CHARACTER AND CONDUCT OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAW - Ihya Ulumuddin All praise is due to God who created the universe and taught His greatest Prophet Muhammad (P.H) the best good manners, purified his character and conduct and adopted him as His friend. He gives grace to follow the Prophet to one who wishes to make his character and conduct beautiful. He deprives one to follow whom he wishes to destroy. Open good conduct is the fountain of secret good conduct. The movements of the bodily limbs are the results of thoughts of mind and the external actions are the result of character and conduct. To make efforts in recognizing God and the acquisition of wonderful secret powers are the fountains of actions. The light of this secret power is expressed outwardly and makes the body beautiful and gives rise to good attributes after removing evils. The man who has got, not fear in mind, has got not fear expressed in his bodily limbs. The beauty of the conduct of prophethood is not expressed in a man whose mind is not illumined with the light of God. I intended to gather together in this chapter the ways of the life of his ways in the first and second parts of this book, I do not wish to repeat them here. (1) PROPHET'S LEARNING THROUGH THE QURAN The Prophet used to invoke and pray to the Alimighty God to grant him good manners and good treatment with the people and to adorn him with good character and conduct. He use to say in his invocation : 0 God, make my constitution and conduct good. He used to pray : 0 God, save me from bad character and conduct. Acceptance of his prayer is seen in the following verse. Invoke me, I will respond to you-2:186. God revealed the Quran on him and through it He taught him good manners. His character is the Quran. Hazrat Sa'ad reported : Once I went to Ayesha and her father and asked them about the character and conduct of the Prophet to which Ayesha replied : Don't you read the Quran ? I said : Yes. She said: The character of the Messenger of God is the Quran. His conduct is expressed in the following verse : Take to pardon enjoin good and turn away from the illiterate. God says: God enjoins justice, kindness, giving charity to the relatives and prohibits indecencies, evils and rebellion-16:90. God says : Have patience at the disasters that befall on you. It is a difficult task. God says : It is difficult to have patience and to forgive. God says : Pardon and forgive them. God loves the doers of good. God says : Don't you like that God should forgive you ? God says: Remove evil with what is good, as a result the enmity that exists between you and him will be removed and he will become your friend. God says: Those who appease their wrath, those who pardon people, God loves the doers of good. God says : Give up conjectures in most cases, as some conjecture is sin. Don't spy and don't back-bite one another. In the battle of Uhud, when the cover of the head of the Prophet fell down and he became separated from his companions, blood was oozing out from his face and he said wiping his blood : How will the people get salvation who dyed the face of the Prophet with blood while he calls them towards their Lord? Then God revealed this verse :'You have got no hand in the matter. This was only for teaching him good manners. The verse concerning the teaching of good manners to the Prophet are many in the Quran. It was the first object of God to teach the Prophet good manners and good character and conduct. For this reason, the Prophet said : I have been sent to completed good conduct. God praised the character of the Prophet by saying ! You are surely on subline character. The Prophet explained it to the people : God loves good character hates bad character. Hazrat Ali said : I wonder for a Muslim who does not-do benefit to his brother Muslim who stands in need of it. If he hopes for rewards and fears punishment, he should hasten towards good conduct as it shows the path of salvation. A man asked Hazrat Ali : Have you heard it from the Prophet ? He said: Yes', I have heard better advice from him. When the prisoners of the tribe of Hatem Tai were brought to him, a girl came to him out of them and said : 0 Muhammad, if you wish, release me, but don't dishonour me before the tribe of the Arabs. I am the daughter of the leader of my people and my father was the care taker of my people. He used to set free the captives, feed the hungry, spread peace and did never return any begger at the time of his need. I am the daughter of Hatem Tai. The Prophet said : 0 girl, what you have mentioned about his qualities are the attributes of a believer. The Prophet said to his companions. Let her be free as her father loved good character and conduct. Abu Burdah-b-Niyar stood up and said : 0 Messenger of God, does God love good conduct ? The Prophet replied : By One in whose hand there is my life None shall enter paradise except one who has got good conduct. The Prophet Muhammad SAW said: God adorned Islam with good character and beautiful actions. Good company good manners, modest talk, doing good to others, feeding, spreading peace, visiting the ill pious or sinner, following the bier of a Muslim, treating good with a neighbour believer or non-believer, showing honour to a Muslim having honour to accept invitation, to forgive, to