
Showing posts from January, 2014
Sifat Wali-Wali Allah: Hilliyatul Auliya: Sifat Wali-Wali Allah Saidina Umar ibni Khattab RA telah bercerita , bahawa pada suatu hari Nabi Muhammad SAW telah menerangkan tentang Wali-Wali itu, sabdanya: "Bahawa ada manusia di antara hamba-hamba Tuhan yang bukan Nabi-nabi dan bukan pula syuhada', tetapi pada hari kiamat beroleh kedudukan yang tinggi sama dengan kedudukan Nabi-nabi dan syuhada' itu pada sisi Tuhan.'' Seorang bertanya :'' Siapakah mereka itu ,ya Rasulullah, dan apakah amalan-amalan yang dikerjakan ?Terangkanlah kepada kami ,agar kami mencintai mereka itu dan mengambil daripadanya suri tauladan!'' Maka kata Rasulullah SAW: "Mereka itu adalah segolongan manusia yang cinta-mencintai antara satu sama lain kerana ruh Allah semata-mata, terdorong oleh cinta kepada Tuhan semata-mata, tidak disebabkan oleh rasa belas kasihan atau oleh sesuatu ikatan antara satu sama lain, tidak pula digerakkan oleh keinginankepada harta-benda.Dem...
Ihfazillah Ya Fazka: Ihfazillah Ya Fazka bermaksud peliharalah Allah SWT, maka Allah SWT akan memelihara kamu. Perkataan ini ialah ia tajuk bagi sebuah kitab. Aku mengikuti satu perbincangan mengenai Hadis ke 19 dalam dalam hadis 40. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan peliharalah ialah memelihara hukumNya, hakNya, perintahNya, laranganNya dengan cara mengerjakan dan meninggalkan sesuai dengan ketetapan syariat Islam. Cara Allah SWT memelihara manusia meliputi dua (2) perkara: 1 Pertama Allah memelihara manusia dalam urusan hidupnya di dunia seperti memelihara kesihatannya, hartanya dan keluarganya dari suatu bahaya. 2 Kedua Allah memlihara manusia akan agamanya dan imannya daripada dinodai dan dikotori oleh segala yang haram hingga akhir hayatnya dan mati dalam iman. Perkara ini berhubung dengan ketaqwaan manusia yang dikerjaan secara ikhlas kepada Allah. Keikhlasan meliputi intipati daripada semua amalan manusia. Hadis ke 19 ini juga membincangkan tentang "mintalah kepada Allah. Mem...
References for Ship Structures: 1 Hughes, Owen, Ship Structural Design, SNAME. It has a lot of information suitable for both undergraduate and graduate courses and provides significantly more detail than PNA Vol. 1. 2 Tupper, Introduction to Naval Architecture, SNAME. Chapter 7 summarizes the entire ship structures course! A great way to get the big picture of this course. 3 Gilmer and Johnson, Introduction to Naval Architecture, Naval Institute. It has a good overview of the ship structures design procedure. 4 SNAME books: Ship Design and Construction, Ship Structural Design, 5 Fiberglass Boat Design and Construction, 6 Principles of Naval Architecture Vols. I, II & III. Naval architecture industry handbooks. 7 Gerr, The Elements of Boat Strength, McGraw-Hill, 2000. Describes common small craft building methods and includes a simple, but conservative, scantlings rule. 8 Higgins, R. A., Properties of Engineering Materials, Industrial Press. An excellent and low-cost material...
AL-KARIM, TUMPUAN SEGALA HAJAT: JANGAN DILAMPAUI NIAT TUJUAN KAMU KEPADA SELAIN-NYA KERANA AL-KARIM TIDAK DAPAT DILAMPAUI OLEH SEBARANG HARAPAN. Orang yang masih dalam perjalanan sangat teringin untuk cepat sampai kepada Allah s.w.t. Dia terpesona melihat keadaan orang-orang yang telah sampai. Kadang-kadang timbul rasa tidak sabar untuk ikut sama sampai kepada tujuannya. Perasaan tidak sabar akan menimbulkan harapan atau cita-cita agar ada seseorang yang dapat menolong mengangkatnya. Orang yang diharapkan itu mungkin terdiri daripada mereka yang telah sampai atau mungkin juga dia menaruh harapan kepada wali-wali ghaib dan malaikat-malaikat. Maksud dan tujuannya tidak berubah, iaitu sampai kepada Allah s.w.t tetapi dalam mencapai maksud itu sudah diselit dengan harapan kepada selain-Nya. Ini bermakna sifat bertawakal dan berserah dirinya sudah bergoyang. Sebelum dia terjatuh, Hikmat 47 ini menariknya supaya berpegang kepada al-Karim. Walau kepada siapa pun diletakkan harapan namun, har...
