Seeing Kabah in Dream - Islamic Interpretation
We visit different places while we sleep. In this journey we see different kinds of dreams and different things happening to us. Many times we visit utopia in our dreams. We visit many holy places in our dreams too. We see kabah in our dream. There can be different interpretations regarding kabah dreams.
• When a person sees kabah in dream it symbolizes that he will receive the happiness and sorrow will be finished.
• When a person sees in dream that he is offering prayer inside the kabah it symbolizes that he will enjoy guardianship of someone in authority and he will be save from enemies.
• When a person sees in dream that he is entering inside the kabah it means that he will face a ruler.
• When a person sees in dream that he is taking something inside the kabah it symbolizes that he will get something from the ruler.
• When a person sees in dream that the wall of the kabah is broken it symbolizes that the local governor or the caliph will be died.
• When a person sees in dream that he is entering in holy kabah but not performing any worship it symbolizes that the man is standing in front of Allah Almighty and have performed the obligations.
• When a person sees in dream that he is looking at holy Kabah it symbolizes that he will get safety and protection from fear.
• When a person sees in dream that he is stealing something from Holy kabah it symbolizes that he will commit a sin.
• When a person sees in dream that he is walking toward holy kabah and seeking it symbolizes that he will correct the religious standing of someone.
• When person sees in dream that he is praying on the top of the kabah it symbolizes that he will become apostate.
• When a person sees in dream that he is doing Tawaf of kabah it symbolizes that allusion toward correctness of Deen.
• When a person sees in dream that kabah is burning it symbolizes that the person has neglected his prayers.
• When a person sees in dream that he is touching the black stone it symbolizes that he will take his lead from an imam.
• When a person sees in dream that he is finding the black stone and replacing it while other people are thinking that it is lost it symbolizes that he only is right and other people are wrong.
These are common dream interpretations regarding kabah.
Wallahu a'lam.
Wallahu a'lam.