And subjugate to us everything, Oh! You in Whose Hand is the dominion over everything. [Kaaf-Ha-Ya-‘Ain-Saad](3x). Aid us, for You are the best of those who aid. And open for us, for You are the best of those who open. And forgive us, for You are the best of Forgivers. And have mercy upon us, for You are the best of those who Show Mercy. And provide for us, for You are the best of Providers. And guide and deliver us from the People of Oppression. And grant us a fair wind according to Your Knowledge and waft it upon us from the Treasures of Your Mercy. Carry us by the conveyance of Your Generosity with Peace in our lives in this world and in the world to come - “over all things You have power” (Glorious Quran 3:26). Oh, Allah! Make easy for us our situations with rest for our hearts and our bodies; and peace and well-being in our spiritual and worldly lives and be to us our Companion in our journey and the Guardian of our family. Efface the faces of our enemy. Freeze them in their places so that they are unable to go or to come against us. - Hizbul Bahr.


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