set disputes among the people, to give charity, to greet first, to pardon the faults of the people, to give up songs, instrument of songs and jests which Islam prohibited not to backbite, to speak truth, to give up miserliness, greed, deceit, to give up bad treatment with enemy, not to cut off blood tie, to give up bad conduct, pride, glory, haughtiness, indecencies, hatred rebellion, enmity, oppression etc. all these are the attributes of a believer. Hazrat Anas reported that the Prophet did not give up good advice and enjoined us to stick to it. He used to Warn us from backbiting and prohibited it. The following verse is sufficient to prove it : God loves justice and doing good to others. Hazrat Muaz said : The Prophet advised me thus : 0 Muaz, I advise you fear God, speak the truth fulfill promise, pay up trust, give up breach of trust, save your neighbour , show kindness to orphans, be modest in talk, spread peace, do good deeds, hope less, stick, to fifth earn knowledge about the Quran, love the next world, fear rendering of accounts and lower your aim. 0 Muaz, I forbid you : Don't tell a truthful man lair, don't follow any sin, don't disobey any judge, don't be a leader, don't disobey a just judge, and don't create disorder in land. I give you instruction : Fear God while passing by each stone, tree, and heaps of earth. Make repentance anew after committing any sin. Repent secretly for secret sin and openly for open sin. (2) PROPHET'S CHARACTER AND CONDUCT The Holy Prophet was the most patient among men, the bravest, the best judge, and one who pardoned most. His hand did not touch any strange woman. He was the greatest charitable man. He did not pass a single night hoarding any dirham or dinar. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy. He did not store up for more than a year the provision of his family members which God was pleased to give him. He used to take one fifth of what easily came to him out of dates and wheat. What remained in excess, he used to give in charity. He used to give away in charity to him who begged of him of anything, even out of his stored up provision. He used to repair his shoes, join his wives in their labours and cut meat with them. He was the most shameful among men' and could not stare at anyone for long. He accepted invitation of slaves and free men and presentation of even a cup of milk. He did not use the properties, of Zakat and used to a t the invitation of the widows and the poor. He used to s the truth even though it was sometimes a cause of trouble to himself and his companions. He used to to say : I Don't accept any invitation of any infidel. He used to bind stones in his bell for appeasing his hunger and eat whatever he got. He did not return any present and did not take precaution in any lawful food. If he got dried grapes in lieu of bread, he ate them. If he got baked meat, he ate it. He used to eat whatever he got of bread, wheat, sweets, and honey. He considered milk as sufficient if he did not get any other food. He used not to take food leaning against a pillow or upon a high table. Soles of his two feet served as his towel. He used not to eat bread consequitively for three days till he met, God. It was a voluntary act on his part. He used to accept invitations of marriage, attend the sick and the diseased and attend the funerals. He was the most modest without pride and his tongue was most eloquent without prolongation of his speech. His constitution was the most beautiful. No worldly duties could keep him busy. He used to put on whatever he got. His ring was made of silver and he used to put it on in the little finger of his right or left hand. He used to take his servant behind his back on any conveyance whether it was horse, camel or ass. Sometimes he walked bare footed, sometimes he had no turban or cap on his head. He used to go even to a distant place to see sick, love scents and hate stench or bad smell sit with the poor and the destitutes, eat with them honour those possessing honour, advise them to do good deeds and show kindness to the relatives. He did not treat harshly with anybody aid accepted excuse offered to him. He used at times to cut jokes without falsehood and not burst into laughter. He held innocent sports and plays. as lawful, played with his wives and held races with them. He used to drink milk of camels and goats along with his family members and give them equal shares in foods and dresses. He passed no time uselessly except for God. He used to walk in the gardens of his companions for recreation. He did not hate the poor for their poverty not fear the kings for their mighty power. He used to call the people, high or low, towards God. God adorned him with all the qualities, and good administration although he was illiterate. His boyhood was spent along with the shepherds and he used to graze sheep and goats. He was an orphan and his parents died in his infancy. (3) PROPHET'S GOOD MANNERS If the Holy Prophet abused anybody, he used to give him compensation and show him kindness. He did never curse any woman or slave. Once when he was in the battle field, he was asked : 0 Messenger of God, it would have been better if you had cursed them. He said : God sent me as a mercy and not as a great curser. When he was asked once to curse a particular person qr an unbeliever, he