Here's 13 things very successful person don't do....
1. Do not JUDGE a person, everything happen for a reason. A single event doesn't show if a person is good or bad. In short, mind your own business, live your best live =)
2.Do not CRITICIZE others, you may not know what he or she is going through in life.  
3.Do not GOSSIP about other people's families, it had nothing to do with you. watch Gordon Ramsey's Hell Kitchen instead, it's more entertaining =)
4.Do not CONDEMN others even if you feel they're completely retarded, because it doesn't mean you're smarter than them.
5.Do not LOOK DOWN upon others, even if you really hate that person. 
6.Do not spend INDISCRIMINATELY, because tomorrow you may be unemployed.
7.Do not be COCKY, because tomorrow you may lose power.
8.Do not be too ASSERTIVE, to understand that no one will stay weak forever, they might outrun you someday. Stay low profile.
9.Do not LOOSE YOURSELF in front of your "friend" easily, because every move you take leaves a mark, it might be used against you in near future.
10. Do not RELY on others, because life is tough, you're not the only one who wants to live an easy life.
11. Do not HURT others, because revenge will come sooner or later, thats what we call bad karma.
12. Do not EXPLAIN and JUSTIFY yourself, is the choice of a wise one. we often want to explain something to justify our ideas and thought. However, explanation doesn't always help and worst still it become completely different from what we explained . 
  • Hill did not explain their height and it does not affect its magnificent; 
  • Ocean doesn't explain it's depth and it does not change the fact that she contain all streams and  rivers;
  • Mother earth  do not explain their presence, but no one can replace her status as the bearer of all things ....... 
Do not underestimate anyone, you're not a joker, there isn't a need for you to entertain others.
13. Do not THROW YOUR TEMPER, no one owe you anything in life. Sometimes things doesn't go according to how we want. And that's completely normal. We often complain that life is unfair to us, but the fact is , life doesn't even know who we are ......
I hope you have a wonderful day ahead =)
To Your Continuing Success!


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