Imam Abu Hanifa (85-150 H.) said: "If there had been two years, I would have perished. (...) For two years I was the companion of Sayyidina Ja ' far as-Sadiq and I acquired the spiritual knowledge that made me a knowing ( 'arif) of the Way. "[sentence from Durr al-Mukhtar pg 56]. Imam Malik ibn Anas (95-179 H.) said: "The student of jurisprudence (tafaqaha) and not studying Sufism (tasawwuf) is a pervert (fâsiq), and whom study Sufism without examining fiqh is a heretic (Zindiq), whom combines both, reached the truth or is perfect (tahaqqaqa). " ,[] reported phrase by the hadith specialist Ahmad Zarruq by specialist hadith 'Ali ibn Ahmad al-'Adawî in Volume 2 of his works, by Hafiz al-`Ali al-Qari al-Harawi and other . ] Imam Shafi'i (150-205 H.) said: "I attended the Sufis and I benefited from it (guild) in three of their words: Time is like a sword, if you do not cut, he'll cut you. If you are not occupying your mind with the truth, she bother with error (which is pointless). ['Ijluni in his Kashf al-Khafa, vol. 1, p. 341. ] Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (164-241 H.), before the company of Sufi told his son: "Oh! My son, be with those who study the Hadith, and instead of meetings of those who call themselves Sufis. For among them, some ignore the principles of religion. Later he was the companion of Hamza al-Baghdadi, the Sufi, and he knew the spiritual state of insiders and he told his son: "Be in the assemblies of those Sufis (al qawm), for their attendance science, interior vigilance (al-murâqabah), humility (al-khashiyah), renunciation (az-zuhd), and increase spiritual aspiration. It was reported that Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said of the Sufis: "Don’t you know that among the groups, the better is ? It has been said, « but they are making the sama '(spiritual songs) and know the ecstasy (al-Wajda, al-jadhb) »,he said: "They call to rejoice in Allah [quoted in Tanwir al-qulub] and ► From Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Saffarini al-Hanbali (died 1188) who related in his Ghidha' al-albab li-sharh manzumat al-adab from Ibrahim ibn `Abd Allah al-Qalanasi) (Cairo: Matba`at al-Najah, 1324/1906).


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