did not curse him but on the contrary prayed for his welfare. He never beat anybody with his own hand except in the way of God. he did not take any revenge for personal wrongs but he used take it for preservation of the honour of God. He used to select the easier of two things and keep away if there was any sin there in or anything to cut off relationship. He used to fulfill the needs of anyone who required his help, weather a slave or a freeman. Hazrat Anas said : By One who sent him as a Prophet , he never said to me. Why have you done this or why have you not done this ? His wives also did not rebuke me. If there was any bed of the Prophet, he used to sleep on it or else he used to sleep on the ground. God described the Prophet in the Torah-Muhammad the Prophet of God, His chosen servant, without harshness, not roaming in the streets, not returning evil for evil. He is prone to pardon. He is forgiven . His birth is at Mecca, his migration to Ta'ba and his reign in Syria He and his companions put on Ijar round their waists and call towards the Quran and wisdom. He made ablution of his bodily limbs.' Similar is his description in! • (New Testament). Another trait of his characters is that he used to salute first one whom he met with. He used to wait at a place where he was to meet a man. He used not to withdraw his hand from anybody till he first withdrew his hand. When he met with any of his companions, he used to handshake with him, hold his hand, enter his fingers unto his fingers and hold them firmly. He did not stand up or sit without remembering God. When anybody sat by him at the time of his prayer, he used to make it short and say to him : Have you got any need ? When he fulfilled his need, he returned to his prayer. His assembly was not different from that his companions, as he sat where he went. He was not found sitting among his companions spreading out his legs. He used to sit mostly facing the Ka'ba and honour one who came to him. Even he used to spread his own sheet of cloth for one with whom he had no relationship. He used to give his pillow to one who came to him and everyone thought that the Prophet honoured him more . Whoever came to him could see his face. He used to call his companions by their surnames with honour and heaused to give one surname to one who had no surname. He used to call the women by the names of their issues and call others. by their surnames. He used to call the boys by their surnames for which their hearts were inclined to him . He used to get angry last of all and was very affectionate and kind indealing with the people. Nobody could speak loudly in his assembly. He used to recite : 0 God, Thou are pure, all praise is for Thee. I bear witness that there is not deity but Thee. I seek forgiveness from Thee and turn to Thee. (4) PROPHET'S WORDS AND LAUGHTER The Prophet was the greatest of the Arabs in oratory and sweet speech. He said : I am the greatest orator among the Arabs. He used to speak little. When he talked, he did not talk much. His talks fell gradually from his lips like pearls. Hazrat Ayesha said the Messenger of God used to talk like you. They said: The Messanger of Allah used to talk little and every thing was expressed in this short talk. In his speech, there was no defect of excess or shortness. The words come one after another like pearls. Whoever heard them remembered them. He was sweetest in talk among his companions. He said to keep silent for long and have no talk without necessity. He used not to talk evil words and what he talked was just. He did not use ornamental words. His companions did never dispute before him. He used to say : Don't beat one verse of the Quran by another as it has been revealed for many purposes. He used to smile much before his companions and teeth then were exposed to view. It was reported : Once a desert Arab came to the Prophet whose face became changed at seeing him. Seeing anger in his face, the Arab said: By One who sent him as a true Prophet, I will not ask him till he smiles. Then he said : 0 Messenger of God, we heard that Dajial (Anti-Christ) will come with Sarid for the people. Then the people will remain hungry. My parents be sacrificed to you. Do you forbid me tot eat it till I am destroyed ? Do you order me to eat it with satisfaction ? Shall I Talk infidelity after faith in God ? The Prophet laughed at this, so much so that his teeth were exposed to view. Then he said : It is not that, rather God will make you free from the food from which he made the believers free. At the time when the Quran was being revealed to him, he used to smile. most When something happened, he entrusted it to God, kept, himself free from his own strength and ability and said in invocation : 0 God, show me truth in a true manner or give me grace to give it up save me from doubt, so that I may not follow my passion without Thy guidance. Make my desire to obey Thee. Take pleasure from the peace of my mind. Show me the different shades of truth. Thou guidest to the straight path whomsoever Thou willeth. (5) PROPHET'S MANNERS IN EATING The Holy Prophet eat whatever he got. To him, the best food was what all partook of . When the dining cloth was spread, he used to say. In the name of God, 0 God, make it a gift to express gratefulness that there might be gifts in paradise. Whenever