The case of those who spend their property for the cause of Allah is like that of a grain that brings forth seven (7) ears, each bearing a hundred (100) grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He wills. God is Munificent, All- Knowing. (The Glorious Quran 2: 261).
Ethics of Islamic Charity
The present passage opens with gentle exhortations, touching inner, deep-seated human feelings and senses. It depicts a vigorous; flourishing picture of life, with grains sprouting and growing to yield multitudes of grains and return many times what has been invested. This verdant and lush image, the surah says, represents a model for those who spend of their own money for the cause of God. “The case of those who spend their property for the cause of God is like that of a grain that brings forth seven ears, each bearing a hundred grains.” (Verse 261).
By simple arithmetic, a single grain of corn or wheat yields seven hundred grains, but we are presented with a much more inspiring and moving picture that leaves a profound and lasting impression on our minds and consciences. It is a picture of life itself, growing abundantly, and giving many times over. With that vivid image, the Qur’an directs the human conscience to giving and to charity. By giving away what one dearly loves to retain, one is in fact earning; and the more one gives, the more one gains, in a perpetual process which, with God’s blessing, can continue without any limits or restrictions. “God gives manifold increase to whom He wills. God is Munificent, All-Knowing.” (Verse 261) God’s grace never runs out, nor is it withheld. God is aware of people’s thoughts, intentions and feelings, and nothing escapes His knowledge.
The question here is: What kind of spending is made to grow in such a phenomenal way, and is rewarded so generously by God, both in this life and in the life to come?
The spending that is generously rewarded is that motivated by the purest and highest human feelings, and which enhances such feelings. It is not intended to degrade or spite or hurt. It is purely done for the sake of God Almighty: “Those who spend their property for the cause of Allah and do not follow their spending by vaunting their own generosity, or by hurting others, shall have their reward with their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.” (The Glorious Quran2: Verse 262).

-          Syed Qutb, Tafsir Fi Zilaal Quran.


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