
Showing posts from March, 2014
Love for ALLAH SWT and Love for RASULULLAH SAW: 1. Hadhrat Anas (radiallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Whoever has in him three things, will experience the sweetness of Imaan.” (These are): i) His love for Allah and His Rasool is more than that for all and everything. ii) His love for another (person) is motivated by only the love of Allah. i.e. His love and friendship with people are not for worldly motives. He befriends people because they happen to be pious men of Allah). iii) A man who, after having been saved by Allah from kufr, abhors returning to kufr as much as he abhors falling into a fire.” (Bukhari and Muslim) 2. Hadhrat Anas (radiallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “You cannot have total Imaan as long as you do not love me more than your father, children and all people.” (Bukhari, Muslim-M...
PROJECT MANAGEMENT TIPS: Good Ways to Prioritize Project Tasks! (1) Be Realistic. In reality, you'll never get everything done, so you may as well accept the fact now! Those tasks that are at the bottom of your “To Do” list aren't urgent or important enough to work on right now. It will be easier for you to focus on the important tasks once you realize that your time is limited and that you have to get realistic about what you can achieve in a day. If something does become urgent or important, it will naturally rise to the top of the “To Do” list and you can deal with it then. (2) Use Task Management Software. It's impossible to manage your “To Do” list effectively if it is split between sticky notes, a notebook, an online system and your diary. Pick one way of managing your tasks and keep to it. The easiest way is to use task management software such like Microsoft Project, Primavera, etc. These will help you put tasks in order of importance and track progress so you'...
Samsung Group Scotland wishes to announce the result of its 2014 Draws Held in Glasgow, Scotland. The results of the draw indicates that You are one of the Lucky winners among 38 individuals who were selected from the 38 countries worldwide where Samsung has a Big market. You are therefore entitled to a Total payout of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS ($500,000.00USD) in cash in this category. The Draw was performed through a secured automated powered ballot where over 50,000 email addresses from all 38 countries where Samsung is Located, were collected for the draw. This Draw is the biggest and most successful draw ever conducted by any company worldwide. The sole purpose of this Program is to meet up with the needs of people as much as we can, our vision is impacting and changing the environment positively in general. To validate your claim process, please contact us immediately so as to effect the release of your Fund to you after immediate approval. For s...
Demand for homes: Melaka's residential market, however has limited upside for investors as the homebuyers are usually owner-occupiers, according to the property consultants. Another factor could be the 60% bumiputera quota imposed on residential projects,which has resulted in limited units avail-able for non-bumiputeras and slow sales for developers. Nevertheless, says c H Williams Talhar & wong Sdn Bhd's Melaka brach manager Teh Hong chua,there is demand for new homes. Housing areas are moving outwards as there are limited tracts of land in Melaka city suitable for development. "The residential secondary market is not very active," he says, obseruing that the asking prices for homes around the city are going up, albeit slowly. For instance, the price of a z-storey link home five years ago ranged from RM18o,ooo to RM200,000. NoW (in 2011) prices average RM250,000. The prices of newly launched equiva...
FADHILAT AYAT- AYAT AL-QURAN al-Karim: ***Hendaklah membaca Al-Quran setiap hari kerana: Di dalam hadith bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Hendaklah baca Al-Quran kerana ia akan datang pada hari kiamat untuk mensyafaati di atas pihak pembacanya*** 1. Surah Al-Fatihah -Penawar segala penyakit -Menghilangkan kesakitan -Penawar darah gemuruh, was-was dan lain-lain -Pembuka Ikatan -Penawar sakit mata -Penawar sakit telinga -Menghilangkan rasa lapar -Penyembuh Luka -Penerang hati -Penawar Angin Ahmar, Stroke dan lain-lain -Mendapatkan zuriat, pangkat dan lain-lain -Segala hajat -Penunduk orang zalim -Sakit gigi -Penawar Mujarab -Pendinding -Murah rezeki -Selamat dalam perjalanan -Kaya -Kata Al-'Arif Billah Syeikh Ahmad Rifa'i 1.1 Khasiat Ayat Pertama -Ditunaikan hajat -Sebelum tidur -Orang zalim -Penyembuhan -Murah rezeki -Penerang hati -Selamat daripada keguguran -Menyuburkan tanaman -Mengumpan Ikan -Perlindungan dan pelaris -Doa Musafir -Doa makan bersama orang-orang yang berpenya...
