1 Sheinberg, R., Cleary, C., Stambaugh, K. and
Storhaug, G.: Investigation of Wave Impact and Whipping Response on the Fatigue
Life and Ultimate Strength of a Semi-Displacement Patrol Boat, FAST 2011,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, September 2011.
2 Storhaug, G., Pettersen, T.A., Oma, N. &
Blomberg, B.: The effect of wave induced vibration on fatigue loading and the
safety margin against collapse on two LNG vessels, Hydroelasticity in Marine
Technology, Tokyo, Sept. 2012.
3 Heggelund, S.E., Storhaug, G. & Choi B-K: Full
scale measurements of fatigue and extreme loading including whipping on an
8600TEU Post Panamax container vessel in Asia to Europe trade, OMAE2011- 49378,
June 19-24, 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
4 Storhaug, G., Choi, B.K., Moan, T. &
Hermundstad, O.A., Consequence of whipping and springing on fatigue for a
8600TEU container vessel in different trades based on model tests, PRADS 2010,
The 11th Int. Symp. on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures,
19-24 September, 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
5 Storhaug, G., Malenica, S., Jung, B.H., Zhu, S.
& Hermundstad, O.A., Consequence of whipping and springing on fatigue and
extreme loading for a 13000TEU container vessel based on model tests, PRADS
2010, The 11th Int. Symp. on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating
Structures, 19-24 September, 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
6 Storhaug, G., Derbanne, Q, Choi, B.K., Moan, T. &
Hermundstad, O.A.: Effect of whipping on fatigue and extreme loading of a
13000TEU container vessel in bow quartering seas based on model tests,
OMAE2011-49370, June 19-24, 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
7 Storhaug, G., The 4400 TEU container vessel MSC
Napoli broke its back, but did whipping contribute", Hydroelasticity in
Marine Technology, Southampton, Sept. 2009.
8 Storhaug, G., Heggelund, S.E. & Mathisen, J.,
Model test and full scale measurements of whipping on container vessels in the
North Atlantic, OMAE2009-79127, Hawaii, June, 2009.
9 Storhaug, G., Heggelund, S.E. and Mathisen, J.,
Measurements of whipping onboard two container vessels operating in the North
Atlantic, Boxship conference, Hamburg, 2008.
10 Storhaug, G., Moe, E., Portella, R.B., Neto, T.G.,
Alves, N.L.C., Park, S.G., Lee, D.K. and Kim, Y.: First Ocean going ships with
springing and whipping included in the ship design, OMAE2011-49366, June 19-24,
2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
11 Steen, E., Storhaug, G., Kippenes, J., Sado, O.,
Austefjord, H. and Dugstad, G., Ultimate strength assessment of the engine room
area of the container vessel MSC Napoli - January 2007 Incident, Transaction
RINA, Design and operation of container vessels, UK, July, 2008.
12 Storhaug, G. and Heggelund, S.E., Measurements of
Wave Induced Vibrations and Fatigue Loading Onboard Two Container vessels
operating in harsh wave environment, Transactions of RINA, Design &
Operation of Container Vessels, 2008.