We are pleased to officially notify you that Firefly Airline Malaysia has approve your email address as a lucky winner of our Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Promotion Program to receive the payout sum of $110,000,00 (One Hundred And Ten Thousand United State Dollars) with email Ticket Number: FFB-01ABD-04-14-668 and Reference Number: MY/221/10014 in Batch B /91102 randomly drew which consequently selected your email address as this year October 2014 lucky winner.
You are therefore advice to contact Firefly Airline Dispatch Officer in Charge of your winning cheque to you with the following information stated below:
Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Dispatch Officer Contact Information:
Contact Name: Felix Romeo
Email Address: fireflyairline@my0511.com
1.Full Name:.......
2.Residential Address:.....
Yours Sincerely,
Harris Yong
Firefly’s Big Apple B’day Organization Committee
And on behalf of Firefly’s Airline Malaysia, Asia Pacific Regional.


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