the Prophet sat to eat, he used to sit as praying man sits not placing one leg upon another and say : I am a mere servant, I eat as a servant eats. He used not to take any hot food and said: There is no grace in it and God, will not feed us with fire. So make this food cold. He used to eat whatever was presented to him with three fingers with the help of the fourth finger at times. Once a tiffin made of clarified butter, honey and wheat presented to him. He eat it and said : How good it is. He used to eat bread, cury, dates and salt. Of all the fresh fruits, the dearest to him was grapes, cucumber and water melon. He used to eat gourd with bread and sugar and sometimes with dates. His ordinary, meal consider of dates and water. Sometimes he mixed milk with dates. Meat was his most favourite curry. He said : Meat increase the power of hearing and is the king of foods in this world and the next. Had I prayed to my lord for eating meat everyday. He would have granted it. He used to eat cooked meat with gourd. He liked gourd and said : It is the fruit of a plant of my brother Jonah. The Prophet said to me 0 Ayesha, when you cook meat, mix therewith much water as it makes the broken hearted strong. He used to eat the meat of hunted birds but he did not himself hunt or follow game. He used to eat bread with butter and like goats neck and thigh. He liked gourd among curries vinegar condiment, dried datess among dates. He prayed for three things and said : These have come from paradise and they are medicines for poison and insomnia. He liked among curries creepers of yellow flower and carrot. He disliked the meat of reservoir of urine. He did not eat several things of goat-genital organ, female organ, blood, urinal meat, goiter, gall bladder etc. He did not eat onion and garlic, nor condemned them. He used to eat what he liked and did not eat what he did not like. He did not like to eat the meat of lizard and cockroach, neither did he prohibit them to be eaten. He used to lick up his dish with his hand and said : Most blessing is in the remnants of food. He used to lick up his fingers after meal so much so that they assumed reddish hue. He used not to cleanse his hands with towel till he licked up his fingers well and said Nobody knows in which food there is blessing. When he finished his meal, he used to say : 0 God, for Thee is all praise. You have given me food and drink and given me satisfaction. So praise to Thee without expiation and farewell and being not free therefrom. He was accustomed to wipe his hand well and then wash his hands and mouth with excess water and take the name of God each time. He used to drink water in slow degrees and not hastily in one breath. He used not to blow breath in the cup of water at the time of drinking and supply food to one by his side. Once he was given milk and honey mixed together but he refused to drink it saying : Two drinks at the same time and two curries at the same time ! He said : I don't make them unlawful but I consider them bad for rendering accounts on the resurrection day as they are additional things in this world. I like modesty and God raises up one who humbles himself for God. He lived in his house more bashful than an unmarried girl. He used not to order for preparation of any food and eat whatever was given to him and remain silent if not given. (6) PROPHET'S MANNERS IN DRESS The Prophet use to put on sheet, gown, shirt and whatever he got. Green dress used to please him but most of his dresses were white. He said : Give your living men to dress with white garments and dress your dead therewith . He used to put on gown for Jihad. His shirt was long up to his thigh. He had only one shirt dyed with saffron with which he led prayers. Sometimes he put on only one shirt up to his thigh and say : I am only a slave,. I put on garment as a slave puts on He had two special garments for Jumma prayer which he did not put on at other times. Sometimes he had only one garment with which he cohabited with his wives. He had a black garment which he gifted away. Omme Salma said : What fault has this black garment committed ? He replied : I had put it on. She said : You look more beautiful if the black garment mixes with your beautiful constitution. Sometimes, he used to go out putting on a seal tied with thread in his hand. He used to impress his letters with seal and say: Itis better to put seal in letter than back-biting. He used to put on cap under his turban. If he had no turban, he used to put on cap. Sometimes, he put off his cap from his head and fixed it in front as a prayer-stake. When he had no turban and cap, he covered his head with a sheet of cloth. He had a turban named Sahhab which he presented to Hazrat Ali. Whenever he put on a garment, he began from his right side and said : All praise is due to God who has given this garment to cover my private parts and to express adornment. When he wished to put off his garment, he began from his left side. When he put on a new garment, he gave his old cloth in charity to a poor man and said : If a Muslim gives his wearing garment to another Muslim, nobody except God will dress him. He remains in the custody of God till that cloth remains with him, be he alive or dead. His bed was made of grape-covers and refuges. It was two yards long and one yard and one