Be sure, Allah SWT is your protector. (Glorious Quran 8:40). Doa: "Ya Allah SWT, aku memohon kpd Mu kemurnian iman & akhlak terpuji, serta kecemerlangan yg disertai kejayaan & aku memohon curahan rahmat, kesihatan, pengampunan & keredhaan drpd Mu." Riwayat al-Hakim.
Allah SWT is infinitely powerful, omniscient and the creator of infinite variety. Receiving His strength and support means enjoying the greatest strength and support in the world. Human beings are utterly weak; they can do nothing for themselves unless Allah so wishes. All the functions in the human body take place by Allah’s will. For one single enzyme to fail to work would put an end to functions vital to human beings. That example alone shows us how we need our Almighty Lord at every breath and in all we do. The love and friendship of Almighty Allah SWT, the Creator of the universe, the atom and all the worlds, is more important than anyone’s interest and affection. Someone who has Allah’s support enjoys the greatest support of all. With Allah’s help and support human beings, feeble entities, can achieve a great deal; their paths are made easy by Allah’s leave. “...Allah is your Protector. And He is the best of helpers.” (Glorious Quran, Surah Al ‘Imran, 150). Allah, Who creates ...
Peringatan Allah SWT di dalam al-Quran Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 44 yang bermaksud "Patutkah kamu menyuruh manusia supaya berbuat kebaikan sedang kamu lupa akan diri kamu sendiri; padahal kamu semua membaca Kitab Allah, tidakkah kamu berakal?" Kita tidak mahu tergolong dari kalangan mereka yang disebut di dalam ayat di atas. Memang menjadi lumrah kehidupan manusia selalu lupa diri sendiri. Kita hanya nampak kelemahan orang lain sedangkan lupa terhadap diri sendiri. Kita tidak mahu kuman seberang laut nampak, sedangakan gajah di hadapan mata kita tidak nampak. Ibrahim Adham seorang ulamak Sufi di kota Basrah, pernah ditanya kenapa doa kita tidak diterima. Jawabnya, "Kamu hanya nampak aib orang tetapi kamu tidak nampak aib sendiri." Kita tidak mahu amal kita sia-sia sahaja di akhirat kelak, walaupun atas dunia kita bersungguh-sungguh berusaha, walhal hasilnya di sisi Allah kosong. Biarlah kita bergerak di atas paksi yang betul semoga Allah menerima amal kita dan dinil...
Chips and Fish: Total Time: 50 min; Prep: 20 min; Cook: 30 min; Yield: 4 servings. Ingredients: • For the fries: • 1 gallon safflower oil; • 4 large Russet potatoes; • Salt; • For the batter: • 2 cups flour; • 1 tablespoon baking powder; • 1 teaspoon salt; • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper; • Dash Old Bay Seasoning; • 1 1/2 pounds firm-fleshed whitefish (tilapia, pollock, cod), cut into 1-ounce strips; • Cornstarch, for dredging. Directions Heat oven to 200 degrees F. Heat the safflower oil in a 5-quart Dutch oven over high heat until it reaches 320 degrees. Using a V-slicer with a wide blade, slice the potatoes with the skin on. Place in a large bowl with cold water. In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, cayenne pepper, and Old Bay seasoning. Whisk until the batter is completely smooth and free of any lumps. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Note: The batter can be made up to 1 hour ahead of time. Drain potatoes thoroughly, removing any excess water. When oil reaches 320 deg...
Therefore, with Allah SWT having the great authority and the most perfect power, He determined that Prophet Musa AS would not be raised except upon Fir`awn's own bed. He would be sustained by Fir`awn's food and drink, while receiving the love of Fir`awn and his wife. This is why Allah SWT said in the Glorious Quran, surah Taha (20); 39, ... يَأْخُذْهُ عَدُوٌّ لِّي وَعَدُوٌّ لَّهُ وَأَلْقَيْتُ عَلَيْكَ مَحَبَّةً مِّنِّي ... and there, an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his shall take him. And I endued you with love from Me, This means that I made your enemy love you. Salamah bin Kuhayl said, وَأَلْقَيْتُ عَلَيْكَ مَحَبَّةً مِّنِّي (And I endued you with love from Me), "This means, `I made My creatures love you.''' ... وَلِتُصْنَعَ عَلَى عَيْنِي ﴿٣٩﴾ in order that you may be brought up under My Eye. Abu `Imran Al-Jawni said, "This means, `You will be raised under Allah's Eye.''' - Tafsir Ibn Kathir.
