
Showing posts from February, 2009

Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming obstacles : There are 5 main reasons why financially literate people may still not develop abundant asset columns: 1. Fear 2. Cynicism 3. Laziness 4. Bad habits 5. Arrogance 1. Overcoming the fear of losing money: Winning means being unafraid to lose. "I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity" - Rockefeller. If you have any desire of being rich, you must focus. Put a lot of your eggs in a few baskets: e.g. buy bonds or mutual funds. 2. Overcoming the cynicism : We have friends or loved ones who will remind us of our shortcomings regardless of whether we ask. Warnings about the sky falling are referred to as "noise", & we all hear it. Most people are poor because when it comes to investing, the world is filled with Chicken Little running around yelling, "The sky is falling. The sky is falling." It often takes great courage to not let rumours & talk of doom & gloom affect your doubts & fears. The real world is si...

Financial IQ

Financial IQ is made up of knowledge from 4 broad areas of expertise: 1. Accounting : Financial literacy - a vital skill if you want to build an empire . The more money you are responsible for, the more accuracy is required, or the house comes tumbling down. This is the left brain side, or the details . Financial literacy is the ability to read & understand financial statements . This ability allows you to identify the strengths & weaknesses of any business. 2. Investing : The art & science of money making money . This involves strategies & formulas . This is the right brain side, or the creative side. 3. Understanding markets : The art & science of supply & demand . There is a need to know the "technical" aspect of the market, which is emotion driven. The other market factor is the "fundamental" or the economic sense of an investment. Does an investment make sense or does it not make sense based on the current market conditions. The same ...

Maximum Chance of Success

Here are some tips on how to implement the relevant Project Standard for your projects: Start with Terminology: The single largest challenge you have ahead of you when implementing Standards for your organization is adopting the terminology used by that Standard. Review the terminology used and decide on the terms you wish to adopt. Then publish an agreed Glossary of Terms within your organization and train project teams in the use of that terminology to ensure that it's adopted for your projects. Implement the Life Cycle: Every project Standard includes a Project Life Cycle. This is a series of steps that need to be followed to deliver projects from start to finish. Again, publish the Life Cycle within your organization and ensure that all new projects align their project plans with the life cycle you have chosen. Don't enforce a new Life Cycle upon existing projects, as it will cause confusion, reduce motivation and cause delays. But for new projects, it will have t...

The Best

Bahauddin Naqshband said: "It has been said that, 'The best prayer is useful action.'" BACALAH YASSIN RASULULLAH s.a.w telah bersabda yang bermaksud: "Bacalah surah Yassin kerana ia mengandungi keberkatan", iaitu: 1 . Apabila orang lapar membaca surah Yaasin, ia boleh menjadi kenyang. 2 . Jika orang tiada pakaian boleh mendapat pakaian. 3 . Jika orang belum berkahwin akan mendapat jodoh. 4 . Jika dalam ketakutan boleh hilang perasaan takut. 5 . Jika terpenjara akan dibebaskan. 6 . Jika musafir membacanya, akan mendapat kesenangan apa yang dilihatnya. 7 . Jika tersesat boleh sampai ke tempat yang ditujuinya.. 8 . Jika dibacakan kepada orang yang telah meninggal du...

How to win Business

Cara mendapat Pelanggan Tanpa Had - ketika ekonomi down. Kita sedia ketahui, dalam perniagaan perkhidmatan terutamanya, networking memang penting. Istilah yang selalu sangat digunakan adalah "If you are not networking, you are not working!" Menurut buku Love is the Killer App: How to win Business oleh Tim Sanders, beliau menyebut untuk "mencintai" network kita. Maksudnya untuk benar-benar ingin membantu dan melihat orang lain berkembang. Dan bukannya semata-mata menggunakan network untuk kepentingan sendiri sahaja. Dalam mendapat network yang berkualiti, 3 perkara penting perlu anda miliki: * Perlu berlimu Untuk mendapatkan network yang baik, anda perlu emnunjukkan anda seorang yang berilmu. Anda perlu banyak membaca buku dalam bidang anda sendiri. Sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam setiap hari berkenaan dengan industri anda. Ilmu ini dapat dikongsikan dengan network anda. * Perlu menambahkan jaringan Cari peluang untuk ke majlis atau network gathering. Lebih ramai orang and...

