Tafsir of Surah Waqiah by Ibn Kathir
The Explanation
Insha Allah read this thread every day with
the ayat you are learning to understand the surah in more depth. We
are using Tafsir Ibn Kathir for this.
Ayats 1-3
The Virtues of Surat Al-Waqi`ah
Abu Ishaq reported from `Ikrimah from Ibn `Abbas that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Messenger! You are becoming gray'' The Messenger replied,
"(Hud (chapter 11), Al-Waqi`ah (56), Al-Mursalat (77), `Amma Yatasa'alun (78) and Idha Ash-Shamsu Kuwwirat (81) have made me gray.)"
At-Tirmidhi collected this Hadith and said, "Hasan Gharib.''
The Horrors of the Day of Resurrection
Al-Waqi`ah (the occurrence), is one of the names of the Day of Resurrection, because that Day is real and will surely come. Allah the Exalted said in other Ayat,
(Then on that Day shall the Waqi`ah occur.)( 69:15) Allah the Exalted said,
(There is not, for its occurrence, Kadhibah.) means, when He commands the Day of Resurrection to begin, none can stop it from happening or prevent it from beginning,
(Answer the call of your Lord before there comes from Allah a Day which can not be averted.) (42:47),
(A questioner asked concerning a torment about to occur -- upon the disbelievers, which none can avert.)(70:1-2),
(And on the Day He will say: "Be!'' -- and it is! His Word is the Truth. His will be the dominion on the Day when the Trumpet will be blown. All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the All-Wise, Well Aware.)(6:73) As for the meaning of
(Kadhibah) Muhammad bin Ka`b said: "It will certainly occur,'' while Qatadah said, "It shall not be discontinued, taken back or aborted. Allah's statement,
(Bringing low, exalting.) INDICATES
Al-Waqi`ah lowers some people to the lowest parts of the Fire, even if they had
been mighty in this life. It also elevates others to the highest grades in the
residence of eternal delight, even if they were weak in this life. This was
said by Al-Hasan, Qatadah and others. Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas:
(Bringing low, exalting), "It made the near and the far hear it,'' while `Ikrimah said, "It lowered, and thus those who were close heard it, and elevated, and thus those in the distance heard it.'' Ad-Dahhak and Qatadah said similarly.
Ayats 1-3
The Virtues of Surat Al-Waqi`ah
Abu Ishaq reported from `Ikrimah from Ibn `Abbas that Abu Bakr said, "O Allah's Messenger! You are becoming gray'' The Messenger replied,
"(Hud (chapter 11), Al-Waqi`ah (56), Al-Mursalat (77), `Amma Yatasa'alun (78) and Idha Ash-Shamsu Kuwwirat (81) have made me gray.)"
At-Tirmidhi collected this Hadith and said, "Hasan Gharib.''
The Horrors of the Day of Resurrection
Al-Waqi`ah (the occurrence), is one of the names of the Day of Resurrection, because that Day is real and will surely come. Allah the Exalted said in other Ayat,
(Then on that Day shall the Waqi`ah occur.)( 69:15) Allah the Exalted said,
(There is not, for its occurrence, Kadhibah.) means, when He commands the Day of Resurrection to begin, none can stop it from happening or prevent it from beginning,
(Answer the call of your Lord before there comes from Allah a Day which can not be averted.) (42:47),
(A questioner asked concerning a torment about to occur -- upon the disbelievers, which none can avert.)(70:1-2),
(And on the Day He will say: "Be!'' -- and it is! His Word is the Truth. His will be the dominion on the Day when the Trumpet will be blown. All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the All-Wise, Well Aware.)(6:73) As for the meaning of
(Kadhibah) Muhammad bin Ka`b said: "It will certainly occur,'' while Qatadah said, "It shall not be discontinued, taken back or aborted. Allah's statement,
(Bringing low, exalting.) INDICATES