Peter Drucker was a leader in management philosophy and effectiveness. As a writer, management consultant, and social ecologist, he played an influential role in shaping key concepts around business, innovation, decision making, leadership, productivity, time management, and personal effectiveness. He first coined the term “knowledge worker” back in 1959, and helped pioneer knowledge work productivity. Here are his 25 Life Lessons: Lesson 1: First know what’s right. First know what’s right for effective decision making. To make the right compromise, first know what right is. Don’t worry whether it’s liked, worry whether it’s right. After you know what’s right, then you can compromise. Lesson 2: Boundary conditions for effective decisions. Think of success in terms of a range or continuum of possibilities. Know the boundary conditions for your important decisions. Know what good looks like. Know the minimum the decision needs to satisfy. Don’t depend on everything going as...
Cylindrical shells are one of the major structural components in offshore engineering world. Researchers had rigorously investigated the underlying mechanisms of this category of structures and predicted the structural behaviour under various loading conditions. Many of these closed form relations in terms of the basic geometrical and material design parameters predicts the behaviour reasonably accurate. Rule based design codes like DNV (Det Norske Veritas); API (American Petroleum Institute) etc. are also available for the assessment of structural capacity for the stiffened cylindrical structures under different loading conditions. A modified version of a strength model which was proposed earlier for ring, stringer and orthogonally stiffened cylindrical shells. A large population of experimental data are used to compare the accuracy of the proposed strength model and other major practicing codes. The mean and COV of model uncertainty factor of the proposed strength model is used for...
Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Ask Allah SWT for the highest degrees (ranks), for you are asking One (Allah SWT) who is magnanimous, when you ask Allah SWT set the target high and ask for the Highest Paradise (Jannah), for Allah SWT will not think anything too great for him who asks." - Ihya Ulumuddin.
Merger and Acquisition (perhaps to be considered by MAS airline): Indeed, being the wrong size is one of the few cases where serious thought about merger or acquisition is a must. The problem cannot, to repeat, be cured by growth from within as a rule. It requires a “quantum jump.” And this, of course, merger and acquisition can provide. The aim of such a merger or acquisition must not, however, be volume, as such. To pile additional volume on the wrong foundation is asking for trouble. The aim is to try to find the missing piece that, put together with whatone has, will result in a genuine whole. The aim is to find a business that also suffers from being the wrong size—but for the opposite reasons. If a company needs to have an oversized distribution system or an over-sized research effort to stay in business, it needs to look for a business which has too large a product line for its distribution system or its research capacities. At the same time, to make it the right fit, the p...
Managing the ego: One of the very biggest challenges facing the evolution of any person is in overcoming the demands of the individual ego. It is simply not possible to achieve enduring and genuine progress until the ego has been well and truly brought under control to the extent that it no longer exerts any negative or detrimental influence upon self or anyone else. The ego is that aspect of a person striving to make its presence felt both on the individual personality and upon others, constantly demanding to be satisfied and satiated otherwise discontent and personal disharmony will be the result its demands are not fulfilled. The ego is responsible for many negative human traits, including but certainly not limited to being critical and judgemental of others, being rigid and inflexible, being manipulative, need to feel superior, feeling anxious and fearful, mood swings, taking everything too personally, taking everything too seriously, constant need for approval and praise, feeling...
5 Steps For Tracking Project Progress: Step 1: Use real-time information Project team members will be reporting project progress to you so make it easy for them by using real-time information. Choose a project tool like that can capture real-time task information. This will give them everything they need to prepare their status updates quickly so you can consolidate the data for your overall tracking. Step 2: Use dashboards Real-time data can also be used to populate a project dashboard. This is a graphical representation of project progress made up of charts. It’s the quickest way to see whether your project is on track as it can show you at a glance whether or not your project is behind schedule or over budget. Dashboards are simple ways of checking project progress and they make it much easier to track where you are and what still needs to be done. Step 3: Use change management The change management process on a project is a way to make sure that all changes are...
