1 Ship Structures. Ship structural components and nomenclature.
Longitudinal strength: including development of hull girder shear force and bending moment diagrams; wave bending moment; sagging versus hogging conditions; assessment of amidships section strength capability.
Shear strength: including shear stress diagrams for channel and I-section beams; ship section calculation procedures.
Torsional strength: including torque / shear flow relationships; shear stresses in closed cell structures; procedures for multiple cell structures; open celled structures and relevance to ship sections.
Role played by Classification Society rules and regulations.
2 Ship Resistance & Propulsion. Introduction to ship resistance and propulsion with associated definitions. Physical components of the total ship resistance. Dimensional analysis of different physical quantities and scaling laws.
Model - ship extrapolation: practical scaling methods: CT = CF + CR and CT = (1 + k) CF + CW. Systems of coefficients used in ship powering. Flat plate friction Formulae: Froude, Schoenherr and ITTC. Form factors and their derivation. Transverse wave interference and the effects of shallow water.
Regression analysis of resistance data. Standard series resistance data: single and twin screw displacement ships and high-speed semi-displacement craft. Components of propulsive efficiency. Marine propeller geometry. Non-dimensional propeller coefficients. Model self-propulsion experiments: summary.
Cavitation: choice of suitable blade area. Standard series propeller charts, applications and examples.
Summary of powering process; effective power, propulsive and transmission efficiencies and margins.
3 Marine Control. Introduction to Control Concepts including: open loop system, closed loop system, types of controller, basic control system design.
Transfer functions and Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Frequency response through Nyquist diagrams, Bode diagrams et cetera.
Performance measures through steady state error, transient performance and relationships between poles to phase and margins. Applications of theory to Marine Activities.
4 Ship Hydrostatics. Maritime Transport, Mass, Weight & Weight Moments and Ship CG, Equilibrium and Stability concepts for Floating Bodies, Calculating Volumes and Centres of Buoyancy, Draught Changes through parallel sinkage and trim with concept of metacentre height, Numerical Integration (quadrature and cubature), Problems involving Draught and Trim Changes, Transverse Initial Stability with derivation of Morrish and Munro-Smith approximate formulae, Walled sided Formula and Applications and Large Angle Stability.

Directed reading required concerning Launching and Floodable Length Concepts.
5 Ship Design & Economics. Introduction to Ship Design and Ship Operation. Technical Ship Design including: Principal Requirements, Development of Basic Specification, Deadweight and Dimensions, Cargo Capacity Check, Capacity (or Space) Determined Designs, Stability Check, Power Estimate, Lightship Mass Estimates and Statutory Regulations.
Ship Operations and Economic Evaluations including: Outline of Ship Operating Methods, Elements of Ship Operating Costs, Components of Ship Construction Cost, Economic evaluations and Summary of Economic Criteria or measures of Merit. Follow worked examples of the Application of Techno-Economic Models.
Provision of an appropriate list of References and a Bibliography.
6 Fluid Mechanics. Fundamental Mathematics including: Co-ordinate Reference Frames, Basic Vector Algebra, Vector Differential Operators and Concept of Total Derivative. Basic concepts underpinning mass conservation in general fluid flow.

Concept of a Newtonian Fluid and the Equations of Motion of Newtonian Fluid (Navier- Stokes). Major Approximations to Navier-Stokes Equations. Foundations of Potential Theory for Incompressible Fluid. Derivation of Laplace's Equation. Bernoulli's Equation. Elementary Flows derived and explained.


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