(Bringing low, exalting), "It made the near and the far hear it,'' while `Ikrimah said, "It lowered, and thus those who were close heard it, and elevated, and thus those in the distance heard it.'' Ad-Dahhak and Qatadah said similarly.
Ayats 4-6
(When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake.) meaning, it is shaken and moved violently over all of its surface and through its depths. Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and others said about Allah's saying:,
(When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake.) it means "Violently shaken.'' Ar-Rabi` bin Anas said, "The earth will be shaken with all that is in it, just as a sifter is shaken with its contents.'' This is like Allah's saying:
(When the earth is shaken with its earthquake.)(99:1) and,
(O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible thing.)(22:1). Allah said:
(And the mountains will be powdered to dust,) meaning, relentlessly pulverized. This was said by Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah and Qatadah and others. Ibn Zayd said: "The mountains will become just like Allah described them,
(A heap of sand poured out.)(73:14).'' Allah's saying:
(So that they will become floating dust particles.) Abu Ishaq narrated from Al-Harith, from `Ali: "It will become like the rising dust storm that soon fades away leaving no trace of itself behind.'' Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas about Allah's saying:
(So that they will become floating dust particles.) "It describes the rising embers from the fire when it is kindled, but when the embers land, they are extinguished quickly.'' `Ikrimah said, "The floating dust particles that the wind scatters all around,'' while Qatadah said,
(floating particles), "Like the dry parts of trees that the wind scatters all about.'' This Ayah is similar to several other Ayat that INDICATE
the mountains will be moved from their places, demolished and blown off their
bases, becoming like carded wool on the Day of Resurrection.
(When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake.) meaning, it is shaken and moved violently over all of its surface and through its depths. Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah and others said about Allah's saying:,
(When the earth will be shaken with a terrible shake.) it means "Violently shaken.'' Ar-Rabi` bin Anas said, "The earth will be shaken with all that is in it, just as a sifter is shaken with its contents.'' This is like Allah's saying:
(When the earth is shaken with its earthquake.)(99:1) and,
(O mankind! Have Taqwa of your Lord! Verily, the earthquake of the Hour is a terrible thing.)(22:1). Allah said:
(And the mountains will be powdered to dust,) meaning, relentlessly pulverized. This was said by Ibn `Abbas, Mujahid, `Ikrimah and Qatadah and others. Ibn Zayd said: "The mountains will become just like Allah described them,
(A heap of sand poured out.)(73:14).'' Allah's saying:
(So that they will become floating dust particles.) Abu Ishaq narrated from Al-Harith, from `Ali: "It will become like the rising dust storm that soon fades away leaving no trace of itself behind.'' Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas about Allah's saying:
(So that they will become floating dust particles.) "It describes the rising embers from the fire when it is kindled, but when the embers land, they are extinguished quickly.'' `Ikrimah said, "The floating dust particles that the wind scatters all around,'' while Qatadah said,
(floating particles), "Like the dry parts of trees that the wind scatters all about.'' This Ayah is similar to several other Ayat that INDICATE

Ayats 7-9
Three (3) Categories of People on the Day of Resurrection
Allah's statement,
(And you (all) will be in three groups.) This means that people will be divided into three categories on the Day of Resurrection. Some will on the right of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's right side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their right hand and will be taken to the right side. As-Suddi explained that they will comprise the majority of the residents of Paradise. Another category is those who will be placed to the left of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's left side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their left hands and will be taken to the left side. They are the residents of the Fire, may Allah SAVE
from their actions. A third category is comprised of those who are the foremost
and nearest before Allah. They are in a better grade and status and nearer to
Allah than those on the right side. They are the chiefs of those on the right
side, because they include the Messengers, Prophets, true believers and
martyrs. They are fewer than those on the right side; so Allah said,
(So those on the right -- how will be those on the right! And those on the left -- how will be those on the left! And those foremost will be foremost.) Allah divides people into these three groups upon their death, as INDICATED
the end of this Surah. Allah mentioned them in His statement as well,
(Then We gave the Book as inheritance to such of Our servants whom We chose. Then of them are some who wrong themselves, and of them are some who follow a middle course, and of them are some who are, by Allah's leave, foremost in good deeds.)(35:32) Muhammad bin Ka`b, Abu Hazrah Ya`qub bin Mujahid said that,
(And those foremost will be foremost.) is about the Prophets, peace be upon them, while As-Suddi said that they are the residents of the utmost highs (Ahl Al-`Illiyyin, in Paradise). The meaning of foremost is that they were foremost in performing the acts of righteousness just as Allah commanded them,
(And march forth in the way to forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.)(3:133) and,
(Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth.)(57:21) Therefore, those who rush to obey Allah in this life and are foremost in performing acts of righteousness, will be among the foremost believers honored in the Hereafter. Verily, the reward is according to the kind of deed, and as one does, so he is judged.
Three (3) Categories of People on the Day of Resurrection
Allah's statement,
(And you (all) will be in three groups.) This means that people will be divided into three categories on the Day of Resurrection. Some will on the right of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's right side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their right hand and will be taken to the right side. As-Suddi explained that they will comprise the majority of the residents of Paradise. Another category is those who will be placed to the left of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's left side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their left hands and will be taken to the left side. They are the residents of the Fire, may Allah SAVE

(So those on the right -- how will be those on the right! And those on the left -- how will be those on the left! And those foremost will be foremost.) Allah divides people into these three groups upon their death, as INDICATED

