Sam came up with his 10 rules to follow, rules that worked for him. If you follow these rules, can you be the next Sam Walton?
Rule 1: Commit to your business and believe in it.
Rule 2: Share your profits with your partners (employees).
Rule 3: Motivate your partners, challenge them, and keep score.
Rule 4: Communicate everything.
Rule 5: Appreciate your associates with well chosen words.
Rule 6: Celebrate your successes.
Rule 7: Listen to everyone and get them talking.
Rule 8: Exceed your customers’ expectations.
Rule 9: Control your expenses.
Rule 10: Swim upstream. Go the other way.

Rule 10 is a doozy (as well as a paradox). It suggests that rules 1 through 9 may not be for everyone. It also suggests that Mr. Sam himself knew that by following everyone’s advice on everything, you could never achieve much more than everyone else. Just as Mr. Sam visited as many Kmarts as he could, everyone who paid attention could have visited all the Wal-Marts and copied what they did. You could easily duplicate rules 1 through 9, but you could never duplicate precisely the decisions that were made following rule 10.


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