Nabi Muhammad SAW sumber inspirasi: NABI MUHAMMAD SAW adalah sebaik-baik pemimpin bagi umat manusia sejagat. Jelaslah Rasulullah SAW merupakan pemimpin terbaik di sepanjang zaman. Baginda juga negarawan terunggul, pahlawan berani dan ahli politik yang agung. Manusia sehingga kini masih mengambil pengajaran dan teladan daripada diri baginda SAW dan sejarah hidupnya sebagai sumber inspirasi dan pedoman hidup untuk kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud: Demi sesungguhnya adalah bagi kamu pada diri Rasulullah itu contoh ikutan yang baik iaitu bagi orang yang sentiasa mengharapkan (keredaan) Allah dan (balasan baik) hari akhirat serta ia pula menyebut dan mengingati Allah banyak-banyak (sewaktu susah dan senang). (Quran, al-Ahzab: 21). Keperibadian Rasulullah SAW terdapat pelbagai kualiti, ciri-ciri dan tindakan yang menjadikannya perlu untuk diteladani. Di antara ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang diperlukan oleh setiap ketua dan pemimpin antaranya ialah: Baginda SAW meny...
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, “Stick to the group, for the wolf eats the sheep that wanders off by itself,” (Al-Hakim, The Book of Mustadrak:717). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stated, “Indeed, this religion is deep! So delve into it carefully,” (Ahmed).
CONTRIBUTION OF IMAM AL-SHAFI`I: by Dr. M. Hamidullah,from the book Emergence of Islam by Dr. M. Hamidullah: The first three (3) books on the subject have not reached us viz. Abu Hanifah's Kitab al-Ra'y, and Abu Yusuf's and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani's books bearing the title Kitab al-Usul. The earliest work which has reached us was written by al-Shafi'i, a student of al-Shaybani. Al-Shafi'i was linked with many traditions at the same time. He was horn in 150 AH, the year in which Abu Hanifah died. He did not, therefore, learn directly from Abu Hanifah, but he studied for many years under one of his distinguished pupils. Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani. Similarly, for many years he remained a student of Malik in Madinah. He studied philosophy, logic and dialectics. In those days the Mu'tazilah were at the height of their fame. He dabbled in debates with them as well. Many a quality combined in the person of al-Shafi'i with the result that he wa...
SHIP STABILITY BOOKLET: Aim: The aim of the stability booklet is to provide the Master with quality information that will enable the vessel to be loaded & operated in a safe manner. Approval: The stability booklet is only approved when the vessel’s required loading conditions are shown to meet the appropriate criteria & there is sufficient data provided to enable a competent person to evaluate additional loading conditions. Each Stability Booklet shall contain the following information: 1. Title page showing – “Stability Booklet” – vessel name, hull & machinery number, revision number, date of preparation or latest amendment. 2. Table of Contents – all pages to be numbered consecutively. 3. Vessel Particulars table including: · LOA (m): ……………………. · L Measured (m): ……………………. · B Moulded (m): ……………………. · D Moulded (m): ……………………. · LBP (m): ……………………. · T Design (m): ……………………. · Vertical Datum: ……………………. · Longitudinal Datum: ……………………. · Class of the Vessel: ……………………. · Cr...
Muhammad Hamidullah (Urdu: محمد حمیداللہ), (February 9, 1908 – December 17, 2002) D. Phil., D. Litt., HI, was a Muhaddith, Faqih, scholar of Islamic law and an academic author with over 450 books[1] cited in, the world's largest bibliographic database. He earned two(2) doctorates; he received his first doctorate (1932) from Bonn University, Germany and later his Doctor of Letters (1934) from Sorbonne University, France. A prolific writer, his extensive works on Islamic science, history and culture have been published in several languages and many thousands of articles in learned journals.[2] His scholarship is regarded by many as unparalleled in the last century. A polymath, he was fluent in 22 languages including Urdu (his mother tongue), Persian, Arabic, French, English, German, Turkish etc. He learned Thai at the age of 84.[3] Contents: 1 Early life and background 2 Career 3 Books 4 References 5 External links. Early life and background: Hamidullah was from the Decc...
