“And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I answer the prayer (supplication) of every suppliant when he calls on Me.” (Quran, Al-Baqarah, 2: 186). The Truth, Blessed and Exalted be He, did not say,‘Say: I am indeed close,’ to make the answer directly addressed to His servants. We thus learn that supplication is a direct communication between the Lord and His servant. Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, willed it to be this way. The moment you raise your hands to heavens and say ‘O Lord,’ you become in direct close contact with Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, you can pray and say whatever you wish, for it will remain between you and your Lord. The Truth wants to stress His closeness to His servants, and the closeness of His pious righteous servants to Himself. He wants them to whisper their cares to Him and call on Him at any time. It is required that the servant be a supplicant all the time, but wisdom says that you should not make all the good you gain from supplication just the answer, but better make beseeching Allah your gain from supplication. But what is beseeching? It is to humble and submit yourself, step closer and earnestly implore. What Allah hates the most in a servant is pride, ego and self-conceit. To feel that you are capable of anything by your own power, but when faced with something you are helpless about you realize your true ability. It alerts you that there is Him Who nothing stands beyond His Power in the heavens or in the earth. Therefore, supplication symbolizes the heart of worship to remind you that you are powerless, your means are powerless and your ability is powerless.


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