(Then We gave the Book as inheritance to such of Our servants whom We chose. Then of them are some who wrong themselves, and of them are some who follow a middle course, and of them are some who are, by Allah's leave, foremost in good deeds.)(35:32) Muhammad bin Ka`b, Abu Hazrah Ya`qub bin Mujahid said that,
(And those foremost will be foremost.) is about the Prophets, peace be upon them, while As-Suddi said that they are the residents of the utmost highs (Ahl Al-`Illiyyin, in Paradise). The meaning of foremost is that they were foremost in performing the acts of righteousness just as Allah commanded them,
(And march forth in the way to forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.)(3:133) and,
(Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth.)(57:21) Therefore, those who rush to obey Allah in this life and are foremost in performing acts of righteousness, will be among the foremost believers honored in the Hereafter. Verily, the reward is according to the kind of deed, and as one does, so he is judged.
Ayats 10-12
Three Categories of People on the Day of Resurrection
Allah's statement,
(And you (all) will be in three groups.) This means that people will be divided into three categories on the Day of Resurrection. Some will on the right of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's right side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their right hand and will be taken to the right side. As-Suddi explained that they will comprise the majority of the residents of Paradise. Another category is those who will be placed to the left of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's left side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their left hands and will be taken to the left side. They are the residents of the Fire, may Allah SAVE
from their actions. A third category is comprised of those who are the foremost
and nearest before Allah. They are in a better grade and status and nearer to
Allah than those on the right side. They are the chiefs of those on the right
side, because they include the Messengers, Prophets, true believers and
martyrs. They are fewer than those on the right side; so Allah said,
(So those on the right -- how will be those on the right! And those on the left -- how will be those on the left! And those foremost will be foremost.) Allah divides people into these three groups upon their death, as INDICATED
the end of this Surah. Allah mentioned them in His statement as well,
(Then We gave the Book as inheritance to such of Our servants whom We chose. Then of them are some who wrong themselves, and of them are some who follow a middle course, and of them are some who are, by Allah's leave, foremost in good deeds.)(35:32) Muhammad bin Ka`b, Abu Hazrah Ya`qub bin Mujahid said that,
(And those foremost will be foremost.) is about the Prophets, peace be upon them, while As-Suddi said that they are the residents of the utmost highs (Ahl Al-`Illiyyin, in Paradise). The meaning of foremost is that they were foremost in performing the acts of righteousness just as Allah commanded them,
(And march forth in the way to forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.)(3:133) and,
(Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth.)(57:21) Therefore, those who rush to obey Allah in this life and are foremost in performing acts of righteousness, will be among the foremost believers honored in the Hereafter. Verily, the reward is according to the kind of deed, and as one does, so he is judged. So Allah said:
(These will be the nearest (to Allah). In the Gardens of Delight.)
Three Categories of People on the Day of Resurrection
Allah's statement,
(And you (all) will be in three groups.) This means that people will be divided into three categories on the Day of Resurrection. Some will on the right of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's right side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their right hand and will be taken to the right side. As-Suddi explained that they will comprise the majority of the residents of Paradise. Another category is those who will be placed to the left of Allah's Throne, and they are those who were brought forth from `Adam's left side. This category will be given their Books of Records in their left hands and will be taken to the left side. They are the residents of the Fire, may Allah SAVE

(So those on the right -- how will be those on the right! And those on the left -- how will be those on the left! And those foremost will be foremost.) Allah divides people into these three groups upon their death, as INDICATED

(Then We gave the Book as inheritance to such of Our servants whom We chose. Then of them are some who wrong themselves, and of them are some who follow a middle course, and of them are some who are, by Allah's leave, foremost in good deeds.)(35:32) Muhammad bin Ka`b, Abu Hazrah Ya`qub bin Mujahid said that,
(And those foremost will be foremost.) is about the Prophets, peace be upon them, while As-Suddi said that they are the residents of the utmost highs (Ahl Al-`Illiyyin, in Paradise). The meaning of foremost is that they were foremost in performing the acts of righteousness just as Allah commanded them,
(And march forth in the way to forgiveness from your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth.)(3:133) and,
(Race with one another in hastening towards forgiveness from your Lord, and Paradise the width whereof is as the width of the heaven and the earth.)(57:21) Therefore, those who rush to obey Allah in this life and are foremost in performing acts of righteousness, will be among the foremost believers honored in the Hereafter. Verily, the reward is according to the kind of deed, and as one does, so he is judged. So Allah said:
(These will be the nearest (to Allah). In the Gardens of Delight.)