Maritime professional and engineering work continues to be an increasingly important factor in the progress of civilization and in the welfare of the community. The Maritime Profession is held responsible for the planning, construction and operation of such work, and is entitled to the position and authority that will enable it to discharge this responsibility and to render service to humanity. Honesty, justice and courtesy form a moral philosophy that, associated with the mutual interest among all peoples, constitutes the foundation of ethics. As Maritime Professionals, we should recognize such standards, not by passive observance, but as a set of dynamic principles to guide conduct. The Maritime Professionals maintain and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of their professions by: Using their knowledge, experience and skill for the enhancement of human well-being and as good stewards of the environment, striving to increase the competence of the professions of naval architecture, marine engineering and maritime operation/management, and being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and clients. * The Maritime Professionals shall carry on their professional work in a spirit of fairness to employees and contractors, fidelity to clients and employers, loyalty to their country, and devotion to the high ideals of courtesy and personal honor. * The Maritime Professionals shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties. They will interest themselves in the public welfare, in behalf of which they will be ready to apply their special knowledge, skill and training for the use and benefit of mankind. * The Maritime Professionals shall refrain from associating themselves with, or allowing the use of their names by, any enterprise of questionable character. * The Maritme Professionals shall advertise only in a dignified manner, being careful to avoid misleading statements. * The Maritime Professionals shall regard as confidential any information obtained by them as to the business affairs and technical methods or processes of a client or employer. The above are some of the code of ethics for maritime professionals which are perhaps relevant for those in the maritime industry. Buletin MIMET AHOY! boleh juga diakses


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