Imam Ghazali's Magnum Opus
Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din
(Revival of Religious Sciences)
Nota bene: This page is no longer being updated please see the following page (ihya) for all my current updates regarding this important book.
The Revival of the Religions Sciences (Ihya Ulum al-Din) is widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality, and has, for centuries, been the most read work after the Qur’an in the Muslim world.
The Revival of the Religious Sciences is divided into four parts each containing ten chapters. The first part deals with knowledge and the requirements of faith—ritual purity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, recitation of the Qur’an, etc.; part two concentrates mostly on people and society—the manners relating to eating, marriage, earning a living, friendship, etc.; parts three and four are dedicated to the inner life of the soul and discuss first the vices that people must overcome in themselves and then the virtues that they must strive to achieve. Below are details of the books contents, translations, mainly in English and a link to the original Arabic here for the first time on the internet.
The Revival of the Religious Sciences is divided into four parts each containing ten chapters. The first part deals with knowledge and the requirements of faith—ritual purity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, recitation of the Qur’an, etc.; part two concentrates mostly on people and society—the manners relating to eating, marriage, earning a living, friendship, etc.; parts three and four are dedicated to the inner life of the soul and discuss first the vices that people must overcome in themselves and then the virtues that they must strive to achieve. Below are details of the books contents, translations, mainly in English and a link to the original Arabic here for the first time on the internet.
- All about Imam Ghazali. All you wanted to know and much more... In Arabic too!
- Overview of the Ihya By H. Khalifia (In Arabic)
- Ihya Ulm al-Din: In Arabic for the first time with takhrij (Hadith verification) by Hafiz Iraqi. (It is in MS word files!)
- Books of the Ihya' in Translation:
- Book I: Book of knowledge. English Translation by: N. A. Faris (in PDF file size: 11564kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
- Section 1: On the Value of Knowledge, Instruction and Learning together with its evidence in tradition and from reason. Local E-text.
- Section 2: On Knowledge whose Acquisition it is DEEMED FARD ‘AYN. Local E-text.
- Section 3: On what is popularly considered to be a part of the science of religion, but is (really) not. (Local E-text)
- Section 4: On the reasons which induced men to pursue the science of polemics, and on revealing the evils of debate and disputation as well as stating the conditions which render them permissible. (Local E-text)
- Section 5: On the Proprieties of the Student and the Teacher. (local E-text)
- Section 6: On the Evils of Knowledge and on Determining the Distinguishing Features of the Learned People of the Hereafter and those of the Teachers of Falsehood.
- Section 7: On the Intellect, its Noble Nature, its Definition, and its Divisions. (local e-text)
- Book II: Foundations of Belief. English Translation by: N. A. Faris. Now in HTML.
- Book III: Mysteries of Purity. English Translation by: N. A. Faris (in PDF file size: 5458kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
Also edited word file-nearly complete.
- Book IV: Mysteries of Worship. English Translation by: E. E. Caverley (in PDF file size: 12319kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
(Swedish summary)
- Book V: Mysteries of Zakat (Charity). English Translation by: N. A. Faris (in PDF file size: 5671kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
- Book VI: Mysteries of Fasting. English Translation by: N. A. Faris (in PDF file size: 1500kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
(un-edited in rtf (word) format)
- Book VII: Mysteries of Pilgrimage. English Translation by I. Umar (AUC [Thesis 340]: 1975 M.A. dissertation) We are looking for this if you can get a copy please contact us!
- Book VIII: Etiquettes of Qur'anic Recitation. English Translation by: M. Abul Quasem (in PDF file size: 8613kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
- Book IX: On Invocations and Supplications. English Translation by: K. Nakamura (ITS description).
- Book X: On the Arrangements of Litanies and Divisions of the Night Vigil.
- Book XI: On the Manners Relating to Eating. English Translation by: D. Johnson-Davies. (ITS description)
- Book XII: On the Etiquettes of Marriage:
- Arabic Original (Word file format only!) with Hadith verifications.
- English Translation* by the late M. Farah.
- Persian Version (from Kimiya-i-Sa'adat) (Persian PDF: File size: 898kb)
- French Translation (from Algiers)
- Book XIII: On the Etiquettes of Acquisition and Earning a livelihood.
- Book XIV: The lawful and prohibited
- Book XV: On the Duties of brotherhood. Partial translation by M. Holland.
- Book XVI: On the Etiquettes of Seclusion.
- Book XVII: On the Etiquettes of Travel
- Book XVIII: On Music and Singing translated by D. B. MacDonald in three parts (PDF) Part I + II + III (File size: 5940kb complete!) (Warning: Very, very big file!)
- Book XIX: On Enjoying good and forbidding evil.
- Book XX: Etiquettes of living and the Prophetic Mannerism: (E-text) rtf (rich text file- word) or (PDF: File size: 3316kb) (Warning: Big file!)
- Book XXI: The Marvels of the Heart. English Translation by: W. J. Skellie (Promised from Fons Vitae)
- Book XXII: On Disciplining the Soul. English Translation by: T. J. Winter. (ITS description)
- Book XXIII: On Breaking the Two Desires.