cubit board. He had the habit of naming animals, arms and properties. The name of his standard was Igab, he had his swords named Zulfiqer, Makhzam, Rejab, and Kazib. The middle portion of his swords was moulded with silver. He used to wear belt of leather which had three rings of silver. The name of his arrow was Katum, of his shield Kafur, of his camel Qaswah, of his ass Duldul, another ass Ekab and of his goat Aynah whose milk he used to drink. He had an earthen pot, which he used as an ablution pot and drink water therefrom. (7) PROPHET'S PARDON The Holy Prophet was the most patient among men and the most forgiving inspite his having power to take retaliation. If anybody presented to him any necklace of gold or silver, he used to give it to some of his companions. One day, a desert Arab stood up and said : 0 Muhammad , if God ordered you to do justice, I don't see you doing it. He said : Woe to you ! Who will do better justice to you after me ? When he was about to go, the Prophet said : Take him to me with humility. The Prophet was taking silver coins for the people in the cloth of Bilal in the battle of Khaiber. One man said to him : 0 Messenger of God, do justice. The Prophet said to him : Woe to you, if I don't do justice, who will do justice after me ? If I do not do justice, I shall be ruined and suffer loss. Hazrat Omar then said : Should I not kill him as he is a hypocrite ? He said : May God save him ! In that case, people will say that I kill my companions. Once the Prophet was in a certain jihad. At one time, the unbelievers found the Muslim heedless. of- them .raised a sword upon the head of the Prophet and asked him : Who will prevent me to kill you ? He at once replied : God, Immediately they sword fell down from his hand and the Prophet took it up and said : Who will prevent me to kill you ? He said : Hold it firmly. The Prophet said : Say, I bear witness, that there is no deity but God and that I am His Messenger. He said : I have got no envy against you, I shall not kill you. I shall not go with you and I shall not join those who fight against you. Then the Prophet set him free. The man went to his tribe and said : I have come to you to-day from the best man. Hazrat Anas reported that a Jewess mixed poison in the food of the Prophet at Khaiber. When he began to eat it, he got smell of the poison and stopped eating. The woman was brought to the Prophet who asked her about the poisoned food. The woman said : I intended to kill you. He said : God will not give you that power. The companions exclaimed : Should we not kill her ? The Prophet said : Don't kill her. One day a Jew enchanted the Prophet, Gebriel gave this information to the Prophet. He took out the enchaned thing and came round, but took no revenge against, the Jew. Hazrat Ali said : The Prophet sent Jubair, Meqdad and myself to a certain place and said : Go on till you reach Raojakhak where you will find a woman with a letter which you must taken from her. We then reached the place and told the woman to deliver the letter so us. The woman denied knowledge of any letter. She was then compelled to deliver the letter to us. We then came therewith to the Prophet. It was written therein . From Hateb-b-Ali Bala'a to the polytheists of Mecca etc. This letter was written to inform them secretly the affairs of the Prophet. The Prophet said: 0 Hatib, what is the matter ? He said : 0 Messenger of God, don't hasten inflict punishment on me. I have mixed with my people. the Refugees who are with you have got at Mecca their relatives who look after their families there . It was my object that though I have got no relationship with the Quraish, I would find such a man among them who will take care of my relatives there if I show kindness to them. I have not done it in a state of infidelity. I have not done it after accepting Islam being satisfied with infidelity. I have not done it being a retrogade. The Prophet said: This man has spoken the truth. Hazrat Omar said : Give us order to kill this hyportie . The Prophet said : He joined the battle of Badr with us. Who will inform you that the Alimighty God addressed the warriors of Badr saying : Do whatever you like. God has forgiven you. Once the Prophet distributed the booties when an Ansar stood up and said : God is not pleased with this distribution . When it was mentioned to the Prophet, his face td'fned red and he said : May God show you mercy. My brother Moses was given such troubles, but he remained patient. The Prophet said : Let nobody communicate any thing of my companions, as I wish that at the time when I come to you, I come with a sound mind. (8) PROPHET'S OBJECTS OF DISLIKE The skin of the Prophet was thin and his interior and exterior were clean. His pleasure and wrath were exposed in his face. When he got very angry, he used to touch his head repeatedly. He used not to disclose to anybody what appeared to him bad. One day a ma dyed body with yellow colour came to the Prophet . He dislike it but did not say anything till he went. When he departed, he said to the people : If this man is asked to give up yellow colour, it would be better, Once a desert Arab passed water in presence of the Prophet within the mosque.. The companions were about to assault him when the Prophet said to him : These mosque are not for passing urine and