Quran Karim, Ayat 155 surah Al-Baqarah: “Orang-orang yang apabila mereka ditimpa oleh sesuatu kesusahan, mereka berkata: اِنَّا ِللهِ وَاِنَّا اِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُوْنَ "Sesungguhnya Kami adalah kepunyaan Allah dan kepada Allah jualah Kami kembali." Hadith Rasulullah SAW dari Sahih Muslim iaitu: اللَّهمَّ أجِرني في مُصيبَتي واخلُفني خيرًا مِنها "Ya Allah, berilah pahala padaku menerusi musibah ini dan gantikanlah untukku dengan yang lebih baik” Hadith Rasulullah SAW di dalam Shahih Ibnu Hibban: الشهادة سبع سوى القتل في سبيل الله : والغريق شهيد ،…، وصاحب الحريق شهيد “Ada tujuh lagi golongan yang syahid selain daripada terbunuh di dalam perang sabilillah, antaranya mereka yang mati lemas,... dan mereka yang mati dalam kebakaran…” Hadith Rasulullah SAW di dalam Abi Daud dan Musnad Ahmad: مَنْ قُتِلَ دُونَ مَالِهِ فَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ وَمَنْ قُتِلَ دُونَ أَهْلِهِ فَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ وَمَنْ قُتِلَ دُونَ دِينِهِ فَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ “Barangsiapa yang dibunuh sebab mempertahankan hartanya maka ia...
Pelayaran bangsa Arab Judul Asal The Arab Navigation Siri "Araban ki jahazrani Bilangan/ No 387-509394 NAD Pengarang Nadvi, Sayyid Sulaiman Penterjemah Mazlan Muslim Terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Terbitan), Kuala Lumpur (1992) Jenis Bahan Monograf Keterangan Fizikal vii.; 118ms.; 21.6sm Bahasa Bahasa Melayu Tulisan Rumi, Jawi ISBN 983-62-2951-5 Nombor Kelas 387.509394 Nad Subjek Pelayaran - Empayar Islam ; Empayar Islam - Sejarah - Tentera Laut
Author Learning Center (ALC): The Author Learning Center has everything you need to move from being just a writer – to a published author. Here you’ll discover three resources you won’t find anywhere else: 1st, First, you’ll have continuous access to how-to author advice from experts in the fields of writing, publishing and marketing. It’s a wealth of innovative information available in a variety of learning formats, including: ü Live and on-demand webinars ü Podcasts ü Articles ü and Ask-the-Expert videos 2nd, Second, you’ll have your own Author’s Space. Here, you can build a profile, and get recommendations on additional topics you might want to consider based on your book and your goals. Example; compiling and or polishing your materials, etc. 3rd, Third, and perhaps most important, you’ll have access to your own Book Development Tool. This online dashboard will help you stay on schedule for your desired publication date and offer task-specific content when ...
Draft surveys are made in order to determine the quantity of cargo loaded, carried and discharged. This is done by measuring the vessels draft and calculating its displacement prior to loading a cargo and after loading of this cargo, taking variables such as weight lightship, ballast water, fuel and stores into account. In order to obtain a reasonable accuracy in this draft survey calculation corrections to the draft readings and it initial corresponding stability values and parameters must be made. General definitions; Displacement of a vessel is the actual total weight of a vessel. It is expressed in metric tons, and is calculated by multiplying the volume of the hull below the waterline (the volume of water it is displacing) by the density of the water. The density will depend on whether the vessel is in fresh or salt water, or is in the tropics, where the temperature of the water is warmer and hence less dense. Deadweight of a vessel (often abbreviated as DWT for deadweight to...
Nasihat Utk Wanita :: 1. Pertama urusan yang ditanyakan pada hari akhirat nanti ialah mengenai solat dan mengenai urusan suaminya (apakah ia menjalankan kewajibannya atau tidak). 2. Apabila lari wanita dari rumah suaminya tidak diterima solatnya sehingga kembali ia dan menghulurkan tangannya kepada suaminya (meminta ampun). 3. Mana-mana perempuan yang memakai bau-bauan kemudian ia keluar melintasi kaum lelaki ajnabi agar mereka tercium bau harumnya maka dia adalah perempuan zina dan tiap-tiap mata yang memandang itu adalah zina. 4. Sebaik-baik wanita ialah tinggal di rumah, tidak keluar kecuali atas urusan yang mustahak. Wanita yang keluar rumah akan dipesonakan oleh iblis. Sabna Nabi s. a. w. : Perempuan itu aurat, maka apabila ia keluar mendongak syaitan memandang akan dia. 5. Haram bagi wanita melihat lelaki sebagaimana lelaki haram melihat wanita yang halal nikah kecuali dalam urusan menuntut ilmu dan berjual beli). 6. Diriwayatkan bahawa pada suatu hari ketika Rasulullah s. a...