- English Translation by: T. J. Winter. (ITS description)
- English Translation by: C. Farah. (HTML E-text)
- Book XXIV: Defects of the Tongue
- Book XXV: Condemnation of Rancor and Envy
- Book XXVI: Condemnation of the World
- Book XXVII: Condemnation of Miserliness and Condemnation of the Love of wealth.
- Book XXVIII: Condemnation of Status and Ostentation.
- Book XXIX: Condemnation of Pride and Conceit. Currently being translated into English by M. Rustom, U. of Toronto.
- Book XXX: Condemnation of Self-Delusion.
- Book XXXI: On Repentance. English Translation by M. S. Stern. (E-text) (PDF: File size: 8852kb)
- Also available in (unedited word file)
- Part I is now available in html.
- Book XXXII: On Patience and Thankfulness. English Translation by: H. T. Littlejohn. (ITS description).
- Book XXXIII: On Fear & Hope. English Translation by W. McKane (E-text) (PDF: File size: 4752kb) (Warning: Big file!)**
Also in unedited word file.
- Book XXXIV: On Poverty and Abstinence. English Translation by: A. F. Shaker. (ITS description)
- Book XXXV: Faith in Divine Unity and Trust in Divine Providence. English Translation by: D. Burrell. (Published by Fons Vitae)
- Book XXXVI: On Love, Longing, Intimacy and Contentment. (Under Contract)
- Book XXXVII (37) On Intention, Sincerity and Truth.
- Edited Arabic PDF.
Edited Arabic MS word.
- English translation by A. F. Shaker is (ITS description).
- German translation (pdf )
- Edited Arabic PDF.
- Book XXXVIII: On Holding Vigil and Self-Examination.
- Book XXXIX: On Meditation.
- Book XL: On the Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife. English Translation by: T. J. Winter (ITS description)
- Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife. (E-text)
- Sample of the book. (PDF) courtesy of the publisher.
- Book I: Book of knowledge. English Translation by: N. A. Faris (in PDF file size: 11564kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)**
- Islamic Text Society: Al-Ghazali Series (link)
- Translations from Fons Vitae. (link)
- Illuminated manuscript. (scan) Tunisian National Archives.
- Mawlana Fazil Karim's English Translation from the Urdu Translation. (Complete edition online)
- A Persian Version by the Imam:
- Kimiya-i-Sa'adat (Alchemy of Happiness) in Persian / Farsi
- Imam Ghazali's Introduction & first chapter coming soon.
- Sample Chapter on Marriage (Persian PDF: File size: 898kb)
- Alchemy of Happiness (e-text) Translation of the Arabic Abridgement of the Persian original.
- Introduction in pdf format by E. Daniels. (File size: 3200 kb)
- News: Kazi publications is publishing a full English translation of the Persian Original. To be completed in 2004.
- There is a another English translation under the title Kimiya-i-Sa'adat (Alchemy of Eternal Bliss) Rendered into English by Muhammad Asim Bilal (1002 pp.). Revised by Justice Dr. Munir Ahmad Mughal published by Kazi Publication of Lahor - Pakistan in 2001.
- Arabic Version a translation of the introduction of the Persian version. (Arabic PDF: File size: 898kb)
Presented in PDF format and are provided by courtesy of Cagdas HANCI.
- Book I: Book of knowledge.
- Book II: Foundations of Belief.
- Book III: Mysteries of Purity.
- Book IV: Mysteries of Worship.
- Book V: Mysteries of Zakat (Charity).
- Book VI: Mysteries of Fasting.
- Book VII: Mysteries of Pilgrimage.
- Book VIII: Etiquettes of Qur'anic Recitation.
- Book IX: On Invocations and Supplications.
- Book X: On the Arrangements of Litanies and Divisions of the Night Vigil.
Ihya' Extracts
- The Jerusalem Epistle a dual language edition with English translation and commentary. (in PDF file size: 8842kb!) (Warning: Very, very big file!)**
- The Jerusalem Epistle. (link)
Popular writings from and about the Ihya'
- Iqra's page on the Ihya.
- Links from site:
- The Causes of Anger and It's Medicine
- Debates and disputations
- Golden Principles of Raising Children and locally in word file. Courtesy of the Translator!
- Ninety-Nine Names of God: in Arabic with English Introduction. (in PDF file size: 14465kb!)(Warning: Very, very big file!)
- English Translation by: D. Burrell and N. Daher (ITS description)
- Ninety-Nine Names of God. (Link)
- Deliverance from Error the original Arabic in HTML. Also in word format verified against Jabre and Shamsuddin.
- Foundations of Islamic Belief.
- HTML version (US - link)
- Yet another in HTML. (UK - link)
- The Arabic original. (al-Iqtisad fil- Itiqad) in word format (unedited).
- Al-Ghazali on Divine Predicates and their Properties: A partial translation by A. Abu Zayed. (PDF) 7.8 Megs.
- Last words of al-Ghazali in Arabic and in English: Last words of al-Ghazali. (link)