. His practice was that in every rakah he first recited this Surah and then would join another Surah to it. The people objected to it and sa...
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Dan hendaklah engkau merendah diri kepada keduanya (ibubapa) kerana belas kasihan dan kasih sayangmu, dan doakanlah (untuk mereka, dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhanku! Cucurilah rahmat kepada mereka berdua sebagaimana mereka telah mencurahkan kasih sayangnya memelihara dan mendidikku semasa kecil. (Quran Karim, surah al-Isra': 24).
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Allah SWT menjanjikan bantuanNya bagi mereka yang berjuang demi agamanya. Firman Allah SWT: إِنَّا لَنَنصُرُ رُسُلَنَا وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَيَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْأَشْهَادُ Sesungguhnya kami menolong rasul-rasul kami dan orang-orang yang beriman dalam kehidupan dunia dan pada hari berdirinya saksi-saksi (hari kiamat). (Quran, Surah Mukmin: Ayat 51).
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Q1. “Dan, apabila hamba-hamba-Ku bertanya tentang Aku, maka(jawablah) bahwasanya Aku adalah dekat. Aku mengabulkan permohonan orang yang berdoa apabila ia memohon kepada-Ku” (Al-Baqarah:186) Q2. “Mereka mempunyai hati,tetapi tidak dipergunakannya untuk memahami (ayat-ayat Allah) dan mereka mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk melihat (tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah), dan mereka mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak dipergunakannya untuk mendengar (ayat-ayat Allah). (Al-A’raf:179) Q3. “Sesungguhnnya orang-orang yang beriman hanyalah orang-orang beriman kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya kemudian mereka tidak ragu-ragu.” (Al-Hujurat:15) Q4. “Sesungguhnya mereka (orang-orang kafir) menyukai kehidupan dunia.” (Al-Insan:23) Q5. ”Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia berada dalam susah payah.” (Al-Balad:4) Q6. “Dan wanita-wanita yang baik adalah untuk laki-laki yang baik.” (An-Nur:26) Q7. “Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi tenang.” (Ar-Ra’d:28) Q8 “Kerana itu, inga...
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The VLCC (very large crude carrier) was designed and built as a single screw motor driven crude oil tanker for ocean service. The vessel was to comply with the requirements for type “A” ship defined by the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966. The vessel was designed to carry crude oil having a flash point below 60 deg. C. The vessel of length overall 330m, including its machinery and equipment, was built under the special survey and inspection of the American Bureau of Shipping and classed and registered as +A1 (E), “Oil Carrier”, +AMS, +ACCU, SH, VEC and UWILD. The vessel had total deadweight of 298,100 tonnes at the draft of 21.50 m (moulded). The vessel was a single screw motor driven single deck type crude oil tanker. The vessel had a bulbous bow and transom stern. Main engine is one unit of Hitachi Zosen-MAN B&W 7S80MC (MK6) type diesel engine, having a derated maximum continuous output (DMCO) of 25,090 kW @ 78.6 rpm. Steam generating plant include 2 sets of two-dru...
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Can we in reality embrace communism and yet live on as Muslims? The answer is a big No, for, when we apply communism (erroneously or dishonestly described as being a purely economic system), we find that it is opposed to Islam in theory as well as in practice. Their collision is inevitable for the simple reason that it cannot be helped or avoided. That theoretically both stand opposed to each other in so many respects may well be judged from the following points: Firstly, communism rests on a purely materialistic basis: it does not recognize anything save that perceived by sense organs: what is not perceivable by these sensory organs is unreal, nonsense and has no existence whatsoever or if it does exist it is so insignificant that one need not at all bother about it. Engels said: "Matter is the only real thing in the world". And the materialists argue: "Human reason is just a manifestation of matter which reflects the external material environment surrounding it"....
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Sebelum ini, harga bagi RON95 selepas dinaikkan sebanyak RM0.20 ialah RM2.10 seliter dicampur dengan subsidi sebanyak RM0.63 seliter, jadi jumlah harganya ialah RM2.73 seliter. Manakala RON97 pula berharga RM2.70 seliter lebih berkualiti tapi lebih murah sebanyak RM0.03 seliter yang akan menjimatkan wang kerajaan sebanyak RM0.03 bagi seliter minyak diberikan subsidi. - FOMCA.
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Virtues of Zamzam Water Praise be to Allah SWT. Imam ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said, "Zamzam water is the best and noblest of all waters, the highest in status, the dearest to people, the most precious and valuable to them. It was dug by Jibril and is the water with which Allah quenched the thirst of Isma'il." It was reported in Sahih Muslim that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said to Abu Dharr, who had stayed near the Ka'bah and its coverings for forty days and nights with no food or drink other than (Zamzam), "How long have you been here?" Abu Dharr said, "I have been here for thirty days and nights." The Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said, "Who has been feeding you?" He said, "I have had nothing but Zamzam water, and I have gotten so fat that I have folds of fat on my stomach. I do not feel any of the tiredness or weakness of hunger and I have not become thin." Th...
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MEDITATION AND INTROSPECTION Allah SWT says in the Glorious Quran, verse 21: 47 - I will set up a just balance for the day of Resurrection and nobody will get injustice even a bit. I shall produce a thing even to the weight of a musrtard seed. I am sufficient as a Reckoner. God says in verse 18: 49 : The Book of Deeds will be placed. You will then see the sinners afraid of what will be therein and they will say: 0 woe to us! What is this record which does not leave anything small and great unrecorded? They will find present what they did and your Lord oppresses nobody. God says: On the day when God will raise them up all, He will inform them what they did. God says: On that day, the people will come up separate in order that they may be shown their deeds. Whoso does a good deed to the weight of an.atom shall see it. God says: Then everybody will be given fully what he earned and he will not be oppressed. God says: On the day when every man will see before him what he did of good and b...