for uncleanliness. Once a desert Arab came to the Prophet and begged something from him. He gave. it to him and said : I have treated well with you. The desert Arab said.: Never, you have not treated well with me. At this, the companions got angry but the Prophet prohibited them to do any harm to him. Then he went to his room and brought something for him to eat and said : I have done you benefit. Then he said : May God bless your family and relatives. The Prophet said to him : What you said first seemed unpleasant to my companions. If you like, say to them what you have said to me just now. What is in their mind will then vanish. He said : I shall say it to them. At another time, when the desert, Arab came, the Prophet said : I added what the desert Arab told me. It seemed to me that he was pleased with it. I asked him : Are you satisfied : Yes, may God bless your family and relatives. The Prophet said: The smile of the desert Arab in relation to me is like that of a man who had a camel which went out. It went faster fearing the people who followed it. The driver of the camel hinted : You all go away and leave the camel and myself alone. I know it better and shall show kindness to it. The driver of the camel gave it some food and called it towards him. When it came, he loaded it and rode upon it. When the desert Arab used harsh words, he would have entered Hell had I not prohibited you to take revenge upon him and assault him. (9) PROPHET'S GENEROSITY The Holy Prophet was the greatest charitable man. His charity during Ramazan was greatest. Nothing could prevent him from it. Hazrat Ali narrated the qualities of the Prophet and said : His hand of charity of spread to its utmost and his tongue was the most truthful. His conduct was the most modest and he was the .most honourable in lineage. Fear struck one who saw him first. Whoever mixed with him loved him. One who praised him said : I have never seen like him before and after him. Once a man begged something to the Prophet in the name of Islam and it was given to him. He begged him something further and it was also given to him. and that was one flock of sheep which were grazing between two hillocks. He went to his people and said Accept Islam because Muhammad gives so much that he does not fear poverty for that . He did never deprive one who begged something from him. Once 10,000 dirhams were brought to the Prophet which he distributed among his companions. After that a man came to him and begged him something. He said : I have got now nothing, but still I am giving you something after purchasing it. It was done accordingly. Hazrat Omar said : 0 Messenger of God, God has not imposed burden on you over which you have got no control. His words did not appear pleasing to the Prophet. That man said Spend and do not fear poverty from God. The Prophet then smiled and pleasure was visible in his face. Once when he returned from the battlefield of Hunain, the desert, Arabs came to him and begged from him so much that he was compelled to take shelter to a corner of a tree. They caught his sheet and he said Give back my sheet to me. Had I had sheep to the number of these thorny plants, I would have distributed them all to you and you would not have found me a miser or a coward. (10) PROPHET'S BRAVERY AND HEROISM The Holy Prophet was the greatest hero and brave man. Hazrat Ali said : In the battle of Badr, we all stood surrounding the Prophet. He braved the enemies and we found him bravest on that day. He said : When fight began and friends and foes met with one another. We feared for the Prophet as he was closest to the enemies. Nobody went so near the enemies than him. When he passed order for fighting, he got pleased and prepared himself. He was seen at that time most superior in strength . Hazrat Imran said : The Prophet attacked the enemy who came to him first. The companions said that the Prophet had then a firm hold on the enemy. In the battle of Hunain, when the Prophet was surrounded by the enemies, he alighted from his mule and said : I am surely the Messenger of God. There is no untruth in it. I am the descendant of Abdul Muttableb. He was on that day the bravest of all. (11) PROPHET'S MODESTY AND HUMILITY Inspite of the lofty position of the Prophet, he was the most humble and modest. Hazra; Ibn Amer reported : I saw the Prophet throwing stones at Jamrah riding on a camel. There was no assault in it, no driving out and no saying : Go aside, go aside. He sat on a sheet of cloth on the back of a mule and took some one behind him. He used to visit the sick , follow the biers, accept invitations of servants and slaves, repair shoes and sew garments. He used to help his family members in their household duties. His companions used not to stand up in his honour as they know his dislike for it. He used to salute the children when passing by them. One day a man was brought to the Prophet and he was afraid to see him. The Prophet said : Be quiet, I am not a king. In am a son of an humble Quraish woman who used to eat gourd . He used to sit with his companions like an ordinary man. Whenever any stranger came to see him, he could not at first recognize him till he was introduced to him. Hazrat Ayesha said May God sacrifice me to you, eat learning as it easier for you. The Prophet leaned towards the ground so