Transverse Strength

Methods of Calculation of Transverse Strength The methods of calculation of transverse strength of ore carriers are basically the same as those of tankers & follow the same processes. The cargo hold portions is replaced by a model of 3 dimensional framework composed of longitudinal & transverse members, which is subjected to load corresponding to the trough of a wave under the fully loaded condition to calculate the forces & displacements of various members. Then, a ring of transverse webs under loads corresponding to a range of 1 web spacing is replaced by a model of plane framework, & the bending moments (BMs), axial forces & shearing forces (SFs) of various members subjected to the displacements & loads obtained by the 3 dimensional calculations are calculated to obtain stresses in detail. 3 dimensional analyses by the Finite Element methods are often employed for the cargo hold portion. The shear deformations of wing tanks may be calculated in the same manne...

Doa itu senjata mukmin

Ayat al-Quran, doa tangani kerenah anak .. Doa memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukan sebuah keluarga bahagia dan baiti jannati. Sebagai ibu bapa kita perlu sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan anak. Semua kata-kata, keyakinan, doa, harapan dan impian ibu bapa adalah sebenarnya doa dan akan terkesan ke dalam jiwa anak. Doa mestilah disusuli dengan tindakan yang hikmah dalam cara kita membentuk peribadi anak. Di sini, saya ingin berkongsi doa yang biasa amalkan dalam menangani kerenah anak sendiri dan anak jagaan di taska dan tadika. Untuk membantu anak mudah belajar dan menelaah pelajaran, baca zikir Ya-Latif sebanyak 129 kali diikuti ayat 19, surah as-Syura bermaksud: “Allah Maha Lembut kepada hamba-Nya; Dia memberi rezeki kepada sesiapa yang Dia kehendaki, dan Dialah Yang Maha Kuat, lagi Maha Kuasa.” Sebaiknya dibaca selepas Subuh iaitu dibaca pada pada air pada semua botol air untuk minuman dan masakan seisi keluarga. Ketika memasak, sentiasa basahkan lidah dan bacakan...

Classification of Ratios

Ratios Classification Financial ratios can be classified according to certain aspects. There are 4 main classifications: 1. Profitability : The ratios indicate the relationship between profit & other key figures in the financial statements. Profit represents a primary measure for a business operation, & relates it with other key figures to get a clearer picture on the overall business performance . 2. Activities : Ratios related to activities measure the efficiency level of a company in using the assets. These ratios provide useful indications on a business's policy & operation efficiency. 3. Liquidity. Ratios classified in this category can be used to evaluate business capabilities to fulfill all short-term claims. It is extremely important for a business to hold sufficient liquid assets at all times. There are cases where a business shows profit but collapse because of insufficient liquidity. Weak liquidity may force a company to delay its payments & consequent...

Wirid Ya Latif

Wirid Ya Latif 1.setiap malam apabila anak tidur hendaklah kita wiridkan Ya Latif ke umbun2 kepalanya sebanyak yg mungkin atau memadai 100 kali. 2.membaca surah al fatehah 1 kali, alam nasyrah 1 kali 3.bercakap-cakaplah dengan anak ketika dia sedang tidur dengan menyeru kepada nama penuhnya berbinkan atau berbintikan kepada kita sebagai ibu kandung mereka. percakapan itu hendaklah berupa nasihat, pujian dan berceritalah tentang perasaan kasih sayang kerana sesungguhnya percakapan kita kepada anak yg sedang tidur itu sangatlah bekesan kepada jiwa dan rohnya. 4.apabila kita sedang berbual-bual dengan anak sewaktu dia sedang tidur kita akan lihat matanya bergerak-gerak, walaupun dia sedang tidur. 5.ayah dan ibu hendaklah selalu menyapu air lebihan wuduk yang ada pada kita misalnya air yang masih basah di tangan ke muka dan umbu...


ISLAMIC SOCIAL SCIENCE: The Holy Quran in a beautiful passage praises those who reflect on the empirical realities of our world – contemplate the creation – in Surah Ali Imran : Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day - there are indeed signs for men of understanding; Men who remember Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth [Quran 3:190-191] The Quran also exhorts Muslims to undertake empirical study in Surah Al Ankabut . Say: Travel through the earth and see how Allah originated creation [Quran 29:20]. Some countries such as Japan, India and China have developed indegenized soci...


