Offshore Exploration, Production,Field Development and Floating Production Hosts
The development of floating production systems and the different production systems that exist
The importance of the geological information to predict how the oil will flow
How a well is drilled
The factors that will MAKE oil flow from the source to the production facility
The effect of weather, sea conditions, economic and political factors
The elements and equipment of subsea engineering
The global FPSO market
2 Project Development and MANAGEMENT, Field Options and FPSO Considerations and Contracts
How international agreements assign seabed and sub-seabed minerals and oil rights to individual countries
How the UK and other countries award licences
How a country’s government gains fiscal rewards for their oil and gas resources
The process involved in producing a Field Development Programme
The WORK of the Oil and Gas Directorate in developing oil and gas fields in the UK
Legal frameworks required for offshore exploration activities
How the UK MANAGES its oil reserves compared with other countries globally
Companies involved in, and contracts required for an FPSO development
3 FPSO Design: Hull, Accommodation, Mooring, Turrets and Risers
The factors that determine the design of an FPSO and the principal issues affecting the topsides layout
The location and environmental factors
The crude oil storage requirements
The design of the mooring system and the different types and components
How the turret and fluids transfer swivel WORKS
The principal issues involved in the SELECTION of a riser system
The comparison between the design requirements for newbuild and tanker conversion FPSOs
4 Topside Processes: Production, Storage and Export
How reservoir fluids vary from field to field (oil and gas)
Separators, inter-heaters, electrostatic coalescers and their uses in oil separation
Gas compressors, coolers and dehydration equipment in the gas compression and treatment systems
How hydro-cyclones and degassers WORK
The treatment of water injection
The purpose of filters, sterilising units, de-aerators and water injection pumps and also sulphate removal
Legislation requirements for the level of retained oil in the produced water for disposal into the sea and the process equipment to achieve this
5 Regulatory Requirements, Safety and Environmental Issues
Why oil and gas industry operations are risk sensitive and the importance of safety, risk and reliability engineering
The principles of a Safety Case approach and how this differs from a rule-based approach
The main techniques in identifying the major hazards in an FPSO
How safety critical elements are identified, the safety scheme verified and the layout of the FPSO designed with regard to safety
The ALARP principle
The importance of emergency response planning and the elements included
The principles of the Environmental Impact Assessment
6 Contractual, Economic and Risk Considerations; Field Development Case Studies
The worldwide use of FPSOs as part of a field development
The steps in a field development project and the range of solutions
A field development must be assessed to see whether it can be done economically
The classification, principles and importance of risk MANAGEMENT
The WORK elements required to build an FPSO and to convert a tanker to an FPSO.