AirAsia High 5 Bonus Khas pemilihan program Eksklusif telah dilakukan di Ibu Pejabat Asia Pasifik kami Serantau di Sabah, Malaysia.2014 AirAsia program Bonus Istimewa Eksklusif didaftarkan dan dianjurkan selaras dengan Lembaga Permainan Asia (AGB) dan Loteri Dunia Akta Peraturan (W.L.R.A.). Oleh itu, kami amat berbesar hati untuk secara rasmi memaklumkan kepada anda mengenai status anda Kemenangan. Pemberitahuan rasmi Bonus Istimewa Eksklusif AirAsia ini dikeluarkan kepada anda sebagai nombor tiket e-mel anda, AirAsia-09-0-96-10, dengan nombor siri; AirAsia / 01/2014, dan ref tidak; AirAsia / 019/2010007 dalam kumpulan A / 6183 secara rawak menarik untuk nombor bertuah 000-31-0584 yang dipilih anda Alamat e-mel sebagai pemenang Bonus Istimewa pemilihan program Eksklusif kami.Anda telah itu seterusnya memenangi 2014 AirAsia Bonus Istimewa Eksklusif dalam kumpulan pertama. Berkenaan perkara di atas, kita telah secara rasmi meluluskan pembayaran sebanyak MYR 300,000,00 (Ti...
Al-Majid(All-Glorious, The Majestic) – Allah’s Beautiful Name. “Al-Majid” is one of Allah’s 99 Beautiful Names. The meaning of Al-Majid is “All-Glorious, The Majestic” Glorious Quranic Verses with Al-Majid: They said, “Are you amazed at the decree of Allah ? May the mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you, people of the house. Indeed, He is Praiseworthy and Honorable.”(Glorious Quran, Surah Hud 11:73).
Keranamu MH370 Awan bisik padaku Di mana dan ke mana Dia pergi membawa kasih dan sayang Tuhan tunjukkan tanda Pada kami yang alpa Segala terjadi menjadi misteri Di situ ada cinta Di situ ada ria Masih dalam ingatan Sebahagian dadaku Di mana kau berada Dengan siapa kau bersama Ketahuilah Aku merinduimu Bergemerlap langit ke tujuh Dengan doa-doa pasrah Namun mengharap ihsan kepulangamu Ku mimpikan kau sejahtera Inginkan selamat selamanya Kembali ke pangkuan keluarga tercinta Kembalilah...
Fizilal Quran by Syed Qutb “And from the evil of the envious when he envies.” (Glorious Quran, surah al-Falaq (the Daybreak), Verse 5). Envy is the evil, begrudging reaction one feels towards another who has received some favour from Allah SWT. It is also accompanied by a very strong desire for the end to such favours. It is also possible that some harm to the envied may result from such a baseless grudge. This may either be the outcome of direct physical action by the envier, or from suppressed feelings alone. We should not be uneasy to learn that there are countless inexplicable mysteries in life. There are several phenomena for which no account has been offered up till now. Telepathy and hypnosis are two such examples. We should not try to deny the psychological effects of envy on the envied person just because we cannot ascertain how this takes place by scientific means and methods. Very little is known about the mysteries of envy and the little that is known has often been unco...
Maritime professional and engineering work continues to be an increasingly important factor in the progress of civilization and in the welfare of the community. The Maritime Profession is held responsible for the planning, construction and operation of such work, and is entitled to the position and authority that will enable it to discharge this responsibility and to render service to humanity. Honesty, justice and courtesy form a moral philosophy that, associated with the mutual interest among all peoples, constitutes the foundation of ethics. As Maritime Professionals, we should recognize such standards, not by passive observance, but as a set of dynamic principles to guide conduct. The Maritime Professionals maintain and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of their professions by: Using their knowledge, experience and skill for the enhancement of human well-being and as good stewards of the environment, striving to increase the competence of the professions of naval archit...
About a quarter of the world’s people are Muslim, and they are spread over most of the countries of the world. Some of the countries that have the most Muslims are “Muslim-majority” counties like Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Egypt, but others like India and Nigeria do not have more than 50% of the population who practice Islam. There are also large numbers of Muslims who are found in the so-called “West”. For example, 4.8% of the UK’s population are Muslim (2.7 million people). The idea of “The Muslim world” therefore gets confusing when we start to think about who and where it actually refers to, and some people have argued that it’s not a good idea to group all Muslims together in such a way in any case, particularly as that’s been the strategy of some people with extreme religious views opposed to Islam. Instead, it would be good to recognise and celebrate diversity within Islam, and also to acknowledge that Muslims and non-Muslims live alongside one another and also often ha...