TECHNICAL ANALYSIS Which mistake taught you the most? It was trying to make more of technical analysis than it is. The biggest mistake people make is to overburden themselves with indicators. The simpler you keep it, the better it is. In my early days, I was trying to do too many things with the subject, but we didn’t have that many indicators anyway. Now, with the advent of the computer, they’re back-testing everything and trying to reinvent the wheel, and I don’t think you have to do all that. Keep it simple. I interviewed Richard Russell, who is the living guru of Charles Dow, and I asked him what advice he’d offer the younger generation of technicians. He said, “Always follow the major trend.” If you understand the major trend in the market, then everything will fall into place. I agree with that. Describe your style of technical analysis. I’ve been in the business for almost forty years. I think the biggest thing I bring to the table—and that’s probably what distinguishes my style...

Kelebihan umat

Kelebihan umat Islam dari umat yang lain Surah Ali Imran Ayat 110-115 110 Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang makruf, dan mencegah dari yang mungkar, dan beriman kepada Allah. Sekiranya Ahli Kitab beriman, tentulah itu lebih baik bagi mereka; di antara mereka ada yang beriman, dan kebanyakan mereka adalah orang-orang yang fasik. 111 Mereka sekali-kali tidak akan dapat membuat mudarat kepada kamu, selain dari gangguan-gangguan celaan saja, dan jika mereka berperang dengan kamu, pastilah mereka berbalik melarikan diri ke belakang (kalah). Kemudian mereka tidak mendapat pertolongan. 112 Mereka diliputi kehinaan di mana saja mereka berada, kecuali jika mereka berpegang kepada tali (agama) Allah dan tali (perjanjian) dengan manusia, dan mereka kembali mendapat kemurkaan dari Allah dan mereka diliputi kerendahan. Yang demikian itu karena mereka kafir kepada ayat-ayat Allah dan membunuh para nabi tanpa alasan yang benar. Yang demikian itu diseba...

Propeller Manufacture

Propeller Manufacture The basic metallurgy of ship propellers has been the single most important factor in manufacturing. Propeller material has evolved from the medium-strength manganese bronze alloy (448 MPa [65000 psi] minimum tensile) through short eras of nickel-manganese-bronze & Superston to today's primary alloy, nickel-aluminium-bronze, whose higher strength (586 MPa [85000 psi] minimum tensile) & greater wearability have contributed greatly to expanding the limits of propeller size & horsepower absorption. The need for material change became more apparent when the higher rpm's & greater hp (kW) accelerated the stress corrosion fatigue phenomenon already known to exist in manganese bronze. While nickel-aluminium-bronze alleviated the material problem with its superior physical characteristics, it presented manufacturers with a new set of problems which had to be addressed in order to insure those qualities. It requires not only a higher pouring temperat...

Various Qualities: Help in Virtue

Help One Another in Righteousness "...Help you one another in virtue, righteousness & piety (al-birr & at-taqwa); but do not help one another in sin & transgression. And fear Allah SWT. Verily, Allah SWT is severe in punishment." (Surah al-Maidah:2) "...Dan hendaklah kamu bertolong-tolongan untuk membuat kebajikan & bertaqwa & janganlah kamu bertolong-tolongan pada melakukan dosa (maksiat) & pencerobohan. Bertakwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah amat berat siksaan-Nya “. Al-Ma’idah:2 Ayat ini merupakan penutup dari pembicaraan ayat yang cukup panjang yang memuat beberapa hukum Allah swt dalam bentuk larangan; j anganlah kamu melanggar syi’ar-syi’ar Allah, jangan melanggar kehormatan bulan-bulan haram, jangan (mengganggu) binatang-binatang hady i dan binatang-binatang qalaa ‘id, jangan (pula) mengganggu orang-orang yang mengunjungi Baitullah untuk mencari kurnia dan ridha Allah, dan terakhir janganlah sekali-kali kebencian(mu) kepada sesuatu ...

Petikan Surat

Petikan Surat Syeikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani UCAPAN UNTUK PARA PEMBACA Sahabat-sahabatku yang dikasihi. Hati kamu adalah seumpama cermin yang berkilat. Kamu mesti membersihkannya daripada debu dan kekotoran yang menutupinya. Cermin hati kamu itu telah ditakdirkan untuk memancarkan cahaya rahsia-rahsia Ilahi. Bila cahaya dari “Allah adalah cahaya bagi semua langit dan bumi…” mula menyinari ruang hati kamu, lampu hati kamu akan menyala. Lampu hati itu “berada di dalam kaca, kaca itu sifatnya seumpama bintang berkilau-kilauan terang benderang…” Kemudian kepada hati itu anak panah penemuan-penemuan suci akan hinggap. Anak panah kilat akan mengeluarkan daripada awan petir maksud “bukan dari timur atau barat, dinyalakan dari pohon zaitun yang diberkati…” dan memancarkan cahaya ke atas pokok penemuan, sangat tulen, sangat lutsinar sehingga ia “memancarkan cahaya walaupun tidak disentuh oleh api”. Kemudian lampu makrifat (hikmah kebijaksanaan) akan menyala sendiri. Mana mungkin ia tidak men...