Allah SWT: Muslims have nothing in common with atheists, polytheists, or those who associate others with the One God. The Arabic word for One God is Allah, Lord and Creator of the universe. Even the simplest, primitive and uncultured man knows well that one cannot be the creator of one's own self and that there ought to be a Creator of us all, of the entire universe. Atheism and materialism does not respond to this logical need. To believe in polytheism would entail the difficulty of the division of power between several gods, if not a civil war among them. One can easily see that everything in the universe is interdependent. Man, for instance, requires the aid of plants, metals, animals and stars, just as each one of these objects needs another's help in some way or other. The division of Divine powers thus become impracticable. In their praiseworthy solicitude, for not attributing evil to God, certain thinkers have thought of two different gods: a god of good and a god of ...
Cinta Rasulullah s.a w. bukan urusan perasaan atau emosi tetapi ia adalah tuntutan iman yang diwajibkan ke atas setiap insan yang mengaku beriman kepada Allah swt. Sabda Nabi Muhammad saw: لا يؤمنُ أحدُكم حتَّى أكونَ أَحَبَّ إليه مِنْ والِدِهِ و وَلَدِهِ و النَّاسِ أجمعين "Tidak beriman seseorang kamu (dalam erti kata iman yang sebenar) sehinggalah Aku ini terlebih kasih kepadanya berbanding bapa dan anaknya serta seluruh ummat manusia." (Riwayat Imam Bukhari) 2. Kecintaan kita sebagai orang yang beriman kepada Nabi saw selayaknya mengatasi segala-galanya sebagaimana yang telah digariskan oleh Allah swt. Kegagalan mencintai Allah dan RasulNya serta perjuangan menegakkan Islam hanya menjerumuskan ke lembah fasik. Firman Allah swt : قُلْ إِنْ كَانَ آبَاؤُكُمْ وَأَبْنَاؤُكُمْ وَإِخْوَانُكُمْ وَأَزْوَاجُكُمْ وَعَشِيرَتُكُمْ وَأَمْوَالٌ اقْتَرَفْتُمُوهَا وَتِجَارَةٌ تَخْشَوْنَ كَسَادَهَا وَمَسَاكِنُ تَرْضَوْنَهَا أَحَبَّ إِلَيْكُمْ مِنَ اللهِ وَرَسُولِهِ وَجِهَادٍ فِي سَبِيلِهِ ...
Introduction to Islam by Dr. M. Hamidullah Dr. Hamidullah's book is a good resource, not only for non-Muslims who wish to know more about Islam, but for Muslims who wish to learn more about their faith. Here is a complete listing of the chapters (and also other excerpts): Ch. 1 ... The Prophet of Islam -- His Biography paragraphs 1-42 Ch. 2 ... Preservation of the Original Teachings of Islam paragraphs 43-98 Ch. 3 ... The Islamic Conception of Life paragraphs 99-125 Ch. 4 ... Faith and Belief paragraphs 126-159 Ch. 5 ... Devotional Life and Religious Practices in Islam paragraphs 160-198/a Ch. 6 ... The Cultivation of Spiritual Life paragraphs 199-222 Ch. 7 ... The System of Morality in Islam paragraphs 223-257 Ch. 8 ... The Political System of Islam paragraphs 258-299 Ch. 9 ... The Judicial System of Islam paragraphs 300-336 Ch. 10 ... The Economic System of Islam paragraphs 337-379 Ch. 11 ... The Muslim Woman paragraphs 380-405 Ch. 12 ... The Status of non-Muslims in...
Selawat Syifa Dalam Rumi: (BISMILLAAHIRRAHMAANIRRAHIIM. ALLAAHUMMA SALLI ‘ALAA SAYYIDINAA MUHAMMADIN THIBBIL QULUUBI WA DAWAA-IHAA WA ‘AAFIYATI ABDAA NI WA SYIFAA IIHA. WA NUURIL ABSHAARI WA DIYAAIHAA WA ‘ALAA AALIHII WA SHAHBIHII WA BARIK WA SALLIM). KHASIAT SELAWAT SYIFA’ 1. Menyembuhkan pelbagai jenis penyakit Baca 21x dan hembus dalam air. Minum air tersebut dan sapu di tempat yang sakit. 2. Meransang minda kanak-kanak Baca dan hembuskan ke kepala anak semasa mereka tidur. Boleh juga baca pada kismis dan beri anak makan sehari 3 biji. 3. Melembutkan hati yang sedang marah atau merajuk Baca 3 kali dan tarik nafas dalam2. Ulang sebanyak 3 kali. Boleh juga hembus perlahan2 pada orang yang sedang marah. 4. Memupuk kasih sayang di antara ibu bapa dan anak-anak, memupuk rasa cinta di antara suami dan isteri. Amalkan sebagai zikir ketika sedang menyapu rumah dan ketika memasak makanan untuk keluarga anda.