much that it seemed that his head would touch the ground. He used to say : I shall take meal like the eating of a slave and sit like the siting of a slave. He used not to eat in plates till he lived. (12) PROPHET'S FIGURE AND CONSTITUTION The Prophet was neither long statured nor short. When he walked alone, he appeared like a middle statured man. If a man of long stature walked with him, his figure looked longer. When two men of long stature walked by his two sides, he appeared longest, but when they became separate from him, the people called them long men. The Prophet was of middle stature. He was pretty, neither too white, nor too brown. He was of pure reddish hue. Some one praised him saying . His limbs which confronted the sun, such as face and neck, appeared more whitish than reddish colour. The sweats of his face were like pearls and more perfumed than musk. His hairs were very pretty, neither straight nor curly . When he combed them, they appeared like lines in sands. It is said that his hairs were kept flowing up to his shoulders sometime he parted his hair into four parts and each two parts were let off through his two ears. Sometimes he kept his hairs above his ears and his neck then appeared shining like pearls. Grey hairs were found in his head and beard. Their number was not more than seventeen The Prophet had a most pretty constitution. Some gave the smile of his beauty to that of the full moon. His forehead was wide and the place between his eyebrows was bright like pure silver and eye-balls were black tinged with reddish hue. The hairs of his eye lashes were profuse. His nose was thin and his teeth were neither separated, nor united. When they were exposed at the time of his smile or laugh, they shone like lighting. His lip was most beautiful and the ends of his face was the most soft. His faces were smooth and nose not long. His beard was thick and he did not trim it. He used to clip his moushtache. His neck was the most beautiful, neither long, nor. short. If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. His chest was board. It was even like a mirror and white like the moon light. There was a thin line of hairs extending from his chest up to the navel and there was no other hairs over his belly. There were three lines in his belly. His wearing apparel covered one line. His shoulders were wide and there were hairs over them. The place between his shoulders was wide and therein there was impression or seal of prophethood inclined a little towards the right shoulder. There in there was a spot mixed with black and yellow colours. There were hairs around it which appeared like the hairs of a horse. He had hands full of flesh and his fingers were like silver sticks and his palms were softer than wool and were so full of scent that it seemed that otto was applied to them. Sweet scent was attached to the hand of a person who handshaked with the Prophet. If his pure hand touched the head of a boy, he could be recongined among boys owing to the sweet scent of his hand. His thighs were full of flesh and his constitution was proportionate and beautiful. In his latter days, he became rather fleshy but he was without grease like his first stage of life. The Prophet walked firmly and steadily. He said Concerning constitution I am similar to Adam but in character and conductor I am similar to Abraham. He said : I have got ten names near my Lord-(a) Muhammad (praised), Ahmad (most praised), Mahi (remover of infideltiyt), Aqeb (coming last) Hasher (all appearing after me), messenger of mercy, messenger of repentance, messenger of fights, Muqfi (last of all prophets) and Qasem (embodiment of all vitures). (13) PROPHET'S MIRACLES The charachter and conduct of the Holy Prophet, his actions, his habits, management of affairs, his treatment with the different classes of people, his showing straight path to them, his wonderful answers to different difficult and subtle questions, his untiring efforts for the good of people, his good guidance regarding the open laws of Shariat-all these matters lead one to the conclusion that these were beyond the power of a man without help of an unseen hand. It is impossible on the part of a hypocrite or a liar. The people testified by seeing his constitution and qualifications that he was a great truthful man sent by God. God gave him these qualities though he was illiterate and had no education and lived always with the illeterate Arabs. Being illiterate, orphan and weak, how could he acquire such good character and conduct, such knowledge about God without worldly knowledge ? His true and correct knowledge about the earlier Prophet show that he is a true messenger of God, because he knew these truths by revelations. How could he know what was is beyond of man unless he received revelation ? His miracles prove that he is a true Prophet of God. I am narrating a few of his miracles without prolonging it. (1) When the Quraish of Mecca told the Prophet to divide the moon into two parts, the Prophet invoked God who split the moon into two portions and it was clearly visible to the people present. (2) At the time of the siege of Medinah by the allied armies for more than one month, the Prophet supplied provision to all the people. (3) At another time, he satisfied eighty people with food with only four muds of maize and