Reliance of the Traveller

Reliance of the Traveller Nasiha (good advice) by Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id Burhani 1 (Muhammad Sa`id Burhani:) Do not limit yourself to deep words and profound spiritual allusions but make provision for the afterlife before death comes, when fine words will be lost and the rak`as you prayed by night or day will remain.. 2 Give voluntary charity as much as possible, for you owe more than merely the zakat obligatory. Make provision for the afterlife by giving while you have health and want to cling to your money out of fear of poverty, seeing life before you. Allah Most High says, "Whoever is watchful against the stinginess of his own soul, those shall be the successful'' (Koran 59:9), meaning they shall be saved. 3 Never obey anyone of Allah's servants, even father or mother, in an act of disobedience to Allah, for there is no obedience to a creature in disobedience to the Creator. 4 Do not wrong another person, for wrongs done to others are clouds of darkness on the D...

Improve Our Knowledge

How To Improve Our Knowledge Of Islam The best way to improve our knowledge of Islam is to go directly to the source, and to study it with our family. If we think of reading the whole Quran, it seems a difficult task. However, it becomes very easy, if we decide to read just a few verses every day, and to do this regularly. Just try this little excercise. Each night after Magrib or Eisha prayers, spend 10 minutes with your family, and take it in turns to read a few verses from the Quran, to discuss its meaning, and how it relates to your life today. Make this a daily habit. You will be amazed to see what little effort this takes, and how big are the benefits. Your children will ask questions and make comments that will surprise you. Within a short time you will see how the Quran becomes a part of your life, how verses you've read and discussed, come to mind in different situations. Without realising it, you and your family will grow in knowledge, understanding, confidence, a...

Millionaire: Balanced Life

The key question asked: is it possible to have a very enjoyable, balanced life but still achieve millionaire status? While money can't buy happiness, millionaires are perhaps more aware than most that the best things in life are free. Rather than, as you might expect, spending their non-working time visiting glamour spots or engaging in expensive hobbies, the great majority of millionaires prefer to spend time with family and friends. If they are not doing this they are involved in community activities or playing a round of golf. Most millionaires are a 'cheap date' - but are not miserly personalities. 'Vocation vocation vocation' The way to sustainable wealth and a enjoyable life is simple: do work that you love to do. The more you love your work the more likely you will excel in it, and the more rewards accrue to you. You are also much more likely to create a profitable niche through the process of deep...

Millionaire: What You Need to Do

APA YANG ANDA PERLU BUAT UNTUK MENJADI JUTAWAN? ============================== Pastinya anda ingat rancangan game show yang sangat popular satu masa dahulu. So, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Anda ingin menjadi jutawan? Sekiranya YA, maka, berikut ada beberapa checklist untuk melihat sama ada anda layak untuk jadi Jutawan! **Jutawan kerja > 70 seminggu. Dan bila sebut kerja, ianya betul-betul maksud kerja. Tidak membuang masa bersembang dan melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang membuang masa. Sering kali, mereka lah yang awal sampai pejabat, dan paling lewat tinggalkan pejabat. Minda dan jiwa fokus pada kerja yang perlu dilakukan. Sekiranya anda bekerja usaha anda! **Jutawan tahu secara jelas dan terperinci apa yang diinginkan. Matlamat mereka adalah jelas dan jitu. Matlamat mereka adalah besar dan sukar untuk dicapai- tetapi, tidak mustahil. Mereka yakin bahawa tidak kira besar mana pun matlamat yang di letakkan, pastinya ia akan tercapai. Keyakinan dan kejituan diri sendiri mengejar m...


The Qur’an on Jihad ‘ Jihad is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike something which is good for you and that you like something which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.’ (Surat-al-Baqarah (2), ayah 216) ‘O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or go out to fight: 'If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed,' so that Allah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allah that gives life and causes death. And Allah is All-Seer of what you do. And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that they amass (of worldly wealth etc.). And whether you die, or are killed, verily, unto Allah you shall be gathered.’ (Surat-aal-Imran (3), ayah 156-158) Notice how "forg...