Firman Allah SWT: Dan dirikanlah solat pada dua bahagian siang (pagi dan petang) dan pada permulaan malam. (Quran, Hud:114) Ibnu Kathir di dalam tafsirnya membawakan beberapa pendapat berkaitan dengan ayat ini. Antaranya pendapat Mujahid mengenai solat pada dua bahagian siang itu bermaksud solat Subuh, Zuhur dan Asar. Al-Hasan mengatakan bahawa solat pada permulaan malam itu ialah solat Maghrib dan Isyak. Kewajiban solat ke atas umat Islam melambangkan tingginya nilai ibadah lima waktu ini. Ia merupakan tiang agama Islam yang wajib ditegakkan. Diriwayatkan daripada Muaz bin Jabal r.a, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Kepala setiap sesuatu ialah Islam, tiangnya ialah solat dan puncaknya ialah berjihad di jalan Allah." (riwayat al-Tirmizi, hadis hasan sahih). Solat merupakan ibadah yang difardukan ke atas umat Nabi Muhammad SAW di mana Allah SWT menyampaikan perintah itu ketika malam Mikraj. Diriwayatkan daripada Anas r.a berkata: “Solat difardukan ke atas Nabi SAW pada malam I...
Doa (invocation/prayer) for Protection from Hardship and Worries 1 ◾Doa for remembrance of Allah during hardship 2 ◾Remembrance during hardship 3 ◾Doa for rescue from tough situations 4 ◾Doa to seek protection from various trials 5 ◾Doa to seek protection from hardships and enemies 6 ◾Dua asking for general protection 7 ◾Dua to seek protection from enemies 8 ◾Dua to seek relief from sadness and worries Duas for Protection from Harm 9 ◾Dua for protection from harm and problems Duas for Health and Success 10 ◾Dua for health, good conduct, and success 11 ◾Dua asking for health 12 ◾Dua asking for the best in success, rewards, life, and death Testifying Allah’s Attributes 13 ◾Testifying for Allah’s oneness 14 ◾Dua testifying to the glory of Allah’s name 15 ◾Testifying for Allah’s Fortunes 16 ◾Testifying for Allah’s oneness Duas for Wealth, Health, and Other Provisions 17 ◾Dua to seek protection from burden of debt and persecution 18 ◾Dua to seek protection from laziness, old ag...
The analysis, design and construction of offshore floating system structures is arguably the most demanding set of tasks faced by the engineering profession in this century and on top of the hostile conditions, offshore floating structures have the added complication of being placed in an ocean environment where hydrodynamic interaction effects and dynamic response become major considerations in their design. Effective Floating Offshore Structure Design and Analysis: Gain maximum value and knowledge on: · Floating Platforms Types: Form, Function · Hydrostatics: Buoyancy and Stability · Environment Loads and Motions · Global Design · TLP Design · Semi-Submersible Design · Spar Design · FPSO Global Design and Sizing · FPSO Mooring · FPSO Structures.
Surat al-Waqi‘a is the wird of Shaykh al-‘Alawi. This is very significant because it starts with what Hajj Abdalhaqq has translated as ‘The Great Event’. But if you look in the Qur’an it is: In the Arabic this is like “the time of the time,” it is like the famous moment when Rasul, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Ya Abu Bakr, Yawm al-Yawm.” The day of The Day. And by that he meant the Last Day. So “idha waqa‘atil waqi‘a” is the Event of the Event. It is very important to understand this because it is like saying that everything which is creation is event, and the creation is one event. Allah only has to say to a thing, “Kun fa yakun”—“Be / it is.” Between the ‘Be’ and ‘it is’ there is no hiatus, no grammatical link. “Kun fa yakun” means “Be / it is.” We might use an oblique stroke to indicate it, because there is no grammatical joining. “Be,” and then as a result of that it happens, because the in-time and the out-of-time are not separated by a hiatus. In grammar an ‘and’ or an ‘...