one little goat. (4) Once the daughter of Basher had a few dried grapes with which the Prophet fed all his soldiers to their satisfaction and there remained also something in excess. (5) Once water began to gush forth from the fingers of the Prophet, so much so that his soldiers drank to their hearts content and made also ablution therewith. (6) Once there was no water in a well at Tabuk and it dried up. The Prophet threw a little water of his ablution to the well and immediately it gushed forth so profuse water that thousands of soldiers drank it to their satisfaction. (7) At another time, there was no water in a well at Hudaibiyah. The Prophet threw the remaining ablution water into it which immediately gushed forth abundant water. Fifteen hundred men drank it to their satisfaction. (8) Once the Prophet threw a handful of dust towards the faces of his enemies as a result of which they instantly became blind. Soon after this verse was revealed : When you throw, you did not throw, but God threw it. (9) The Prophet used to deliver sermon standing on the trunk, Vol-II Character and Conduct of Prophet 223 of a palm tree in the mosque. when it was replaced by another, the trunk began to emit mild sound which was heard by all his companions. When he touched it with his hand, it became calm. (10) Once the Prophet told the Jews to make Mobahala (that is whoever is a liar, he will die), but the jews gave the news next morning that they feared to make it for fear of their lives. This is mentioned in the Quran. (11) The Prophet warned Hazrat Osman of agreat danger as a result of which he would enter paradise. History bears testimony that he was murdered in his very house while he was reading the Quran. The Prophet told Ammer that a rebellious party would kill Osman. It is true that they murdered him. (12) Once a man joined Jihad in the way of God. The Prophet said about him that he would enter Hell Then it was seen that he committed suicide. (13) When the Prophet was on his way towards Medina on migration, one Suraqa-b-Malek was following him to capture him in expection of a rewards, but the feet of his horse was sunk in dust in the act. When he sought the Prophet's help to escape from the danger, he prayed for him . This continued for three times and the Prophet prayed for him each time. After being released for the third time, the Prophet gave him this prophecy in his almost helpless condition that he would soon wear the bangles of Persian King Khosroe. After the conquest of Persia by the Muslims, these bangles were procured from the kind and were given to him for wearing. (14) Aswad Ansari was a liar and claimed Prophethood during the life time of the Prophet. He was a resident of Sana'a in Yemen. One night he was found assassinated in that town. In that very night, the Prophet gave his death news to the people and he named Feroze Daifami as his murderer. (15) During the night of migration to Medina, one hundred Quraish surrounded the house of the Prophet to kill him, but he went out of their clutches throwing dust on their heads for which they could not see him going out. (16) Once the Prophet gave the prophecy to some of his companions : The last man among you will die of arson. It afterwards occurred that it came true. (17) Once the Prophet called two trees to cover him to give, him opportunity of urinating. The two trees shifted from their sites, covered him from public view and went away to their old sits after he finished his call of nature. (18) The Prophet was of middle stature, but when he walked two long men by his two sides, he was seen the longest of them. (19) The Prophet said : I will kill Abu-b-Hani in the battle of Uhud. In the battle, the Prophet inflicted a minor injury on him and as a result he expired. (20) Once the Prophet was given food mixed with poison to eat. He who ate it first expired, but the prophet lived for four years even after taking that food. That food told the Prophet There is poison in me. (21) In the battle of Badr, the Prophet mentioned the fate of the leaders of the Quraish. This happened exactly as he said. (22) The Prophet said to his daughter Fatema : You will meet me first after my death. She died six months after the Prophet. (23) Once the Prophet said to his wives : She who is longer in hand will meet me first after m y death. Hazrat Jainab was the most charitable among his wives and she died first after the Prophet.,, (24) A certain camel had not milk in its udder. As soon as the Prophet touched its udder, it began to give milk. Abdullah-bMausd embraced Islam on seeing this miracle of the Prophet. (25) Once one eye of a companion went out of its socket. The Prophet restored it to its site and his eye sight increased more. (26) The greatest living miracle of the Holy Prophet is the Quran which stands even today. He threw challenge to the people to produce a chapter like it. The Quran says : Say, if jinn and mankind gather together to bring a book like this Quran, they won't be able to bring like it even though they help one another. So nobody was successful to bring a book or even a sentence like to up to this time. This alone is a sufficient and living testimony that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace to on him) is a true messenger of God.


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