Ninety-Nine (99) Names of Allah SWT: al-'Asmaˆ' al-H˙usnaˆ 1. Allaˆh 2. ar-Rah˙maˆn: the Merciful 3. ar-Rah˙ıˆm: the Compassionate 4. al-Malik: the King 5. al-Qudduˆs: the Holy 6. as-Salaˆm: Peace 7. al-Mu'min: the Bringer of Safety 8. al-Muhaymin: the Watchful Guardian (Protector) 9. al-¤Azıˆz: the Powerful 10. al-Jabbaˆr: the Strong 11. al-Mutakabbir: the Proud 12. al-Khaˆliq: the Creator 13. al-Baˆri': the Creator 14. al-Mus˙awwir: the Former 15. al-Ghaffaˆr: the Pardoner 16. al-Qahhaˆr: the Subduer 17. al-Wahhaˆb: the Giver (Provider) 18. ar-Razzaˆq: the Nourisher 19. al-Fattaˆh˙; the Victorious 20. al-¤Alıˆm: the Knower 21. al-Qabıˆd: the Restrainer 22. al-Khafıˆd˙: the Humiliator 23. al-Baˆsit˙: the Expander 24. ar-Raˆfi¤: the Elevator 25. al-Mu¤izz: the Strength-Giver 26. al-Mudhill: the Debaser 27. as-Saˆmi¤: the Hearer 28. al-Bas˙ıˆr: the Seer 29. al-H˙akam: the Judge 30. al-¤Adl: the Just 31. al-Lat˙ıˆf: the Kind 32. al-Khabıˆr: the Knowing 33. al-H˙alıˆm: the Gentle 34. al-¤Az˙ıˆm; the Majestic 35. al-Ghafuˆr the Indulgent 36. ash-Shakuˆr: the Thankful 37. al-¤Alıˆ: the Exalted 38. al-Kabıˆr: the Great 39. al-H˙aˆfiz˙: the Preserver 40. al-Muqıˆt: the Nourisher 41. al-H˙asıˆb: the Calculator 42. al-Jalıˆl: the Majestic 43. al-Karıˆm: the Generous 44. ar-Raqıˆb: the Watchful 45. al-Mujıˆb: the Answerer 46. al-Waˆsi¤: the Omnipresent 47. al-H˙akıˆm: the Wise 48. al-Waduˆd: the Loving 49. al-Majıˆd: the Glorious 50. al-Baˆ¤ith: the Reviver 51. ash-Shahıˆd: the Witness 52. al-H˙aqq: the Truth 53. al-Wakıˆl the Trustee 54. al-Qawıˆ the Strong 55. al-Matıˆn the Unshakeable 56. al-Walıˆ the Friend 57. al-H˙amıˆd: the Praiseworthy 58. al-Muh˙s˙ıˆ: the Enumerator 59. al-Mubdi¤: the Innovator 60. al-Mu¤ıˆd: the Resuscitator 61. al-Muh˙yıˆ: the Lifegiver 62. al-Mumıˆt: the Deathgiver 63. al-H˙ayy: the Living 64. al-Qayyuˆm: the Self-Sufficient 65. al-Waˆjid: the Perfect 66. al-Majıˆd: the Noble 67. al-Ah˙ad: the One 68. as˙-S˙amad: the Sought 69. al-Qaˆdir: the Powerful 70. al-Muqtadir: the All-Powerful 71. al-Muqqadim: the One Who BringsNear 72. al-Mu'akhkhir: the One Who SendsAway 73. al-Awwal: the First 74. al-'Aˆ khir: the Last 75. az˙-Z˙aˆhir: the Manifest 76. al-Baˆt˙in: the Hidden 77. al-Waˆlıˆ: the Sovereign 78. al-Muta¤aˆlıˆ: the Very High 79. al-Baˆrr: the Source of Piety 80. at-Tawwaˆb: the Cause of Repentance 81. al-Muntaqim: the Avenger 82. al-¤Afuˆ: the Effacer of Faults 83. ar-Ra'uˆf: the Merciful 84. Maˆlik al-Mulk: King of the Kingdom 85. Dhuˆ-l-Jalaˆl wa-l-Ikraˆm: Lord of Majesty and Generosity 86. al-Muqs˙it:˙ the Just 87. al-Jaˆmi¤: the Assembler 88. al-Ghanıˆ: the Rich 89. al-Mughnıˆ: the Enricher 90. al-Maˆni¤: the Defender 91. ad˙-D˙aˆrr: the Afflicter 92. an-Naˆfi¤: the Benefactor 93. an-Nuˆr: the Light 94. al-Haˆdıˆ: the Guide 95. al-Badıˆ¤: the Creator 96. al-Baˆqıˆ: the Eternal 97. al-Waˆrith: the Inheritor 98. ar-Rashıˆd: the Leader 99. as˙-S˙abuˆr: the Patient.


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